Unmatched Dominance/C918 Each of Them Had Their Own Harvests
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Unmatched Dominance/C918 Each of Them Had Their Own Harvests
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C918 Each of Them Had Their Own Harvests

Standing before three members of the Rock Clan, Qi Yunhong gazed at the array of small stones laid out on the stall. The stones were a kaleidoscope of colors, each one etched with intricate patterns of lightning that were not the work of any artisan's hand, but the art of nature itself.

"Thunderbolt Stones!" Qi Yunhong, now relegated to the Soul Wandering Stage, rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

There are two types of Thunderbolt Stones. One is born from the ferocious strike of lightning, searing its mark into a resilient stone, which over centuries, refines itself naturally. The other emerges from the depths of the Outland Star River, near an undiscovered lightning pool.

The first type, in both effect and quality, pales in comparison to the second. Yet, even this lesser variant is exceedingly rare within the Boundless Land. Should it be found, the Thunder Sect would spare no effort to acquire it, for the Thunderbolt Stone is the essential spiritual material for their practitioners to transform into the Yang God.

The post-natal Thunderbolt Stone, infused with lightning by the soul of a peak Soul Wandering Stage expert, is slowly tempered with the Heavenly Soul. Combined with a myriad of other spiritual materials, it can coalesce the nascent form of the Yang God. Qi Yunhong's previous refinement of the Yang God was made possible by such a stone.

The naturally occurring Thunderbolt Stone, forever found only near the tempestuous lightning pools, was something Qi Yunhong had only heard of in tales, never having witnessed it in his lifetime. These stones inherently contain the profound truths of thunder and lightning.

Practitioners of the Lightning Spell could not only metamorphose into Yang Gods through these stones but also, in the process, glean the profound Lightning Dao, honing their Spiritual Spells and techniques to significantly enhance their combat prowess.

It is said that those who refine their Yang God with a natural Thunderbolt Stone carry the imprint of the Lightning Dao within their souls, aiding their breakthrough into the Unrestrained Stage.

In this moment, Qi Yunhong was convinced that what lay before him was indeed a natural Thunderbolt Stone—a treasure beyond measure for both the Thunder Sect and the Clouds Sect.

"This, this Lightning Stone?"

His voice quivered as he spoke, betraying the excitement within him.

"A Gift from the Gods?" A member of the Rock Clan, speaking in an awkward human tongue, explained to Qi Yunhong, "These stones are exceedingly rare, even within our Rock Clan's realm. There's a deep valley, perpetually shrouded in lightning, that our legends say is blessed by the Thunder God."

"Only in that place can these stones be found, and only we of the Rock Clan dare to seek them out."

"Yet, even for us, the task of finding and retrieving these stones is fraught with danger and requires a stroke of fortune."


The Rock Clan clansman, concerned that Qi Yunhong might not grasp the Lightning Stone's worth, took great pains to convey its value.

"The price!" Qi Yunhong demanded.

"There are thirty-five in total. We ask for, we ask for..." The Rock Clan member held up six fingers. "This many!"

In the Rainier Empire, Qi Yunhong, who had reclaimed lost items from Chu Jing and looted his treasures, took a brief look and without a word, began his transaction.

He scattered a mix of gleaming Spirit Stones and Spirit Jades, along with some Spirit Crystals, across the Rock Clan traders' stall.

"The total is certainly beyond six hundred thousand Spirit Stones!"

With a fierce tone, Qi Yunhong dropped this statement, swiftly packed the "Flashing Lightning Stones" into a snake-skin bag, scanned his surroundings, and then promptly departed.

"Six, six..."

Another Rock Clan member gazed at the glistening Spirit Stones and murmured in their native language, "Didn't we agree on sixty thousand? Elder brother, by quoting such a high figure, were you trying to inflate the price tenfold?"

"We've struck it rich! We're wealthy now!"

The Rock Clan member who had negotiated with Qi Yunhong snapped out of his daze, quickly signaling his two brothers to collect the Spirit Stones valued at six hundred thousand. "No need to linger, let's return to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area!"

"Qi Yunhong! Are those the natural Flashing Lightning Stones in your possession?"

