Unmatched Dominance/C915 The Holy Daughter of the Bright Clan!
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Unmatched Dominance/C915 The Holy Daughter of the Bright Clan!
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C915 The Holy Daughter of the Bright Clan!

In the valley, a space teleportation array captured the attention of many with the presence of a Bright Clan girl, her skin as white as snow, clad in a white pleated dress.

The Evil Sect nestled among the mountains seemed to brighten at her arrival.

It wasn't just a trick of the mind; the light genuinely intensified within a ten-mile radius.

As the Saintess of the Bright Clan, Canli had the innate ability to bring light to any corner of the world she graced—a marvel of her heritage.

"Canli! She's here too?"

"The Bright Clan cherishes her like a gem. Why would they allow her to face danger?"

"By the Ancestor God, what brings her here?"

At the sight of Canli, a ripple of awareness spread among the formidable beings from the Outland Star River. Their eyes converged on her, their astonishment veiled in the shadows.

The Bright Clan, a dominant force from the deep reaches of the Outland Star River, regarded Canli as their contemporary Saintess.

Born with the Seventh Level Bright Clan bloodline, Canli possessed a wealth of mystical talents from birth.

Each member of the Bright Clan boasted a lifespan of at least a thousand years, their maturation slow, only reaching adulthood at two centuries.

At one hundred and seventy, Canli was still a maiden, not yet an adult in the eyes of her people.


Zhongli's mouth spread into a sly grin as he gazed toward the Devil Palace. "They've been after her life for ages. In the Outland Star River alone, countless Devil Palace warriors have relentlessly sought her end with every conceivable stratagem. And within the Boundless Land? Even more so."

Zhou You's expression darkened with concern. "Chen Liangquan sure knows how to spring a surprise on us."

In that instant, something stirred within the Life Altar inside Yu Yuan. He perceived, almost as if by vision, a similar yet distinct Life Altar within the Bright Clan girl's body.

Yu Yuan's eyes shut, and before him shone an altar, resplendent as if forged from the crystallized essence of a billion stars, nestled beneath Canli's gently curved chest.

"Life Altar!"

He jolted, the words of the second Evil Demon, Blood Moon, echoing in his mind.

Blood Moon had revealed that the most gifted among the alien races in the starry expanse were born with their own Life Altars.

Every individual born with a Life Altar within them is considered an unparalleled prodigy among the foreign races.

The leader of the Blood Devil Clan is one such individual, born with a Life Altar already present within his body.

Thousands from various foreign races have flocked to the Evil Sect, each a prominent figure in their own right.

Yet, Yu Yuan's Life Altar had never shown any particular sensitivity, except for a resonance with the bloodline aura of Lulu, a half-breed of Dark Elfkind and human. Lulu herself did not possess a Life Altar.

Aside from Yu Yuan, he had at last encountered another with a Life Altar residing within them.

His was forged from Giant Beast Amber, while Canli's was a natural birthright.

"The Bright Clan and the Devil Palace are archenemies beyond the skies, locked in a natural opposition between the core Dark Devil Spell of the Devil Palace and the bloodline of the Bright Clan," Zhongli said with an odd smile. "The current leader of the Bright Clan has clashed with Tan Xiaotian on several brutal occasions. When Tan Xiaotian reached the Outland Star River at the Yang God Stage, he marked the Bright Clan's leader as his ultimate target."

"After five fierce battles, Tan Xiaotian finally gravely wounded the Bright Clan's leader in their last encounter. His ascent to the helm of the Devil Palace and his eminent status in the Boundless Land were achieved by trampling over the Bright Clan's leader."

"Through the current leader of the Bright Clan, Tan Xiaotian cemented his reputation as the foremost figure in the Devil Dao," Zhongli revealed with a nonchalant air.

Yu Yuan grasped the situation with just a listen.

The Dark Devil Spell and the Bright Clan's bloodline counterbalance each other, making them inherent adversaries.

Through his victories over the Bright Clan, Tan Xiaotian has proven his dominance, casting a shadow over the light to carve out a formidable reputation in the Outland Star River.

The phrase "darkness swallows light" has become a widespread adage in those distant realms.

