Unmatched Dominance/C907 The Change in Attitude
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Unmatched Dominance/C907 The Change in Attitude
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C907 The Change in Attitude

A stream of jade-green water flowed serenely around the Evil Cauldron as it soared through the void. This tranquil escort was courtesy of the Green Willow Demon.

Upon awakening from her faint and interring Wen Xin, the half-blood girl felt a measure of relief as the Evil Cauldron drifted further from Chilly Wind Valley. She dabbed at the cold sweat on her smooth forehead with a handkerchief.

Lulu, having come to, stood trembling beside Xi Quan, known as the Withered Sword. Despite Xi Quan's efforts to contain her aura, Lulu's unique bloodline made her acutely aware of the deadly sword intent emanating from her.

The pervasive sword intent and the Dark Elfkind blood coursing through Lulu's veins were in a constant state of tension and opposition.

Being in Chilly Wind Valley with Xi Quan left Lulu feeling uneasy everywhere she went, involuntarily breaking out in cold sweat.

Xi Quan, too, felt an instinctive aversion to the girl with the distinctive Dark Elfkind lineage.

Whenever she caught sight of Lulu, an impulse would surge within her to draw her sword and dispatch Lulu to join her late great-grandmother in the afterlife.

Sensing Xi Quan's hostility, Lulu shuddered. With Yu Yuan's reassurance, she buried Wen Xin in the valley before retreating into the safety of the Evil Cauldron.

"That's terrifying. Brother Yu, who is that?" she asked, clutching her chest and struggling to regulate her breath and heartbeat, striving to maintain her composure.

Her dread of Xi Quan had even eclipsed the sorrow of Wen Xin's demise.

"A practitioner from the Sword Sect at the Unrestrained Stage, who once vanquished a Heavenly Demon in the Outland Star River," Yu Yuan explained nonchalantly. "We'll address your injuries once we reach the Evil Sect."

"Oh, alright, alright," Lulu responded, nodding eagerly, like a pecking chick.

Her bloodline was depleted, yet she bore no grave wounds. Indeed, she could have swiftly healed amidst the lush forests of Jade Peak, thanks to the mystical properties of her lineage.

However, her fear of Xi Quan compelled her to forgo healing in Jade Peak, opting instead to accompany Yu Yuan to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and thereafter to the Evil Sect.

"Young Master, aren't they coming with us to the Evil Sect?" Qin Yun inquired, puzzled.

After some urging from Lulu, and before Xi Quan could finish off Tianjing and Chongxiao, a jade-green stream was summoned, providing them safe passage to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

"Xi Quan is determined to uproot the problem, and Lvliu needs some time to process that dragon," Yu Yuan remarked.

"Without Mr. Yan here, does the young master know anyone in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area?" Qin Yun asked, concern lacing his voice. Having known the area since his youth and its dangers, he feared unexpected events might occur.

At his words, Shi Yuxuan, who had insisted on coming along, tensed up.

"Yu Yuan, I've heard... you can control the grand array within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area?" Shi Yuxuan managed a smile. "We won't encounter any danger inside, will we?"

The Jade Peak Mountain Range bordered the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. Not long ago, cultivators from the Primordial Yang Sect, who had been in the vicinity, were engaged in combat against Outland Evil Demons and foreign entities. Shi Yuxuan was well aware of the intricacies of these battles.

He also knew that the Heavenly Source Continent's cultivators, represented by the Primordial Yang Sect, had not come out ahead.

At times, he could spot terrifying demonic silhouettes soaring over Jade Peak, and alien beings streaking across the sky.

All emanated from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, each possessing combat prowess on par with or surpassing that of Loong Qi.

His concern was only natural.

"Why must you be so stubborn? Isn't it pleasant to stay within Jade Peak?" Yu Yuan chided him. "Why rush to the Evil Sect before things are clear? Are you trying to pick sides prematurely? Do you realize the repercussions for the Medicine Sect if you choose poorly?"

He had already learned that Shi Yuxuan was once his follower, the disciple of his disciple.

Shi Yuxuan's master's master, the former Sect Master of the Medicine Sect, had been one of his loyal confidants.

That was why Yu Zhu had been sent to Jade Peak and why the Ghosts Poisoning Array in Chilly Wind Valley had been established.

No wonder Zhong Chichen held a grudge against the Medicine Sect after Yu Zhu's complete destruction.

In Yu Yuan's mind, Shi Yuxuan was the descendant of his former follower, and thus naturally his junior.

Yet in this life, due to his mother Kin Rourou, he was technically the younger one.

Whenever Shi Yuxuan gazed at him with the affectionate eyes of an elder admiring a promising youth in the family, Yu Yuan couldn't help but feel awkward.