Elsewhere, Xie Binn, emerging from a palace erected by President Lyi, sensed an unusual magnetic field emanating from the lightning Dao Spell he was studying and couldn't resist calling out.

Xie Binn, who also practiced lightning techniques, was significantly stronger than Qi Yunhong before his decline. He had even battled in the distant realms beyond our own.

When the Quick Lightning Stone was in the possession of the three Rock Clan members, nothing out of the ordinary occurred. But once it fell into Qi Yunhong's grasp, as he left, he couldn't resist toying with a stone. The moment his inner lightning connected with the stone's energy, it unleashed a surge of power that even Xie Binn found startling.

Qi Yunhong ignored the commotion and made a beeline for Evil Peak.


Elsewhere, Shi Yuxuan stood, slack-jawed, amidst the potted plant section, eyeing the exotic flora and their clearly marked prices.

"Nine Cloud Grass, three thousand Spirit Stones."

"Fire Lingzhi, five thousand Spirit Stones."

"Phoenix Tree leaves, seven thousand Spirit Stones."


The Medicine Sect's Master whispered to himself, scanning the area, his cheeks twitching slightly at each crookedly labeled price tag beneath the pots.

A gaunt Dark Elfkind elder with pointed ears, green hair, and eyes regarded him with a chilly gaze.

"You've been loitering here quite some time. Which item has caught your fancy?" she asked in halting human tongue.

Shi Yuxuan licked his lips and flashed a grin that was all innocence. "I'll take the lot!"

Before the elder could process his words, Shi Yuxuan's hands shimmered with Spirit Stones that clattered onto the ground, quickly piling into a respectable mound.

The Dark Elfkind woman's eyes sparkled. Could it be that every household's decorative plant in her tribe was a treasure?

"Sister, I am Shi Yuxuan, Sect Master of the Boundless Land's Medicine Sect, nestled beside the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area in the Jade Peak Mountains," Shi Yuxuan beamed. "I'm aware that your people have journeyed here through the passageways beneath the Fallen Moon. Next time, bring these items straight to me in the Jade Peak Mountains!"

"I assure you, I will purchase any and all botanicals you bring!"

Old Cash purchased an enormous piece of jade, as large as a grinding stone, from a female demon. The clarity of the Jade Essence within was unmistakable. Beaming with joy, Old Cash seemed to have found the greatest of treasures; his smile was so wide it smoothed away the wrinkles on his face. He tossed the precious stone into the Jade Tower, which, though only partially restored, suddenly shone with a magnificent light. Streams of jade light burst forth from the stone, swiftly merging with the structure of the Jade Tower. Old Cash's laughter boomed, "With the breakthrough to the Yang God Stage, my confidence is unshakable!"


A floor dedicated to showcasing the flesh and blood of vicious beasts and alien species. Guided by Zhou You, Yu Yuan came upon this level, only to find it barren. "Hmm?" Zhou You, plump and puzzled, arrived and surveyed the empty space. "How odd," he mumbled, "This floor is meant for the sale of limbs, organs, and blood from the galaxy's most ferocious creatures. There are also vials and jars containing the blood of various races, some of which is their rare and precious lifeblood." His voice rose sharply, "Where is everyone? What happened here?"

With a whoosh, a timid Star Race girl appeared. "Sir, all the items here have been sold. I thought everything was in order, so I went to assist elsewhere."

"Everything's been sold?" Zhou You was taken aback.

The girl nodded vigorously. "Yes, the Great Demons of the Desolate Swamp purchased the flesh and organs of the Vicious Beasts from the Outland Star River."

"And the bottled blood?" Zhou You pressed on.

"A woman from the Blood God Cult, Ann Ziqing, bought all the blood without bargaining," the girl confessed, not withholding any details. "The total came to seven hundred and ninety thousand Spirit Stones. Sir, here is the inventory list for your review."

Zhou You's face twisted in a mix of emotions as he accepted the list and passed it to Yu Yuan. A quick glance revealed that Ann Ziqing had acquired thirty-five bottles of exotic blood, including nine bottles of refined essence from the hearts of these alien beasts.

"Ann Ziqing."

Libre Baskerville
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