Unmatched Dominance/C919 He Did Not Give Up!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C919 He Did Not Give Up!!
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C919 He Did Not Give Up!!

Halfway up the mountain, a stone pavilion provided a place of rest.

Ann Ziqing squinted lazily, leaning on the railing as she watched Yu Yuan rush into the palace, a smirk playing on her lips. "I just knew it," she said with a hint of triumph.

The Initial Spirit Ghost King, other members of the Blood God Cult, and Lin Yue were scattered throughout the mountains, searching for spiritual materials and artifacts that resonated with them.

Only Ann Jieshan stayed close by her side, ever vigilant to protect her from any unforeseen dangers.

The Blood God Cult was once considered vermin, despised by all in the depths of the Outland Star River.

Ann Jieshan was concerned that some naive outsiders, having previously suffered at the hands of the Blood God Cult, might seize the opportunity to assassinate the sect's Goddess.

"Girl, did you know about the Later Stage Life Altar within Yu Yuan?" Ann Jieshan inquired with curiosity.

"What else could it be?" Ann Ziqing replied with a smirk, her lips curling into a sneer. "Back on Blood God Island, I enticed him with the blood pool as a test. Not only did I confirm the existence of his Later Stage Life Altar afterward, but I also discerned its unique properties, similar to those of the Blood Devil Clan's patriarch in the Outland Star River."

Ann Jieshan was deeply moved. "Is that truly the case?"

As a co-founder of the Blood God Cult, he was well aware of the profound mysteries contained in the bloodline of the Blood Devil Clan and the similarities with the Spiritual Spells practiced by their own cult.

Many from the Blood God Cult who had ascended to the Yang God Stage and ventured beyond had experienced this revelation upon encountering the Blood Devil Clan.

Ann Jieshan knew that the current patriarch of the Blood Devil Clan was among the top three of the strongest Life Races in the Outland Star River, the Devaputra Race.

It was rumored that the Great Demon God had ascended to his position thanks to the innate "Life Altar" within him.

If Yu Yuan's altar was akin to his, what could that imply?

"If he were to join the Blood God Cult and practice our Spiritual Spells and the Art of Blood Refinement, his potential for achievement would be immense," Ann Ziqing huffed. "I saw his potential, which is why I lured him to Blood God Island to stand before the blood pool. That pool's blood, drawn from numerous high-level demons and the essence of various foreign races, was potent."

"At that moment, had he leaped in, the Life Altar within him would have instinctively begun its refinement process."

"If I recite the incantation for the Blood Refining Technique once more, he'll surely be able to activate it just by listening," Ann Ziqing said, her voice tinged with frustration. "I had the best intentions, yet he's always so guarded, as if I'm out to get him. It drives me crazy!"

In a flash of thought, she glimpsed the bottles of vibrant blood within her Universe Ring. A smug smile played on her lips. "I have everything in my grasp. Even after the Bright Clan's Saintess revealed the marvels of the Life Altar to him, he'll still end up pleading with me."

"You seem to really enjoy sparring with him," Ann Jieshan remarked, a wry smile on his face.

"With his talent and potential, it's a shame he chose the Evil Sect over our Blood God Cult," Ann Ziqing said, her eyes sparkling with conviction. "See? I'm right, aren't I?"

Ann Jieshan glanced down just in time to see Yu Yuan emerging from the building and heading straight toward them.

As the owner of the Evil Cauldron—the linchpin of the Myriad Demon Array—Yu Yuan could easily locate anyone amidst the mountains.

With a swift motion, Yu Yuan descended onto the pavilion and cleared his throat before speaking. "Um..."

"Young Master, you've finally thought of me," Ann Ziqing greeted him with a radiant smile. "I was beginning to wonder if you'd refuse to meet me. I might have left early."

"I've only recently learned about the ties between the Yu family and your An family," Yu Yuan said, acknowledging Ann Jieshan with a nod. "I'm here in the hopes of acquiring some exotic blood from you. If you have pure blood essence or the hearts of other races, that would be even more ideal."

"Unfortunately, the Spiritual Spell I'm practicing requires that blood as well," Ann Ziqing said, spreading her hands in a gesture of helplessness. "Young Master, with your vast powers, just a word to President Lyi and Zhou You, and they'll surely take the time to gather more for you."