However, with Canli's birth 170 years ago, heralded by an omen in the sky, every member of the Bright Clan held firm in their belief that her arrival heralded the dispersal of the endless darkness.

Canli was also regarded by the Bright Clan's leader and all the elders as the one destined to defeat Tan Xiaotian in the times to come.

Rumors swirled that even within the Devil Palace, many of the formidable had come to believe the Bright Clan's tales after laying eyes on Canli.

Tan Xiaotian himself remained noncommittal, yet numerous Devil Palace powerhouses were intent on eliminating the threat posed by Canli before she could reach her full potential.

"It's you."

At the heart of the space teleportation array, the Bright Clan's Saintess Canli paid no heed to Chen Langzhi's fawning. When her Life Altar resonated with the one inside Yu Yuan, she immediately sensed the disturbance.

Her focus sharpened on Evil Peak.

A dazzling radiance burst forth from the array, forcing all onlookers, including those from other races, to shield their eyes.

Nine Bright Clan warriors clad in gleaming silver armor cried out in their tongue, "Saintess!"

In an instant, a luminous silhouette materialized atop Evil Peak.

Zhongli and Zhou You's faces registered concern.

They positioned themselves flanking Yu Yuan, one on each side.

Zhongli's powerful punches burst forth, carving out a vacuum between Canli and Yu Yuan to thwart any reckless moves by the Saintess.

With a stern look, Zhou You cautioned, "Don't act hastily."

"I know you're Yu Yuan! Chen Liangquan told me that if I'm within a hundred miles of you, I'd recognize you!" Canli's eyes shone with a brilliance rivaling the sun. "I doubted him at first, thinking he was spouting nonsense, but now I understand why."

Both harbored a "Life Altar" within, though their attributes differed.

In the Outland Star River, those with a "Life Altar" could sense one another within a certain range unless they deliberately concealed their presence.

Yu Yuan, it seemed, had yet to fully master the Life Altar's manipulation, hence his lack of concealment.


"My dear little aunt!"

The Bright Clan warriors and Chen Langzhi hastened to follow her through the teleportation array.

"An Eighth Level bloodline." Yu Yuan blinked in astonishment. "So young, yet with such an extraordinary bloodline. It's no wonder Chen Liangquan warned me about you."

He gestured to Zhongli and Zhou You to relax. "My name is Yu Yuan. Welcome to the Boundless Land."

"Welcome? Hehe, I do enjoy a warm reception." Canli glanced back, shooting a disdainful look at the Bright Clan warriors before berating Chen Langzhi, "Get lost! I don't know you. You're as unsightly as a fat pig."

After her declaration, she casually gestured towards Zhongli and Zhou You, "You two aren't needed here."

Her demeanor left no doubt that she was the true master of the Evil Sect and the orchestrator of this trade fair. Fully aware that both Zhongli and Zhou You were formidable Unrestrained Stage warriors—one with a terrifyingly powerful physique, the other with a mastery of mysterious spatial powers—she remained unabashedly haughty.

"Yu Yuan, make sure she's well taken care of," Zhou You said, sensing no malice from her towards Yu Yuan. Content, he turned and walked away.

Zhongli watched Yu Yuan with a hint of amusement, seemingly unfazed by Canli's brashness. "Young Yu, go ahead and chat."

In a blink, only Yu Yuan and Canli were left standing on the summit of Evil Peak.

The silver-armored warriors of the Bright Clan, as they drew near, were barred from ascending by Zhou You. They had no choice but to station themselves at the base of the mountain, vigilantly watching the peak above.

Chen Langzhi was likewise denied permission to ascend.

"Why did Canli head straight for that young man upon her arrival?"

"It's odd. They've never met before, have they?"

The crowd buzzed with speculation.

"Is that the fabled Saintess of the Bright Clan, the one prophesied to counter Tan Xiaotian?" Ann Ziqing of the Blood God Cult seemed well-versed in the rumors from beyond their realm. She scoffed, a flash of blood in her gaze, "This Canli seems like a naive girl. Is the Bright Clan just full of hot air?"

"No, the Saintess harbors a rare object within her," Ann Jieshan interjected gravely, "It's innate to her being."

"The Life Altar!"

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