Unmatched Dominance/C920 Shocking Change!
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Unmatched Dominance/C920 Shocking Change!
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C920 Shocking Change!

"There's no one else from the Profound Sky Sect here," Zhongli declared with a sinister grin. "Cao Jiaze has some nerve! To think he'd strut around here without any elders—doesn't he realize how many from other races would love to take down a promising seed like him?"

Zhou You's eyes narrowed slightly. "Nor are there any experts from the Primordial Yang Sect or the Sword Sect nearby."

"Yu Yuan, with Yan Qiling absent, you're in charge here," President Lyi said with an easy smile, his golden eyes glinting from aboard the treasure ship. "I'm merely a temporary guest in this splendid place. Whether or not to admit Cao Jiaze is your call."

At his words, all eyes turned to Yu Yuan, elevating his status and identity in an instant.

Both the visitors from the Outland Star River and the local practitioners were aware that Yan Qiling represented the Divine Soul Sect. Now, with Yan Qiling away, President Lyi openly declared Yu Yuan the master of the domain, signaling to the astute that Yu Yuan was no ordinary figure.

"Cough, cough."

Unfazed by the multitude of expectant stares, Yu Yuan confidently steered the Evil Cauldron toward the suspended palace.

Within the cauldron, Yu Yuan maintained a cool demeanor as he bellowed, "Brother Cao, I have just one question. Do you come as the next Sect Master of the Profound Sky Sect, or as something else?"

"I'm here on personal grounds, as a friend," Cao Jiaze replied solemnly. "I've recently achieved the Yang God in a secret realm on the Quietus Continent. As per the customs of the Boundless Land, a newly ascended Yang God must venture through the Outland Star River, honing their mettle in combat with alien races."

"As for me, I believe coming here serves the same purpose of self-refinement."

"Brother Yu, since you have the authority over my comings and goings, might I ask—"

But before Cao Jiaze could finish, the crowd in the mountains erupted in astonishment.

"Yang God? He's ascended to the Yang God?"

"He achieved this without the shelter of the Profound Sky Sect, not on the Heavenly Source Continent, but right here on the Quietus Continent! Cao Jiaze truly possesses remarkable courage and audacity!"

"Back when this young man first entered the Soul Wandering Stage, he was already hailed as the foremost person beneath the Yang God Stage! Now that he's ascended to the Yang God Stage, isn't he unbeatable within his realm?"

"Incredible, truly incredible!"

The cultivators who were aware of Cao Jiaze's prowess were astounded to learn of his breakthrough to the Yang God Stage.

Cao Jiaze had become the new legend and tale among the older generation.

"Considering my status, you regard me as a friend..." Yu Yuan nodded with a welcoming smile, "Brother Cao, be my guest! I've only just reclaimed this place, so it's not without its flaws. Please excuse any shortcomings in my hospitality."

"Not at all."

Cao Jiaze stepped forward, his grand palace effortlessly transforming into a talisman seal.

Without any reservation, he descended into the Evil Cauldron, smiling as he said, "I appreciate you taking me along, Brother Yu."

"It's no trouble at all," Yu Yuan replied with a chuckle.

Below, the formidable beings from distant lands, the cultivators of the Boundless Land, the Ghost King, the Nether Ghosts, and the mighty demons all watched Yu Yuan and Cao Jiaze with curious gazes.

The two, with their easy demeanor as if they had been friends for years, strolled through the mountains, sharing smiles.

Accompanied by Yu Yuan, Cao Jiaze visited the expansive free trade zone, acquiring some uncommon spiritual materials from the Black Scale Clan and Dark Elfkind. He then proceeded to the New Babel Chamber of Commerce's display area, selecting several unique artifacts, all the while marveling at his finds.

He mentioned that he had yet to venture to the Outland Star River or truly engage with the worlds beyond. This visit to the Evil Sect was a fortunate opportunity to broaden his horizons, ensuring he wouldn't be overwhelmed in his future battles.

As evening approached, the grand five-day trade fair drew to a close. Cao Jiaze's presence had drawn many eyes, yet he remained composed throughout.

"Brother Yu, my thanks for your company. Should the chance arise, I'll ensure you're well-received upon your return to the Profound Sky Sect," Cao Jiaze said with a bow outside the mountains, his voice earnest, "Take good care of yourself. Regardless of what the future holds, you, Yu Yuan, will always be someone I hold in high regard."

Yu Yuan offered a smile and a nod.

