Unmatched Dominance/C893 Slaughter
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Unmatched Dominance/C893 Slaughter
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C893 Slaughter


The Evil Cauldron emerged, floating out from Yu Yuan's Purple Palace point and hovering three inches above his head.

With a mere flicker of thought, the cauldron, named Blood Moon by its own choosing, soared out and morphed into a hazy blood shadow.

In a flash, the shadow split into dozens, each one lunging at the Dragon Servitors in attendance.

Effortlessly, every blood shadow penetrated a Dragon Servitor's body.

The dragon breath, rich in their blood, was swiftly drained by the Blood Moon's avatar, leaving them as desiccated husks.

Thud! Thud!

One by one, the once menacing Dragon Servitors grew pale, succumbing to death before their bodies even touched the ground.

The Blood Moon's avatar, having drained their vital essence, emerged from their withered forms and coalesced once more.

"Blood, Blood God Cult!"

The one with the fierce green dragon tattoo on his neck bit into his fingertip, releasing a drop of dark green essence that formed an enigmatic seal.

A diminutive green dragon emerged, its body shimmering with a soft green glow as it shook its head and swished its tail.


The green dragon let out a roar, repelling an assaulting Blood Moon clone, preventing it from drawing near.

"My master will arrive shortly! You won't get away with killing my brethren, you brat!"

The Dragon Servitor, blessed by the green dragon with a drop of pure dragon blood, used it to narrowly evade doom.

Behind him, a nebulous green dragon took shape, its origin traceable to the tattoo on the servitor's neck, as if a totem had come to life.

Empowered by the distant strength of his master, the Dragon Servitor swelled with newfound might, his muscles expanding to the point of bursting his garments.


Beneath his skin, scales as translucent as emerald jade sprouted forth.

In mere moments, the Dragon Servitor was clad in a suit of dragon scale armor, his presence magnified manifold.

The Blood Moon's split shadow was repelled by the formidable green dragon, its overwhelming dragon blood deterring any approach.

Yu Yuan remained unfazed, aware that once the Blood Moon's avatars reunited, they would have the strength to vanquish the Dragon Servitor.

After communicating with Yu Yiyi, he learned that the Blood Moon could refine a body akin to the Ice Concubine's by continuously drawing in the potent blood of vicious beasts and other races.

A Fiend Demon, once endowed with a physical form like that of a Devaputra, would experience a dramatic surge in combat prowess.

At the very least, with a corporeal shield to protect its spirit, it wouldn't be nearly as vulnerable to cultivators from the Thunder Sect wielding the Divine Thunder Secret Arts.

"Are you truly Yu Yuan?"

In that moment, Wen Xin gripped her Dragon Head Staff, feeling as though she was in a dream.

The young man from the Yu family of Darkmoon City in the Silvermoon Empire had become a frequent topic of conversation through her sources. The recent descriptions she had heard were far from mere flattery.

Her inquiries were spurred by a tale from a Babel Chamber of Commerce traveler who spoke of Yu Yuan's exploits.

Yu Yuan's name was linked to places like the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, Luan Bird City, Horror Land, and now Evil Peak—all with connections to foreign races.

"No wonder he could instantly discern that the girl was of mixed heritage!"

Wen Xin's eyes sparkled with realization.

"I will save you this once. But when the Medicine Sect calls, she must tap into her bloodline to aid with the medicinal herbs," Yu Yuan stated while simultaneously communicating with the cauldron soul.

"No problem!" Wen Xin responded eagerly.

"I wasn't speaking to you." Yu Yuan's expression grew stern as he turned to the animated Wen Lu. "You need to decide for yourself."

"I'll follow your lead!" Wen Lu hastily declared her stance.

Yu Yuan refrained from further discussion with the two women.

With a mere thought, the Ice Concubine, a deity of frost, emerged gracefully from the Evil Cauldron following the Blood Moon.

Her appearance transformed the surroundings into a harsh realm of ice and snow.

Wen Xin and Wen Lu shivered as they gazed up at the Ice Concubine with awe.

The Blood Moon had volunteered, and now the Ice Concubine was summoned. Within the Evil Cauldron, several Fiend Demons of equal stature to the Blood Moon awaited their call.

"There's no need to hurry."

With a mere thought, Yu Yuan quelled Yu Yiyi's impulsive urge to act.

At that moment, the various incarnations of the Blood Moon were rapidly coalescing. The Blood Moon, having detected the scent of the Eighth Level Green Dragon's breath within the Dragon Servitors, devoured their blood to assimilate the dragon's essence. This process was beneficial for its own advancement, prompting it to reveal itself.

Yu Yuan was aware that once the Blood Moon's avatars merged, the Dragon Servitor possessing a drop of green dragon blood was doomed.

