Unmatched Dominance/C906 The Reason
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Unmatched Dominance/C906 The Reason
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C906 The Reason

Xi Quan drew a slender sword from its sheath, a blade refined from the cherished bones of her beloved.

With a gentle flick of her wrist, the sword's intent that filled the valley coalesced into a forest of dense white light.

The aura of desolate death radiated from Taoist Chongxiao and Taoist Tianjing, their eyes swirling with the ashen hue of those who knew their end was nigh.

Sword lights surged from every direction, swiftly engulfing the pair.

Amidst the endless sea of sword lights, the two Yang God Stage cultivators desperately summoned copper bells, crystal swords, jade plates, and a multitude of divine treasures in a futile attempt to fend off the onslaught.

Yet, none could withstand Xi Quan's relentless white sword light for long before shattering.

"Xinshang, will you merely watch them perish, or will you join them in death?" Lvliu asked, her voice serene amidst the emerald waters of the celestial lake.

Taoist Xinshang remained silent, his face clouded with somberness.

"Heed my advice, return to your Spirit Void Sect without delay," Lvliu continued.

"What do you imply?" Xinshang asked, taken aback.

"It's not just the three of you; several other Taoists from the Spirit Void Sect are targeted as well," Lvliu explained calmly. "Someone intends to make an example of your sect to send a clear message to all factions within the Boundless Land."

Lvliu left the statement hanging, the implication clear yet unspoken.

The sizzling white sword lights, imbued with the essence of deathly silence, had already shattered the last of Taoist Tianjing and Taoist Chongxiao's protective treasures, penetrating their flesh and souls.

Xinshang glanced down, then abruptly turned, propelling himself away within a halo of rainbow light, without further inquiry.


"Young Master!"

At that moment, Yu Yuan heard the urgent calls of Qi Yunhong and Qin Yun from beyond the valley.

"Yu Yuan, make haste to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and use the space teleportation array to reach the Evil Sect," Lvliu urged, now that Xinshang had departed and the fates of Tianjing and Chongxiao were sealed.

The two Yang God Stage cultivators bore the appearance of cracked porcelain, riddled with fine fractures yet devoid of blood.

Yu Yuan, close by, sensed their dwindling vitality and the insidious corruption of their spirits by the minuscule sword lights within them. Their chances of survival were all but extinguished.

Tianjing and Chongxiao were among the Spirit Void Sect's elite warriors, yet they stood no chance against Xi Quan.

The inherent lethality of a sword cultivator was already formidable, and Xi Quan's sword spell was one of the most extreme within the Sword Sect. Coupled with their superior level, Yu Yuan wasn't surprised by their defeat.

What did astonish him, however, was Xi Quan's apparent intent to have Tianjing and Chongxiao meet their end in Chilly Wind Valley.

"Why didn't you make your move sooner?" Yu Yuan grumbled.

Xi Quan had been in Chilly Wind Valley for some time. By the time he was under attack by Tianjing and Taoist Chongxiao, Xi Quan likely had already concealed himself deep underground.

Yet, Xi Quan delayed his intervention, nearly depleting the sword intent and brilliance from Yu Yuan's scabbard.

He also narrowly avoided a grievous injury from Taoist Chongxiao's Soul Artifact.

"You're not dead, are you?" Xi Quan, ceasing her swordplay, gave him a cold glance. "I only assured others that I wouldn't let you die."

"She needed to charge her sword early and seal off the valley to thwart their escape tactics," Lvliu called down from above.

"Capturing two late-stage Yang God Taoists from the Spirit Void Sect is no small feat without the proper setup. It's quite a challenge to ensure their demise," Qi Yunhong explained upon his arrival in the valley, following Yu Yuan's complaint. "Master, I'm relieved to see you unharmed."

Upon their next encounter, Yu Yuan, once defiant and wild, adopted a more subdued demeanor.

The destruction of his Yang God form at the hands of Tianjing, Chongxiao, and Chu Jing within the Illusion Pearl was a bitter pill to swallow.

His resentment ran deep.

Now, the Spirit Void Sect's two Yang God Stage Taoists had fallen to Xi Quan's Withered Sword, with Lvliu from the Demon Palace providing support.

The architect of this turn of events was none other than Yu Yuan, the master he served.

"The colossal void soul I witnessed within the spirit puppet must surely belong to an ancient giant from the Divine Soul Sect," Qi Yunhong mused silently.

