Unmatched Dominance/C929 He Wanted to Fight!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C929 He Wanted to Fight!!
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C929 He Wanted to Fight!!

Another vial of dark green essence from a Seventh Level Dark Elfkind was poured into the Life Altar and swiftly refined.

Flecks of dark green light flickered as they seeped into the Consciousness Little World, where Yu Yuan's Yin God, along with his main soul and Heavenly Soul, easily engulfed them.

Yet this time, there was no significant improvement in his soul—progress was minimal.

Eager to achieve a breakthrough to the Soul Wandering Stage, he let out a sigh and sent a strand of his soul consciousness to meander through his storage ring. Surveying the remaining dozen or so vials of blood and the hearts of other beings, he couldn't help feeling a touch of irritation.

The leftover blood from these formidable outsiders offered only a slight benefit to his soul.

Through refining numerous vials, he had come to a realization: the higher the bloodline level of the blood's original owner, the more it enhanced his Life Altar, soul, and body.

Take, for instance, the time he refined a vial of Eighth Level Dark Elfkind blood obtained from the Blood God Cult. That first infusion into the Life Altar had significantly bolstered his Yin God.

The current vial of Dark Elfkind blood, procured by Ann Ziqing from a recent trade fair, was also from the Dark Elfkind. However, after previously absorbing blood from an Eighth Level Dark Elfkind, ingesting a lower-level Dark Elfkind bloodline offered no remarkable sensation for either the Life Altar or his soul.

He quickly grasped that high-level Bloodline Keepers of the same group inherently possessed more extraordinary attributes than their lower-level counterparts.

To feel an enhancement in his soul, Life Altar, and body once again, he needed to seek out a higher-grade bloodline.

This principle held true for all outsider bloodlines.

"After refining the blood of Dark Elfkind, female demons, and the Star Race, those with bloodlines below the Eighth Level no longer serve any purpose for me."

"Only the essence from a more potent bloodline can elevate my strength further."

"Or perhaps, from different races."


These thoughts cascaded through Yu Yuan's mind as he opened his eyes.

"That person mentioned that once I reclaim my true self, I'll be able to wield the Soul Transformation Pool and this grand formation, potentially reversing my fortunes. But first, I must ascend to the Soul Wandering Stage..."

With a whoosh, he refocused on the task at hand.

He burst from the pit and stood firmly on the ground, scanning the area. He could see many from different races, still basking in the lucrative gains from the recent trade fair.

Members of the Black Scale Clan were meticulously infusing refined iron from the Boundless Land into their natural armor, while their kin from the Silver Scale Clan had acquired unique silver to forge into their scales, enhancing their durability.

Yu Yuan wondered if their armor could withstand his blows... This thought sparked a fierce longing within him for a rousing battle, a way to temper his strength through combat. Had peace reigned for too long?

He could feel every cell, every vein, and every bone in his body craving the thrill of a fight!

A flash of insight shot through his Consciousness Little World like lightning. The power from the blood refined at the Life Altar had integrated with his inner world, but his flesh and bones still required the slow, steady fortification akin to forging iron.

Only through the crucible of combat could the supernatural abilities woven into his soul and body truly become his own.

"Cough, cough, can we spar? You all know who I am. I'm currently at the peak of the Yin God Stage, not yet ascended to Soul Wandering," he said, approaching the gathering of the Black Scale and Silver Scale Clans with a bow and earnest demeanor.

A brawny figure from the Silver Scale Clan, his face and cheeks covered in gleaming scales, peered at Yu Yuan with eyes as large as bells and said gruffly, "Our clan has no Sixth Level warriors in this land!"

The Yin God Stage was equivalent to the Sixth Level warriors of the Silver Scale Clan, and Yu Yuan found no match for himself.

"I wish to spar with a Seventh Level warrior of the Silver Scale Clan," Yu Yuan declared.

"Seventh Level? You need to be at the Soul Wandering Stage. You're not there yet," the Silver Scale warrior replied, his human language rough but his message clear.

In other words, Yu Yuan, still short of the Soul Wandering Stage, lacked the credentials to battle even their weakest fighter.

