Unmatched Dominance/C916 The God of Light!
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Unmatched Dominance/C916 The God of Light!
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C916 The God of Light!

In the southern reaches of the Quietus Continent, the Babel Chamber of Commerce's mountain gate stood amidst a range that shimmered with a divine, rainbow-hued glow.

Majestic palaces towered around the mountain range.

This peak was known as the Sky Piercing Peak.

One particularly imposing palace reached halfway up the Sky Piercing Peak. Figures frequently entered the tallest hall within, each with a grave look etched on their face.

These individuals were either managers of the Chamber's various branches or esteemed guests of the Commerce.

Fong Zhong, Qin Yan, Zhu Peining, Jin Xiaolie, Zheng Luanjie, Qi Lingyu, and others were among those gathered.

Chiang Yurong, Ma Jianjiang, and the like were not included in the invitation due to their insufficient status.

Key figures from across the Boundless Land, from the three continents to the Crack Archipelago, had all converged here.

"Did you hear? President Lyi himself presided over the Evil Sect's grand trade feast!"

"Wasn't President Lyi said to have perished during his Primordial Spirit refinement?"

"Not at all. You haven't advanced to the Yang God Stage or ventured to the Outland Star River. Rumor has it that two hundred years ago, President Lyi was spotted in the Outland Star River. It just wasn't confirmed at the time."

"If it truly is President Lyi, then..."

Nearly all the Chamber members present were at the Soul Wandering or Yang God Stages, with over twenty individuals dispersed throughout the hall.

Jin Xiaolie, formerly overseeing the Luan Bird Empire, and Zhu Peining, now stationed in Spider City, immediately sought out the grey-robed elder, Fong Zhong, upon their arrival.

Fong Zhong, typically unassuming in appearance, conducted himself with utmost seriousness here.

"All the specters of Horror Land, including Qianjie and Luo Yue, have set a precedent," Jin Xiaolie said as he approached Fong Zhong. "Our people are now barred from entering Horror Land. From this point forward, we'll only conduct trade with President Lyi's representatives."

"The spirits of Horror Land are biting the hand that feeds them!" Qin Yan huffed.

Fong Zhong gave a slight nod, signaling his understanding, yet he offered no further comment.

"Spider City remains unchanged," Zhu Peining said, pausing briefly. "Taoist Chongxiao has passed, and the Spirit Void Sect hasn't yet appointed someone to succeed him. Moreover, the sect's experts stationed in Spider City have all discreetly departed."

Jin Xiaolie let out a sardonic laugh. "Taoist Chongxiao and Taoist Tianjing met their end in the Jade Peak Mountains. The other spiritual masters who fled are being hunted down. The Spirit Void Sect has been dealt a severe blow due to Chu Jing's incident."

Feng Zhong declared, "From this point forward, the Spirit Void Sect should no longer be considered among the top of the seven lower sects." He locked eyes with a stately woman responsible for these matters and instructed, "Here's the new order: Silver Moon Sect, Thunder Sect, Spirit Void Sect, Ancient Desolate Sect, Cold Yin Sect, Taiyuan Sect, and Cloud Water Sect. Reassess and announce the sects' strengths based on this ranking to all branches."

Fong Zhong, the Babel Chamber of Commerce's First Guardian on Babel Island, also carried the weighty responsibility of leading the clandestine group known as the Wind Chanter. Often, his Yin God and Yang God avatars would traverse different realms to gather intelligence.

"Understood," the woman replied, her voice carrying a note of deference.

The chamber's members fell into a hushed silence as Feng Zhong announced the reshuffling of the seven lower sects. The hall only erupted into chatter once he had finished.

"The Spirit Void Sect has tumbled from the pinnacle of the seven lower sects to third place! It's quite the shock to see both the Silver Moon Sect and the Thunder Sect surpass them," one member remarked.

"We're only aware of Taoists Chongxiao and Tianjing's deaths. Who knows what other news might emerge?" mused another.

"The Ancient Desolate Sect has made a remarkable leap from last place to the top four, all thanks to Zhongli's return," someone pointed out.

"Now leading the seven lower sects, the Silver Moon Sect's rise is a testament to their patient buildup of power," a voice observed.

The crowd refrained from challenging Feng Zhong's rankings, seemingly trusting his discernment and foresight.