The elders of the Medicine Sect, Shi Yuxuan among them, emerged from below after sensing the commotion.



As soon as they surfaced, they beheld the two Yang God Stage Taoists from the Spirit Void Sect, their forms shrouded in a deathly aura and engulfed by stark white sword light.

The green dragon that had wreaked havoc in the Jade Peak Mountains had vanished without a trace.

The underground elders of the Medicine Sect, who had caught wind of the disturbance, were still in disbelief.

Only Shi Yuxuan, familiar with the rumors of Loong Qi from the Demon Palace, faced the Demon Palace's Grand Commander, now in human form following Taoist Xinshang's departure. He bowed deeply in gratitude, "I am Shi Yuxuan, the current Sect Master of the Medicine Sect. My thanks to you, Lord Lvliu, for avenging the deaths of many disciples at the hands of Loong Qi from Hidden Dragon Lake."

"I did not act on behalf of the Medicine Sect," Lvliu replied coolly.

"I am aware, yet my gratitude remains," Shi Yuxuan responded.

"Yu Yuan, don't linger in the Jade Peak Mountain Range," Lvliu urged with growing impatience. "You ought to attend the upcoming grand event at the Evil Sect."

"Oh," Yu Yuan acknowledged.

"Um..." Shi Yuxuan hesitated, then with a firm resolve, he ventured, "Might I inquire if I am eligible to attend this grand event?"

Yu Yuan was taken aback. "What?"

"Sect Master!" The exclamation came from the other elders of the Medicine Sect, who were visibly shaken by his bold query.

Even Lvliu appeared surprised, her gaze fixed on Shi Yuxuan in a way that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Are you certain you wish to attend this grand gathering?" Lvliu inquired.

With a deep breath, Shi Yuxuan nodded emphatically, "Absolutely."

"Sect Master!" The elders of the Medicine Sect converged on him, their faces etched with panic, as they desperately tried to reason with him.

Yu Yuan found the whole situation perplexing. The Medicine Sect, a vassal to the Medicine God Sect, had always been obedient. For Shi Yuxuan, as the sect master, to consider attending an event at the Evil Sect, regardless of his status, was an ominous sign for the Medicine Sect.

The Medicine Sect might find itself at odds not only with the three great upper sects but also with the Demon Palace and all the current factions on the Boundless Land.

Yu Yuan couldn't fathom why Shi Yuxuan would act this way.

"The highly likely reason for Loong Qi's arrival is that it was orchestrated by the Medicine God Sect!" Shi Yuxuan, exasperated by the incessant questioning of the elders, dropped a bombshell. "Chu Yao demanded we submit our medicinal herbs early. I refused, citing that it wasn't time yet. Shortly thereafter, the green dragon from Hidden Dragon Lake made its move."

"Shen Shen is dead, and many of our disciples have been slaughtered by Loong Qi!"

Shi Yuxuan's voice was laced with fury, his eyes nearly bursting with rage.

"This is a warning from the Medicine God Sect for our disobedience! When Rou Rou awoke, I pressed her for the truth, but she remained evasive, unwilling to divulge the full story. I had an ominous feeling."

"Rou Rou's soul was confined, and your father was detained at Hidden Dragon Lake. It's highly probable that members of the Medicine God Sect are implicated."

"Rou Rou understood that the Medicine Sect's survival hinged on the support of the Medicine God Sect. Aware of the delicate relationship between the two, she didn't want to put me in a difficult position, fearing that my rash actions could bring disaster upon the Medicine Sect. That's why she kept silent."

"Regrettably, shortly after Mr. Yan took her away, that green dragon returned and brazenly embarked on a killing spree!"

"Would Loong Qi dare such an act without the tacit approval of the Medicine God Sect? For a century, the dragons of Hidden Dragon Lake have never once crossed us. Why now, of all times?"

The more he spoke, the more impassioned Shi Yuxuan became, his eyes burning with a mix of hatred and madness.

"Ever since the current sect leader took charge, the Medicine God Sect has never truly acknowledged us. Ultimately, it's because the previous two sect leaders of the Medicine Sect were unwavering allies of the Medicine God, Hong Qi!"

With this final statement, Shi Yuxuan hit the crux of the matter.

Yu Yuan, the protagonist, listened intently, his response unspoken.

Libre Baskerville
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