Yu Yuan had chosen a different location than the one beneath the Soul Transformation Pool, so these members of the Silver Scale and Black Scale Clans were unaware of the significant disturbance he had caused just a short while ago.

"I believe I'm qualified."

Yu Yuan let out a chuckle, unconcerned with whether the Silver Scale Clan warrior agreed or not. He locked eyes with one of the warriors, his gaze ablaze with the fire of battle, and charged forward.


Dozens of opened channels within him erupted, unleashing a torrent of blood and Qi like a volcanic explosion.

The Seventh Level Silver Scale Clan warrior, confined within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, felt stifled. With a natural thirst for battle, he welcomed Yu Yuan's approach with a surge of energy and a grin, thumping his chest in anticipation.

The clan leader, witnessing the scene, urgently cautioned his warriors in their native tongue.

He advised his subordinate not to act rashly and to avoid seriously injuring Yu Yuan.

His own bloodline was of the Eighth Level, while the commanders of the Silver Scale and Black Scale Clans were of the Ninth Level. They had been informed that Yu Yuan was an esteemed figure within the Divine Soul Sect, someone they could not afford to cross.

Aware of Yu Yuan's status, the leader feared a misstep by his warriors could bring disgrace upon their clan.

"Demon Desolation!"

The blood and Qi roared from the dozens of opened channels like a raging river.

Yu Yuan extended his hand, still a good ten meters away, and struck the air.

From his fingers, a surge of dense and explosive blood essence transformed into a menagerie of ferocity: a colossal elephant, a frenzied rhinoceros, a bloodthirsty golden beast, a menacing hedgehog, and a hybrid lion-tiger.

These five formidable beasts, sculpted from Yu Yuan's potent blood essence, were vivid and imposing.

Yu Yuan's soul consciousness divided into five threads, each intertwining with the beasts.

He felt as though he had become the five brutal creatures, attacking the Silver Scale Clan member from all directions.

To his astonishment, as the beasts lunged, combat techniques from the Asura Clan, Demon Clan, and Silver Scale Clan flooded his mind.

The golden beast, as it rammed into the Silver Scale Clan warrior, unfurled its golden scales from its belly, transforming them into a row of lethal saw-like teeth.

Many warriors from the Black Scale and Silver Scale Clans fought in a similar fashion, their scales becoming deadly blades.

As the elephant, rhinoceros, hedgehog, and lion-tiger encircled the Silver Scale Clan warrior, they seemed to channel the battle styles of both the Asura and Rock Clans.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Encircled by five ferocious beasts, the Silver Scale Clan warrior shimmered in a radiant silver light, his scales interlocked into a formidable shield. Surprisingly, he chose to hold his ground defensively instead of engaging in a direct confrontation.

"This isn't quite right!"

The Eighth Level warriors sensed an extraordinary surge of blood energy emanating from Yu Yuan.

"I'll pick another one!"

With a forceful stomp, Yu Yuan shattered the earth beneath him and rocketed forward like a shell.

Another eager Black Scale Clan warrior, wielding a pitch-black iron hammer, was quick to close in for combat. Elbows clashed, knees struck with force, sending a shower of sparks and dark light scattering in all directions.


The cumbersome pitch-black iron hammer proved to be more of a nuisance than a weapon in such close quarters, and he tossed it aside without a second thought.

Yu Yuan refrained from invoking his sword spell or summoning the Evil Cauldron, relying solely on the raw, brute strength of the Evil Body Refining Skill to match the Black Scale Clan warrior's prowess in hand-to-hand combat.

Even so, he was simultaneously taking on two opponents with undivided focus.

"Yin God Stage?"

The concerned Silver Scale Clan warrior, an Eighth Level Bloodline Keeper, squinted in disbelief. "If every human at the Yin God Stage in the Boundless Land possessed such formidable combat abilities, our Realm would have been overrun long ago."

"Yu Yuan!"

Canli from the Bright Clan, Beru of the Star Race, Luo Yue, and others sensed the unusual disturbance in blood energy and were taken aback.

Unaware of the actual situation, they feared that the Silver Scale Clan and the Black Scale Clan were venting their frustration on Yu Yuan for not being able to return to their native lands, possibly seeking his life.

Worried that this conflict might set off an explosive chain reaction, they hastened to the scene at top speed.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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