"I've already spoken to Zhou You, and he's arranging for people to collect it in the Outland Star River," Yu Yuan added. "But I'm looking to obtain it more quickly."

Having spoken with Canli, he was eager to witness firsthand the effects of the various races' blood essence flowing into the Life Altar.

He knew that a great battle could erupt following this trade meeting, and he was determined to bolster his combat strength as much as possible.

Adding a variety of blood from different races to the Life Altar was an accessible shortcut.

"Sorry, I'm in dire need of that blood as well," Ann Ziqing said, unfazed.

Ann Jieshan stood to the side, smiling silently.

"What would it take for you to part with it?" Yu Yuan asked, feeling at a loss.

"You're clearly the ideal candidate to master the Blood God Cult's secret arts. Why are you so obstinately misguided?" Ann Ziqing scoffed. "Within our Blood God Cult, we have over a hundred types of blood essences. Yes, blood essences, not mere blood! These essences originate from the vast inland seas and, even more so, from the life forms of the Outland Star River."

"The Blood God Cult's craving for the blood of various races exceeds your wildest dreams."

"Back on Blood God Island, all you had to do was step into the blood pool to become one of us. My father would have definitely allowed you to infuse that blood into the Life Altar! It was you, young master, who adamantly refused to enter the blood pool, recoiling from it as if it were some malevolent spirit, and you left me behind."


Ann Ziqing began to dredge up the past.

Yu Yuan listened in silence.

Finally, when Ann Ziqing paused, still huffing with indignation, Yu Yuan furrowed his brow and asked, "Did you know about the 'Life Altar' within me back then? And were you aware of its unique traits and needs?"

"Indeed," Ann Ziqing confirmed with a nod.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"And why didn't you leap into the blood pool?"

They locked eyes, neither willing to back down.

"So be it, then!"

Realizing the impasse, Yu Yuan simply nodded and walked away.

The blood of various races, including blood essences, was not hard to find in the Outland Star River. With the backing of the Babel Chamber of Commerce's resources, it would just be a matter of time before he could procure them.

The Fallen Moon Forbidden Area housed a realm passage to the outside world, making it convenient for the Chamber's people to come and go.

At most, within a month or two, he would be able to secure even more exotic blood through his connections.

Thus, there was no point in pleading with Ann Ziqing.

Subsequently, Yu Yuan took his place atop Evil Peak, meticulously refining the Life Altar and slowly cultivating the Yin God, all while awaiting the conclusion of the grand trade fair before he would begin crafting pills for Beru of the Star Race.

Time slipped by silently. A growing number of independent cultivators, drawn by the news, ventured into the mountains and emerged laden with treasures.

Others arrived too late, learning that the coveted treasures they had dreamt of were snapped up at bargain prices by quicker hands. They were left to beat their chests and stamp their feet in frustration, cursing their own indecision for missing out on such a golden opportunity.

Meanwhile, formidable beings from the Outland Race steadily made use of the space teleportation array to journey to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

On the fifth day, a grand and imposing palace floated through the void, drawing ever closer.

Atop the palace, Cao Jiaze of the Profound Sky Sect gazed serenely at Evil Peak. Spotting Yu Yuan, his eyes sparkled with recognition, and he bellowed a greeting, "Brother Yu, I was in the vicinity and heard about the grand trading event taking place here. I just had to come and see for myself!"

Cao Jiaze's booming voice echoed like thunder, crystal clear to all the human cultivators scattered throughout the mountains.

"A palace suspended in midair, the Heaven Palace Seal, the Profound Sky Sect!"

"So young, yet he's the heir apparent of the Profound Sky Sect—Cao Jiaze!"

"What brings Cao Jiaze here?"

In moments, a flurry of astonished and animated conversations erupted from various corners.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Figures like Zhongli, the Ghost King Luo Yue, Qi Yunhong, and Beru of the Star Race all descended upon Evil Peak in unison.

Aboard the Artifact Sect's treasure ship, President Lyi, with his golden eyes, and the Heaven Level Refiner were deep in discussion. At this moment, even he furrowed his brow slightly.

Cao Jiaze, the celebrated prodigy of the Profound Sky Sect and its designated next Sect Master, had made his presence known. His unexpected arrival sent ripples of shock through the crowd, injecting an unforeseen twist into the waning moments of the trade fair.

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