Unmatched Dominance/C926 Trembling!
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Unmatched Dominance/C926 Trembling!
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C926 Trembling!

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Sword light danced around Xi Quan, clashing with bursts of flame, with hundreds of thousands of strikes exchanged in the blink of an eye.

The ground where Xi Quan fell, as cold and hard as metallic rock, cracked open like a vast spiderweb.

This spiderweb pattern was etched by the sword light that had erupted from within her.

In that moment, Xi Quan's sword intent spiraled out of control, and the profound essence of the Withered Sword spread outward, forming a large circle with her at the center.

Within this area, any living being—be it flesh and blood, soul, or specter—would be ensnared by the enigmatic power of the Withered Sword upon entering.

A member of the Silver Scale Clan, oblivious to the danger, drew near.


The warrior, his Seventh Level bloodline manifesting as a gleaming silver armor of scales, let out a piercing scream of agony and terror.

Pata! Pata!

Palm-sized scales, shining brilliantly, began to detach from his flesh and fall to the ground.

His once-mighty frame withered away as his vital essence drained from him, drop by drop.

"Why aren't you coming out yet!"

Beru, the Great Sage of the Star Race, immediately recognized the signs.

The Silver Scale Clan warrior, with a Seventh Level bloodline and combat prowess on par with the Human Race's Soul Wandering Stage, realized the direness of his plight—it was the proximity to the woman that had sealed his fate.

He hastily retreated.

Thankfully, Xi Quan, overwhelmed by her own sword intent, couldn't muster another binding light to trap him, allowing the Silver Scale Clan member to escape.

Had he not been so grievously wounded, and had the Withered Sword's domain been at its peak, he would not have lasted seven seconds before succumbing.

But now...

Xi Quan gritted her teeth as innumerable sword glimmers, fine as gnats, waged a desperate battle against the flickering flames on her skin.

Slowly, Canli, Qi Yunhong, Yu Yuan, Old Cash, and others arrived in succession.

Members of the Dark Elfkind, along with Lulu, stood at a cautious distance behind the group.

The desolate and deathly sword intent that Xi Quan had mastered filled them with an innate revulsion. Merely sensing the sword intent that radiated from Xi Quan, they felt their souls recoil and their bloodlines stifled.

"Senior Xi!"

As Yu Yuan approached, his pupils contracted, and he gasped in astonishment at the sight of the flickering flames on Xi Quan's body.

Narrowing his eyes and focusing his keen vision, he instantly discerned nine smaller flames darting within the larger ones, like glowing halos in perpetual motion.

Upon closer inspection, each of the nine dancing flames revealed yet another nine points of light within them—a peculiar formation akin to a fiery ring.

A single cluster of flames, animated by nine shimmering points, with each point encircling a similar halo of light... Yu Yuan was all too familiar with this spectacle.

"Glorious Heavenly Wheel!"

"Yang Mountain's Mo Baichuan!"

"The Primordial Yang Sect is taking action!"

Canli, Beru, and a host of other foreign dignitaries cried out in recognition.

The elite of the Boundless Land, having recently ascended to the Yang God Stage, traditionally embarked on expeditions to outer realms to hunt Devaputras and vanquish formidable aliens as a mark of honor.

Thus, the appearances, spiritual spells, and dispositions of the Boundless Land's champions were better known to these foreign races than to their own.

The sight of the clusters of fireballs immediately triggered accurate identifications from many visitors from beyond the skies.

Qi Yunhong, Shi Yuxuan, and others were not as quick to associate them with the "Glorious Heavenly Wheel."

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Countless minuscule sword lights, numbering in the millions, infiltrated each fireball, dissolving and eradicating the smaller flames and the profound truths of fire they harbored.

After some time, Xi Quan managed to assimilate the clusters of flames with her own formidable strength, and the pervasive "Withered Sword" intent that had filled the air was also slowly retracted and contained by her.

Her eyelids drooping, she surveyed the crowd and declared icily, "Those unworthy of speaking to me, keep your distance!"

At her words, most of the onlookers instantly felt the subtle touch of the "Withered Sword" intent brushing against them.

With grimaces and resigned sighs, they promptly withdrew.

This left Old Cash, Shi Yuxuan, and the like with no option but to depart as well.

Remaining were Canli, Beru, Luo Yue, and a few other formidable entities of equal stature, along with several Demon Gods of the Devaputra Race hovering in the void above.

The Demon God of the Devaputra Race was formidable enough to challenge Unrestrained Stage cultivators in the Outland Star River, boasting combat prowess comparable to Xi Quan.