Shi Yuxuan had become an open book, transparent in his feelings. Despite his disdain for his father, Yu Jue, he couldn't deny his own bloodline.

His every action and word increasingly affirmed this recognition. When he stroked his beard and smiled, his pride was unmistakable.

"You are the direct disciple of the Medicine God, Hong Qi! Our Medicine Sect, including my master and his master before him, we're all disciples of Hong Qi!" Shi Yuxuan declared, his face flushed with fervent conviction, "Zhong Chichen must have resorted to some despicable trickery to undermine him!"

Qi Yunhong and Qin Yun exchanged glances, their expressions tinged with bemusement.

"You're quite the steadfast old fellow, aren't you?" Qi Yunhong remarked with a hint of amazement, "It's hard to believe, truly, that someone of your caliber is leading the modest Medicine Sect."

"Yu Yuan is a gentle soul, one of our own. What's wrong with standing firmly by his side?" Shi Yuxuan retorted with a defiant air.

The Green Willow Demon, "Withered Sword" Xi Quan, Yan Qiling, and now Qi Yunhong and Qin Yun...

The goodwill and supportive stance these formidable beings had shown Yu Yuan bolstered Shi Yuxuan's resolve, spurring him to make a bold decision amidst his indignation.

— To break free from the control of the Medicine God Sect and seize the opportunity for vengeance!

"There's no problem, none at all," Qi Yunhong muttered, shrinking back slightly.

He recognized that, regardless of the circumstances, Shi Yuxuan was a respected elder to Yu Yuan.

Upon their arrival at the Evil Sect, should Kin Rourou speak favorably of Shi Yuxuan to Yu Yuan, it might well soften Yu Yuan's view of him.

Crossing Shi Yuxuan, it was clear, would be unwise.

"Enough with the noise, we're almost there," Yu Yuan called out.

With a whoosh, the verdant river that had been their guide reversed its flow as they approached the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. The voice of Lvliu echoed faintly, "No delays, let's head to the Evil Sect without further ado!"


Yu Yuan responded coolly as the Evil Cauldron stepped into the forbidden territory. He sent out a pulse of his soul sense, briefly scanning the area, and noted that the once teeming forbidden land now hosted few powerful spirits.

It appeared that all the formidable figures had departed.

"Yu Yuan!"

At the heart of the forbidden zone, Lau Ying stood by the Fallen Star Eyes, vigorously waving her hand.

Next to the Fallen Star Eyes, Old Cash's Jade Tower was also present. He burst into joyful surprise, shouting, "Yu, I just knew nothing would happen to you. Heh, you even took down Chu Jing from the Spirit Void Sect. You continue to astonish me."

Lau Ying and Old Cash were stationed at the location of the space teleportation array. Along with them was another acquaintance, Ho Zhan, the direct disciple from the Spiritual Void Sect.

Ho Zhan was the elder who, alongside President Lyi and Yan Qiling, had worked to fortify the space at the Desolate Swamp.

Catching Yu Yuan's attention, Ho Zhan offered a smile and a nod, "Mr. Yan has tasked me with overseeing this space array for the time being."

"Much appreciated," Yu Yuan acknowledged with a nod.

The Evil Cauldron increased its speed, and soon, Yu Yuan arrived before the Fallen Star Eyes and Jade Tower.

"Lau Ying, what are you thinking? You should be safe and sound at Jade Peak, not here in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area," Yu Yuan scolded, his face stern.

As the Silver Moon Sect's next leader and prized disciple, Lau Ying had everything she needed at Jade Peak.

By venturing into the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, she had given the three upper sects a pretext and a reason to hold them accountable.

It was common knowledge that the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area was under the Divine Soul Sect's influence. Lau Ying, by entering the heartland of the Divine Soul Sect, were you signaling that the Silver Moon Sect was seeking an alliance with them?

"I... I was ensnared by it," Lau Ying said, pointing to the evil statue in the sky with a woeful expression. "In my dreams, I heard its faint whispers and wandered into the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area in a daze. Once inside, I found no way out. If anyone asks, I'll claim I was taken captive."

"How exactly did you end up here?" Yu Yuan inquired, puzzled.

Lau Ying bit her lip, glancing at Shi Yuxuan, Qi Yunhong, Lulu, and the others, remaining silent.

"Mr. He, does anyone know about her arrival here?" Yu Yuan probed.

After a moment's thought, Ho Zhan nodded, "It's unlikely she could conceal her entry into the forbidden area. However, what she said and did within these confines will remain unseen by those outside."

"I hope there's still a chance to make things right," Yu Yuan murmured to himself.

"I need to speak with you in private!" Lau Ying called out from atop the Fallen Star Eyes, beckoning him with a wave of her hand to join her.


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