"Until we meet again!"

He unleashed the Heaven Palace Seal once more, transforming it into a grand palace. Cao Jiaze entered and soared off toward the northern reaches of the Quietus Continent.

That northern expanse was home to the Demon Palace and the territory of the Red Devil Sect.

"I truly admire the kid's courage," Zhongli remarked, standing next to Yu Yuan. "Though it's true that in war, emissaries are not to be harmed, many foreign beings here might not honor such customs. He's the heir to the leadership of the Profound Sky Sect, holding a status equal to that of Canli."

"This young man is truly remarkable," Zhou You mused, impressed. "I've never seen anyone at the Yang God Stage as solid as him. Honestly, it's hard for me to believe. He claims to have achieved the Yang God recently, but from my perspective, he's already on the cusp of the next breakthrough."

"You're not wrong. His foundation is incredibly strong with each advancement. It's precisely because of this that he seems capable of making another breakthrough immediately after the last," Zhongli praised Cao Jiaze highly. "He's been deliberately holding back his progress, aiming for a slower, more deliberate breakthrough."

"He's destined for greatness."

"He's already achieved it."

The two esteemed figures marveled, their admiration unceasing.

Yu Yuan, however, remained quiet. A sense of unease lingered in his heart upon his return to Evil Peak, as if something was about to unfold.

One by one, the gathered crowd, including visitors from afar, began to disperse.

The space teleportation array, a gateway to various locales, flickered incessantly.

Night descended.

Suddenly, a peculiar glow emanated from the teleportation array bound for the Luan Bird Empire, the Desolate Swamp, and the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. Zhou You's direct disciple, Ho Zhan, emerged, his expression grave.

"Ho Zhan!"

At the sight of him, Zhou You's face tensed, sensing trouble.

Ho Zhan had been tasked with overseeing the array at the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. His unexpected presence here was a sure sign of an unforeseen event.

"Master, President Lyi!"

Ho Zhan stood at the heart of the array, glancing left and right, his words caught in his throat.

"Evil Peak!"

After dispatching the Artifact Sect's treasure ship, President Lyi transformed into a streak of golden lightning and materialized at Evil Peak, where Yu Yuan was stationed. With a wave of his hand, he drew forth a golden veil that shrouded the entire peak.

Zhongli, Ho Zhan, Beru of the Star Race, Luo Yue, and others followed suit, entering in succession.

Members of other foreign races were denied entry, as were individuals from the Filthy Spirit Sect and the Blood God Cult, who were kept at bay.

"Let's hear it," President Lyi prompted.

"The first group, five from the Black Scale Clan, attempted to use the realm passageway below to return to the Heavens Beyond, but tragedy struck," Ho Zhan inhaled deeply. "The passageway turned wildly unstable, its direction unpredictable. After their screams echoed through the tunnel, the five clan members vanished without a trace."

President Lyi, Yu Yuan, Zhongli, Beru, and Luo Yue barely showed a reaction, maintaining their composure.

"Go on," President Lyi instructed.

"The realm passageway is definitely compromised, and I'm certain the issue isn't on our end," Ho Zhan said, glancing at Zhou Wen. "Master, the passageways are interconnected. If we're clear, then the problem must lie on the opposite side."

"What about Mr. Yan?" Zhou Wen nodded, affirming the suspicion before asking, "The Divine Soul Sect handles the operation and upkeep of that realm passageway to the outer realms. Wasn't he headed to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area? Has he checked it out? What's his take?"

"That's precisely the issue," Ho Zhan replied with a wry smile. "Mr. Yan tore through the void and ventured into the Outland Star River on his own. He departed three days ago and hasn't returned since. Initially, I thought little of it, assuming he was merely held up, but when the passageway below began to alter, I started to wonder..."

"What are you suspecting?" Yu Yuan asked gravely.

"I fear that Mr. Yan may have encountered trouble out there," Ho Zhan expressed with a sigh.

At his words, a hush fell over the group atop the mountain.

The realm passageway under Yan Qiling's supervision had experienced disturbances, and with Yan Qiling's sudden foray into the Outland Star River and his prolonged absence, the situation was growing increasingly mysterious.

Many visitors to the Boundless Land are too cautious to risk tearing through the firmament themselves.

Moreover, there are those whose bloodline strength falls short, lacking the power to shatter the celestial barrier and traverse directly to the Star River.

"Perhaps the five major sects have already taken action in secret," suggested Beru of the Star Race.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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