Yu Yuan was another force to be reckoned with.

"Go back. I'll stay and watch," Mia from the Dark Elfkind instructed, pushing back her hood to reveal her weathered face. She gestured for Lulu to leave, her green eyes briefly scanning Xi Quan in the distance. "Later, I'll fill you in on what happened."

She was the chieftain of the Dark Elfkind in the Boundless Land, drawn here by the relic sensed around Lulu's neck.

"Oh," Lulu murmured, not keen on staying too close to Xi Quan, and she promptly withdrew.

"Was it Mo Baichuan's doing?" Yu Yuan called out.

In his past life, he had a rapport with Mo Baichuan of Yang Mountain, not as close as with Zu Ann, but they held mutual respect. He had crafted numerous pellets for Mo Baichuan.

The Glorious Heavenly Wheel was a personal gift from Mo Baichuan.

Back then, Mo Baichuan wasn't nearly as formidable as he is now, not yet one of the titans of the Primordial Yang Sect.

"A mere Mo Baichuan couldn't have inflicted such damage on me," Xi Quan declared, grimacing in pain as if the very act of speaking aggravated his internal injuries. "It took Fenng Pu of Yang Mountain and Mo Baichuan, the two Mountain Lords, along with their followers, to bring me to this state."

"Two Unrestrained Stage cultivators, plus the might of two mountains!" Mia from the Dark Elfkind inhaled sharply.

She was acutely aware of the weight those two carried and the formidable nature of their mountains.

True to the moniker "Withered Sword," Xi Quan's reputation for excessive killing, endangering even his own, was well-earned, as was his confinement in the "Sword Prison," Mia silently reflected.

"And Lvliu?" Yu Yuan pressed on.

At the mention of Lvliu, the Great Commander of the Demon Clan, the atmosphere among the various foreign races grew tense.

Even the Demon Gods from the Devaputra Race, perched above, peeked out from the Demonic Light, their interest piqued by the name.

The Green Willow Demon, leader of the Outer Sky Legion of the Demon Clan, was infamous for slaying countless foreign warriors and consuming the souls and bones of numerous devils. This fearsome being's reputation spread across the starry skies, striking terror in the hearts of all.

"Loong Jie was freed by the Sword Sect, and then he rallied several dragons to besiege Green Willow Demon in the Jade Peak Mountains," Xi Quan said with a smirk. "Before I ventured into the forbidden area, Lvliu's wounds were likely even more severe than mine. Loong Jie, the venerable patriarch of the Dragon Clan, will be a formidable force once he regains his full strength. With the support of the elder dragons from Hidden Dragon Lake, Lvliu is in for a serious defeat."

Her expression betrayed a hint of schadenfreude.

"Loong Jie..." Yu Yuan's face took on a concerned look.

He was well aware that the elder dragon, once confined in the Sword Prison, had been recaptured by Ji Ningshuang in the Desolate Swamp, weakened and far from recovered after its escape, its vitality drained.

Loong Jie, the oldest and mightiest dragon known in the Boundless Land, would undoubtedly rival Lvliu in strength once he returned to his prime.

Moreover, with the alliance of the other elder dragons from Hidden Dragon Lake, Lvliu was indeed facing an uphill battle.

"Did Lvliu devour Loong Qi?" Yu Yuan inquired, intrigued.

"That's part of it," Xi Quan replied, composing herself. "Primarily, Hidden Dragon Lake sought to reclaim Loong Jie and, seizing the moment when the Divine Soul Sect arrived, extended an olive branch to the three upper sects. They expressed a willingness to join forces with the upper sects, the Demon Palace, and the Demon Palace to resist the sinners returning from the outer realms."

"It's worth noting that during the era when the Divine Soul Sect reigned supreme, they prided themselves on subjugating dragons as mounts. That period marked the most humiliating and darkest days for the Dragon Clan."

After a brief pause, Xi Quan got to the heart of the matter. "The three upper sects, along with the Demon Palace and the Demon Palace, have dispatched numerous experts to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area. They've issued a summons to all sects to send their strongest to join the cause. Those who refuse to participate or lend their support will face retribution when the time comes!"

Old Cash, a figure as timeless as his name, had seen many a battle alongside Canli and Qi Yunhong. Their tales were woven into the fabric of the Silver Scale Clan's history. Yu Yuan, a member of the Dark Elfkind, often recounted their adventures with a twinkle in his eye.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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