That drop of green dragon blood represented a sumptuous feast for the Blood Moon, an unparalleled delicacy.

"I must keep a closer watch on the Blood Moon, collecting more refined blood essence to aid in fortifying its physique," Yu Yuan silently resolved.


Yang Chuhe, upon sensing the presence of the Ice Concubine, felt a shift in his spirit due to the aura of the Nether Abyss.

For reasons unknown, the sight of the Evil Demon emerging from the Evil Cauldron filled him with a sense of foreboding.

After a brief hesitation, he transformed into a stream and swiftly flowed into the nearby Cang River.

The presence of the Ice Concubine instilled fear in him.

Still nursing the wounds from his fight with Old Cash, he had not yet fully healed through the powers of the Cang River.

Thus, sensing danger, he hastily retreated to the Cang River, intending to harness its energies for a quick getaway.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The Cang River, shrouded in a cold mist, began to freeze over.

Yang Chuhe, now a stream, collided with the solid ice, his head spinning as he reverted to his true form.

Standing on the icy river, Yang Chuhe's face contorted with dread.

The Ice Concubine, exuding the chilling aura of the Nether Abyss, seemed to be his natural nemesis, her power to freeze all in her path overwhelming him.

Moreover, her combat prowess and mastery of the icy elements far surpassed his own practice of the Great Way of Water.

"How can there be such a fearsome and peculiar Evil Demon!" lamented Yang Chuhe, quickly realizing that this Ice Concubine was a hundredfold more formidable than Old Cash, who had grievously wounded him.


Yang Chuhe transformed into a stream of water, opting not to merge with the Cangjiang River but instead fleeing along its banks, heading directly into the heartland of the Rainier Empire.

Above him, the Ice Concubine, enshrouded in a chilling frost and burning with dark blue flames, observed from the sky, calmly pursuing him.

"Yu Yuan! If you dare to chase me, you're signing your own death warrant!"

"The moment you show yourself, Taoist Chongxiao and Taoist Tianjing will be alerted to your location! I'm convinced that at this very moment, those two are already en route!"

Yang Chuhe yelled as he fled, hoping to dissuade the Ice Concubine from relentless pursuit and instead persuade her to turn back and protect Yu Yuan.

"They may not be masters of spatial powers, but what of it if they're at the Yang God Stage?" Yu Yuan remained composed. "Even for Yang God Stage experts, it would take hours to fly here from the vicinity of the Seven Divine Sect. And you, you won't last long enough to see them arrive before my Evil Demon annihilates you."

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

With a sweep of her sleeves, the Ice Concubine sent forth beams of glittering ice light, laden with the profound essence of freezing cold, into the river Yang Chuhe was escaping through, icing over both the water and the air above.

Clusters of dark blue flames, like sprites born from the depths of the Outland Star River, targeted Yang Chuhe from a distance.

Within his Consciousness Little World, Yang Chuhe's soul was enveloped in a swirling cold mist.

He shuddered intermittently, his dread of the Ice Concubine deepening by the moment.

Injured and only in the middle period of the Soul Wandering Stage, he stood little chance against the Ice Concubine at her zenith, whose combat prowess rivaled that of a Yang God. Without outside intervention, his fate was sealed.


A multitude of blood shadows abruptly contracted, coalescing into one.

Within this newly formed blood shadow, delicate green dragons writhed, deceptively adorable in appearance.

But once the blood moon had gathered all its fragments, these slender dragons were as if ripped apart by unseen hands, swiftly consumed.

Atop the heads of the remaining Dragon Servitors, a nebulous green dragon unleashed a thunderous roar of rage.

Yu Yuan didn't have to guess to realize that the dragons swirling within the blood moon were none other than the refined dragon breaths bestowed by the Eighth Level green dragon from Hidden Dragon Lake upon its Dragon Servitors.

This dragon breath, a fragment of the green dragon's power, was customarily reclaimed upon a Dragon Servitor's death.

Typically residing within the Dragon Servitors, the breath would siphon their vital essence to grow stronger.

While Dragon Servitors and their colossal dragon counterparts appeared to have a symbiotic relationship, the truth was that everything was done in the service of dragonkind.

The behemoth dragons of Hidden Dragon Lake entrusted their dragon breath, blood, and even souls to the Dragon Servitors and those who nurtured dragons, using them as vessels to amplify their own might. As the servitors and nurturers grew in power, so too did the dragons' breath and souls.

Upon the death of these individuals, the released dragon breath and souls could be recaptured, emerging even more potent than before.

Thus, the Eighth Level green dragon was utterly indifferent to the fate of its Dragon Servitors. Its primary concern was the ability to reclaim its power.

Libre Baskerville
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