Unmatched Dominance/C914 A Wonderful Move
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Unmatched Dominance/C914 A Wonderful Move
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C914 A Wonderful Move

At the Evil Sect, the grand trade fair was set to last a mere five days.

After those five days, every foreign and local cultivator would be required to depart.

During this period, neither foreign nor local cultivators would be charged even a single Spirit Stone.

However, at the next fair, participants would be expected to pay a certain number of Spirit Stones for admission, the exact amount yet to be determined.

"Inside, there are countless rare treasures from beyond our world, all incredibly cheap!"

"Pei Tianji snagged a vine of the Star Soul Vine for fifty thousand Spirit Stones! And the Black Thorn Wood? The price was practically a steal!"

"We've only got five days. Miss this, and who knows when the next chance will come!"

"I can't wait any longer! Even if it means taking a risk, I'm going in!"


The attendees, initially scattered around the mountains' edges, buzzed with conversation and indecision, yet one by one, they made their way into the Evil Sect.

As soon as one person led the way, others quickly followed suit. Before long, those who had been hesitating at the mountain's base were steadily streaming in.

Yu Yuan, perched atop Evil Peak, listened in through the Evil Demon lurking in the shadows. He was acutely aware of the conversations below and the shifting tides of their inner thoughts.

This allowed him to deduce President Lyi's strategy.

Through this lavish trade fair, President Lyi had given all the local cultivators of the Boundless Land a taste of success, showing them that numerous exotic treasures could be had for a fraction of their worth.

He had enlightened them to the deeper reasons behind the steep prices at the Babel Chamber of Commerce.

In essence, President Lyi had sown a seed in the minds of all who attended.

Once the trade fair concluded, word of the transactions at the Evil Sect would rapidly spread throughout the Boundless Land by the Blood God Cult, Filthy Spirit Sect, Clouds Sect, Artifact Sect, Ancient Desolate Sect, and numerous other minor sects and independent cultivators.

In due time, the seven lower sects of the Heavenly Source Continent, the Red Devil Sect, Fiend Sect, and other such powers would all be privy to the details of what transpired at the Evil Sect.

The revelation that treasures and precious materials from the Outland Star River could be obtained at such low prices was bound to cause an uproar!

Individuals like Pei Tianji and Liang Mo would undoubtedly await the next fair with eager anticipation.

At that point, they would willingly fork over the costly Spirit Stones.

President Lyi stands to reap enormous benefits from them and the foreign visitors during the next exchange.

Next time, even more sects and individual practitioners will be clamoring to attend.

President Lyi has effortlessly divided them, transforming their centuries-old ideologies.

"What a masterstroke," Yu Yuan admired greatly.

He could already envision the next gathering, a daunting spectacle of outsiders and local cultivators packed like sardines amidst the mountains.

"Tsk tsk."

With narrowed eyes, Zhongli observed the animated crowd and remarked, "Were I in the shoes of those from the three upper sects, the Devil Palace, and the Demon Palace, I'd be quite troubled. To keep the situation from spiraling out of control, I might just make an example of some, eliminating those who dare to infiltrate the Evil Sect, as a warning to others!"

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuan's face took on a hint of concern.

He suddenly realized that the visions he had seen through the Fallen Star Eyes were a direct result of this trade fair.

Due to President Lyi and the Divine Soul Sect's cunning ploy, the five paramount powers had no choice but to resort to brutal tactics, forcing the Blood God Cult, Filthy Spirit Sect, and Clouds Sect to suffer consequences.

Only by doing so could they prevent the current frenzy from recurring at the next grand event.

By this time, the mountain peak was nearly deserted.

Shi Yuxuan, Qin Yun, Old Cash, and even the soul spirits from Horror Land had all surged towards the valley palace, mingling with the extraterrestrial races.

Chen Langzhi, Rong Xun, Xie Binn, and Lee Yu hurriedly sought out spiritual materials appropriate for their cultivation.

Zhongli was one of the few left on the peak, casually standing there, engaging in intermittent conversation about the outside world.

He shared how the factions led by the five supreme powers had always operated as Beru described, seizing resources from foreign realms by force.

The reputation of the human race was notably poor in the far reaches of space.

Many alien races detested the humans who roamed the stars, and upon encountering them, would often unite to besiege the human cultivators.

