Unmatched Dominance/C898 Taoist Xinshang
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Unmatched Dominance/C898 Taoist Xinshang
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C898 Taoist Xinshang

In a forest stained with blood, Bai Shenshen's decapitated body lay, her eyes wide with despair and terror.

She was not alone; dozens of Medicine Sect cultivators met their end in the Jade Peak forest, including several invaluable alchemists.

Training an alchemist was no small feat, requiring a wealth of heavenly treasures.

The value of an alchemist was universally acknowledged, coveted by countless sects and clans as a rare treasure.

"He's lost his mind! Loong Qi and Hidden Dragon Lake must have gone mad!"

Wen Xin was beside herself, shouting in disbelief, unable to accept the reality before her eyes—that the green dragon named Loong Qi would dare to unleash such carnage in the Jade Peak forest.

Though the Medicine Sect was not particularly powerful, the Medicine God Sect standing behind it was not to be underestimated.

The current Sect Master, Zhong Chichen, was renowned not only for his profound alchemy skills but also for his cultivation and combat prowess. Moreover, Zhong Chichen had forged many strong alliances with peers.

Once Zhong Chichen rallied his forces, he could march on Hidden Dragon Lake and compel every dragon to submit.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the Evil Cauldron neared the majestic palace of the Medicine Sect, Yu Yuan witnessed dazzling pillars of light piercing the heavens.

Within these pillars, visions of medicinal cauldrons, herbs, flames, and pellets swirled, creating an enigmatic and magical formation.

Near Chilly Wind Valley, poisonous miasma billowed, and lethal winds howled.

Sensing something, Yu Yuan glanced between the Medicine Sect's palace and Chilly Wind Valley. A sudden intuition struck him. "Chilly Wind Valley!" he exclaimed.

The Evil Cauldron made a beeline for the valley, a place he knew well from his past life.

As the cauldron settled in the valley, the lethal miasma, clouds of smoke, and the fearsome winds beneath the earth seemed to retreat.

"The Evil Cauldron!"

Joyful cries of surprise echoed from within the valley as one seasoned alchemist after another, their faces etched with age, dared to emerge.

Shi Yuxuan, the current leader of the Medicine Sect, was present as well. At the sight of the Evil Cauldron, his tightly wound nerves eased slightly.

Then, as if struck by a sudden realization, Shi Yuxuan urgently called out, "Yu Yuan, you must leave at once! Head to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the Silvermoon Empire—anywhere but here!"

"Yu Yuan, as the direct disciple of the Medicine God Hong Qi, we're counting on you to take a stand for us!"

"At Hidden Dragon Lake, a green dragon by the name of Loong Qi has had the audacity to wreak havoc in our Jade Peak! You must ensure they pay for their actions!"

The elderly alchemists, their faces etched with despair, cried out in anguish around the Evil Cauldron, their laments echoing far and wide.

"What in the world is happening? Where's my mother? What about Mr. Yan?" Yu Yuan asked, turning to Shi Yuxuan for answers.

"Xiao Rou only recently awoke. Upon receiving the news, Mr. Yan rushed to take her to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area," Shi Yuxuan explained with urgency. "Not long after Mr. Yan's departure, that green dragon from Hidden Dragon Lake made its move. I have reason to believe..."

Shi Yuxuan's voice dropped to a whisper.

"I suspect that the green dragon's brazen behavior is backed by the Medicine God Sect. Without their silent consent, Hidden Dragon Lake wouldn't dare cross the Medicine Sect like this!"

"Recently, Chu Yao from the Medicine God Sect demanded we deliver our medicinal herbs ahead of schedule. I refused, citing that it wasn't time yet."

"Furthermore, upon waking, Xiao Rou revealed that your father is being held captive by Hidden Dragon Lake. She also mentioned that the Medicine God Sect has had a hand in certain affairs."

Shi Yuxuan's revelations struck a chord deep within Yu Yuan's heart.

"The complicity of the Medicine God Sect!" Yu Yuan's complexion turned steel gray, his frame quivering with barely contained rage.

"Loong Qi is still lurking around the Jade Peak Mountains, not too far from here. Make haste to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area!" Shi Yuxuan's voice rose with conviction as he spoke once more, "Don't worry about us! The Chilly Wind Valley is shrouded in a residual miasma cloud from ancient times, which that green dragon dares not penetrate."


Yu Yuan clenched his jaw, aware that this was no time for affectation, and prepared to extricate himself from the situation.

"Loong Qi has escaped!"