Qin Yan, however, couldn't help but inquire, "Why has the Spirit Void Sect fallen behind the Thunder Sect?"

"The Thunder Sect still boasts Qi Jinghai, while the Spirit Void Sect, after Chu Jing's death, lacks a successor," Feng Zhong stated definitively. "Considering their overall strength and potential future shifts, the Spirit Void Sect must be ranked after the Thunder Sect. In another six months, it's quite possible that the Ancient Desolate Sect will outpace them."

"I never saw it coming, truly I didn't," Zhu Peining reflected with a heavy heart.

The Spirit Void Sect had suffered a devastating blow in the Rainier Empire, losing their future star, Chu Jing. With the deaths of Tianjing and Chongxiao, and other true disciples under attack, a series of calamities had plunged the sect from the preeminent position among the seven lower sects to a staggering fourth place.

It was an upheaval that nobody could have anticipated!

"Guild leader!"

"The guild leader has arrived!"

All at once, the key figures of the Babel Chamber of Commerce were captivated by the presence on the elevated stage.

"Let's have an open discussion. How should we respond to the Evil Sect's trade meeting? And what direction should our chamber take moving forward?"


At Evil Peak, the arrival of the Bright Clan's saintly maiden, and the proximity of her miraculous "Life Altar," sent shivers through the feeble Evil Demon within the Evil Cauldron.

Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes, detecting a sanctified scent on Canli that felt all too familiar.

His ancestor in this lifetime, the white bone on the verge of ascending to a ghostly level, had practiced the White Bone Sacred Spirit Art. The luminescent bones and the white flames within radiated a dazzling brilliance...

In a flash, Yu Yuan realized that the original owner of those bones was almost certainly a powerhouse from the Bright Clan!

Delving deeper into the thought...

Such high-caliber Bright Clan experts, once confined in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area of the Boundless Land, had met their demise, leaving only their skeletal remains, which were then claimed by the white bone.

Before the white bone was discovered and assimilated by the soul of the bone, it had been alive. Was there a connection to the Chen family of the Luan Bird Empire?

Given the Chen family's lineage from the Bright Clan, it stood to reason that their ancestors had intermingled with the clan.

With this realization, his expression turned inexplicably peculiar.

"What's on your mind?"

Canli's pale hand traced a mystical seal over her heart, and in an instant, a resplendent light engulfed the mountaintop.

A delicate "Life Altar" then emerged from her chest, drawing in an infinite radiance, making the altar seem like the fundamental source of all light in existence.

"It came into being alongside me."

Canli beamed as she gestured to the "Life Altar," "The clan leader and our elders refer to it as the God of Light. Yu Yuan, Chen Liangquan mentioned that the one within you wasn't innate. Could you show it to me so we can explore it together?"

"God of Light!"

Yu Yuan gazed in astonishment at the "Life Altar" emerging from Canli's body, his eyes slowly adjusting to its brilliance without the sting of tears.

Canli's God of Light resembled a meticulously carved diamond, radiating a dazzling glow in the sunlight.

To Yu Yuan, the God of Light seemed as resplendent as the sun at its brightest.

Within this divine entity lay the true essence of luminous power, a sight that could awaken the potent bloodlines of any Bright Clan member and grant them insight into the power of light.

"It truly is magical!" Yu Yuan marveled, admitting that his lack of expertise in Spiritual Spells and limited knowledge of the Life Altar prevented him from discerning its deeper mysteries.

"And what of yours?" Canli inquired, her smile beaming.

After a moment's consideration, Yu Yuan nodded. "Very well."

With a mere thought, his own Life Altar, a sanctuary nestled within his vital energies, emerged from his chest—a large, red crystal spinning and unleashing the transformative power of life.

Canli's form trembled as his Life Altar materialized. "Yours has the ability to amass and purify Qi and blood, cleansing your very essence. Moreover, the refined Qi and blood from your altar possess the extraordinary ability to regenerate bone and flesh."

"You can sense that?" Yu Yuan exclaimed in surprise.


A surge of Qi and blood unexpectedly flooded his mind, triggering an insatiable bloodlust that burst forth from his Life Altar.

Then, like a ruby-red, ferocious beast, his Life Altar lunged at Canli's God of Light, intent on devouring it whole.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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