"The law of the jungle is timeless," Zhongli said with a detached expression. "Before the human race reached its zenith, when the Nagas ruled, the powerful beings from the galaxy's depths did the same when they came to our Boundless Land. As we rose to power, with increasing numbers of Yang Gods, those in the Unrestrained Stage, and Primordial Spirit Stage, the tables have turned."

His demeanor made it clear that neither the edicts of the five Supreme Beings nor the ambitions of the Divine Soul Sect and President Lyi held any significance for him.

With a whoosh, the portly Zhou You landed cheerfully and exchanged warm greetings with Zhongli and company. They had been cellmates during their time in Sword Prison and had grown quite familiar with each other.

"Mr. Zhou, the Babel Chamber of Commerce has certainly struck it rich. Might I have a slice of that lucrative pie?" Yu Yuan stepped forward eagerly. "Those spiritual materials you hoarded in the Outer Star River were dirt cheap at purchase, but now in the Boundless Land, they're worth a king's ransom. Mr. Yan mentioned I'm entitled to a share."

Free trade was merely one facet of this magnificent event.

Those who best understood the native cultivators of the Boundless Land were, of course, individuals like President Lyi and Zhou You, who themselves hailed from there. They had been strategizing from the start, and the treasures showcased across the various sectors weren't like the Star Soul Vine or Black Thorn Trees—cheap in the Outer Star River but highly sought after within the Boundless Land.

The items displayed within the grand buildings were rarities even in the Outland Star River, and naturally, they were even more scarce in the Boundless Land, often fetching exorbitant prices.

Moreover, there were numerous items akin to the Void Spiritual Plant, unique to the Boundless Land, available for purchase by the alien races from beyond. The Spirit Stones that the new Chamber of Commerce stood to gain from this venture were sure to reach astronomical sums.

Yu Yuan's question was spurred by a tinge of envy.

"Our earnings are meticulously itemized, and Mr. Yan will have the opportunity to review them afterward," Zhou You said with a slight smile. "Frankly, Mr. Yan is the representative of the Divine Soul Sect, which is the major stakeholder here. Our Chamber of Commerce is simply riding their coattails, making a modest profit in comparison."

"A modest profit?" Yu Yuan's smile took on a peculiar twist.

"The Outland Devaputra and other foreign visitors you see have braved the Boundless Land only because of the Divine Soul Sect's martial assurance," Zhou You explained, gesturing towards the foreign guests. "Likewise, the Blood God Cult, Filthy Spirit Sect, Artifact Sect, Horror Land, and Desolate Swamp all fall under the Divine Soul Sect's influence. As such, a full 80% of our trade fair's total earnings are owed to the Divine Soul Sect."

"As for how Mr. Yan will compensate you, that's beyond our purview," Zhou You explained, unveiling the intricacies of the situation.

Zhongli silently nodded in agreement. "The way things are being divided seems quite equitable indeed."

Without the Primordial Spirits of the Upper Sects, the new Babel Chamber of Commerce in the Outland Star River would be powerless. Without the backing of the Divine Soul Sect, President Lyi's grand ambitions would be unattainable.

A single Primordial Spirit from any of the three Upper Sects or a Demon God from the Demon Palace could easily lay waste to this place.

The success of this magnificent event was due to the presence of titans from the Divine Soul Sect and chieftains from other races, who together orchestrated this grand feast.

"Who is Yu Yuan?!"

A dazzling young girl with sparkling eyes and a radiant smile materialized at the space teleportation array.

No sooner had she arrived than she began to call out loudly, "And who goes by the name Chen Langzhi?"

"At last, you've arrived!"

Chen Langzhi's face brightened as he eagerly approached to welcome her.

"Who is she?" Yu Yuan asked, taken aback.

"Hmm?" Zhongli squinted and chuckled mischievously, "The Saintess of the Bright Clan has come to join the trade fair, too? She's quite bold."

"The Bright Clan!"

Yu Yuan was suddenly reminded of Chen Liangquan's request for him to keep an eye on the Bright Clan's representatives before he departed.

At that time, Chen Liangquan appeared somewhat resigned, as if he anticipated that the visitors from the Bright Clan would be a handful to manage.

Libre Baskerville
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