In that instant, Lulu, from within the cauldron, witnessed the green dragon at Hidden Dragon Lake through the omnipresent trees. The sharp branches filling the dragon's scale crevices were pulverized into sawdust.

An elder with seven rings on his arm materialized above the dragon's head, his expression one of distress.

A soft glow of golden light enveloped the dragon's nearly hundred-meter-long body, freeing Loong Qi from the entangling brambles.

The troubled old man removed a ring and tossed it skyward.

Suddenly, a rainbow materialized in the skies above Chilly Wind Valley.

The appearance of the rainbow left everyone in the valley feeling as though their souls were anchored, their movements sluggish and awkward.

"There's an old man with rings on his left arm," Lulu reported hurriedly, relaying the intelligence from the vegetation. "He's the one who extricated the green dragon. The rings above our heads, they appeared because of him, too."


Shi Yuxuan jolted, his complexion turning ghostly pale. "That's Taoist Xinshang from the Spirit Void Sect! I was fortunate enough to encounter him once in the Crack Archipelago! He's an early Unrestrained Stage cultivator! And there's no known alliance between the Spirit Void Sect and Hidden Dragon Lake!"

"Taoist Xinshang!" Wen Xin's face darkened.

After a brief pause, she blurted out, "Yu, Yu, I've heard the Spirit Void Sect has been causing you trouble. That, that dispute you have with them, it has nothing to do with the Wen family, right?"

"Lulu, shall we take our leave now?"

Upon learning that an Unrestrained Stage cultivator from the Spirit Void Sect had quietly arrived at Jade Peak, not far from their location, Wen Xin was eager to distance herself from Yu Yuan.

An Unrestrained Stage cultivator was a being even more transcendent than Loong Qi of the Eighth Level.

Wen Xin had spent her entire life on the Profound Sky Continent, only hearing tales of Unrestrained Stage cultivators, never having laid eyes on one herself.

Confronted by such a fearsome individual intent on capturing Yu Yuan, she believed their only chance at survival lay in parting ways with him.

"Taoist Xinshang!"

"Is he aiding Hidden Dragon Lake?"

Wen Xin wasn't the only one gripped by fear; the Medicine Sect survivors concealed in Chilly Wind Valley, hoping to use the toxic miasma and smoke to evade the green dragon's assault, were utterly panic-stricken.

This included their Sect Master, Shi Yuxuan.

"It's too late now."

Glancing at the rainbow arching across the sky and feeling its soul-binding power, he realized the newcomer was an Unrestrained Stage cultivator from the Spirit Void Sect.

With the ring released at such close range, locking onto Chilly Wind Valley, evasion was futile.

Against an adversary of this caliber, the Evil Cauldron's swift flight and any attempts at hiding were laughably ineffective.

"Our only hope lies with the Soul Transformation Pool in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, and that malevolent statue."

In that moment, Yu Yuan shut out all external noise, ignoring Wen Xin's pleas and the clamor of the Medicine Sect members.

He stilled his heart and reached out with his soul to connect with the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

Thankfully, Jade Peak wasn't an Illusion Pearl, not a separate microcosm.

With a single thought, he instantly sensed the presence of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the Soul Transformation Pool, and felt the evil statue responding!

To his astonishment, Fallen Star Eyes and Lau Ying were also within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area!

The rustling and cracking sounds of the green dragon crushing vegetation as it flew low, its roars echoing in the distance, filled the air.

An exceptional figure emerged silently within the rainbow's core.

With a sour expression and a reluctant demeanor, he stood within the rainbow's embrace, gazing down at Chilly Wind Valley and murmured to himself, "The trap is set, and with Chongxiao and Tianjing en route, there's no need for haste. I'll leave the next steps to them."

Taoist Xinshang, ever the opportunist, seemed content to have cornered Yu Yuan, considering his mission accomplished.

At Hidden Dragon Lake, an Eighth Level green dragon should hardly fear the poisonous mists of Chilly Wind Valley, right?" He gazed with curiosity at Loong Qi, whom he had rescued.

The bleeding between Loong Qi's scales had ceased, and the once gaping wounds were now completely healed.

The regenerative powers of an Eighth Level dragon were nothing short of remarkable. Though the injuries appeared severe, they were merely superficial; the dragon's bones remained unscathed.

As the nearly hundred-meter-long green dragon came to a halt before Chilly Wind Valley, it transformed into a man with a stern countenance and dragon horns upon his brow. "Lulu, and the young ones from Darkmoon City, come forth and meet your end!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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