Unmatched Dominance/C930 He Tempered His Combat Skills!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C930 He Tempered His Combat Skills!!
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C930 He Tempered His Combat Skills!!

Lulu, Canli, Mia, and other clan leaders, along with Luo Yue, Qi Yunhong, Wen Luo, and Shi Yuxuan, rushed over upon hearing the news.

In the deep, dark night sky, Devaputras stirred and drew near in silence.


Quero, the towering leader of the Silver Scale Clan, activated his bloodline secret technique upon learning that his kin were engaged in battle with Yu Yuan. His scales quivered, emitting a sound akin to gold metal striking iron.

In a flash, Quero was the first to reach the scene.


The stalwart warrior of the Silver Scale Clan, upon spotting Quero's arrival, quickly pointed at Yu Yuan and reported earnestly, "He was the one who challenged us to battle; we did not provoke him!"

As Quero was about to intervene, he caught sight of a Seventh Level Bloodline warrior from his clan under fierce attack by a giant elephant, a bull, a golden-armored beast, a lion, a tiger, and a hedgehog. The warrior's scales, forged into a silver shield, were on the verge of shattering.

Quero's expression darkened.

The Silver Scale and Black Scale Clans' warriors were known for their water-affinity bloodlines and their signature, unbreakable scales that echoed across the galaxy.

These scales served as both shield and weapon, transforming into razor-sharp blades that could rend the flesh of any enemy foolhardy enough to come close.

The clan warrior, now assuming a defensive posture, had his resplendent scales merge into a solid silver shield, revealing an undeniable truth—he lacked the confidence for a counterattack.

A defensive stance often indicated a warrior felt outmatched by the enemy, leaving no option but to fend off attacks with the shield.

"Isn't that Yu Yuan at the Yin God Stage? I've encountered humans at the Yin God Stage before..."

As Quero silently pondered, he noticed another Black Scale Clan member locked in close combat with Yu Yuan. The warrior's pitch-black, sturdy scales clanged as if struck by a massive iron hammer.

Quero's eyes widened in shock.

With his seasoned judgment and keen intuition, he could discern that the Black Scale Clan warrior battling Yu Yuan was at the pinnacle of the Seventh Level, on the cusp of a potential evolution to the Eighth Level.

Each scale on the Black Scale Clan member was forged through relentless tempering, infused with untold amounts of precious metal and vital blood.

For a human at the Soul Wandering Stage to penetrate even one of these scales without a divine weapon was pure fantasy.

Yet, before his very eyes, he witnessed a Seventh Level Bloodline warrior from the Black Scale Clan, his scales caving under the relentless barrage of Yu Yuan's fists, knees, and elbows.

The scales weren't the only thing to give way; the warrior's flesh and bones buckled under the assault as well!

The pain etched on the Black Scale Clan warrior's face was unmistakable, with blood spraying from his mouth and the constant crack of bones.

Quero's expression grew stern. He raised his hand, signaling for silence.

The burly Silver Scale Clan man, eager to interject, fell silent at the gesture.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Beru, Canli, Mia, the Banshee Clan leader, several Asuras, and the Sky Demon arrived in the wake of Quero's arrival.

"What's going on, Quero?"

Beru, upon arrival and seeing Yu Yuan taking on two opponents—morphing his blood and Qi into a vicious beast to combat a Silver Scale Clan member and a Black Scale Clan warrior—called out anxiously.

"He challenged them of his own accord," Quero replied gravely.

"Challenged them?"

Mia of the Dark Elfkind narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing the scene. Her anxiety melted away as she realized, "This is merely a contest. It's clear to all of us that he hasn't summoned the Evil Cauldron, hasn't tapped into his soul powers, nor has he wielded any other weapons in battle."

Canli's smile was gentle. "He's holding back. If he weren't..."

Quero huffed.

As the leader of both the Silver Scale and Black Scale Clans, and a Ninth Level warrior, he quickly grasped the true nature of the situation after his initial shock.

Yu Yuan was indeed just sparring...

Otherwise, his clansman, the Black Scale warrior, would have already fallen to Yu Yuan's might.

Yu Yuan, merely at the Yin God Stage and without any reliance on artifacts or the subtle powers of the Yin God, had managed with his fierce and almost superhuman strength to put two Seventh Level warriors of his clan in such disarray.

Wasn't this tantamount to a slap in the face, declaring his clansmen incompetent?

Quero's dissatisfaction stemmed from his perception that Beru, Canli, Mia, Qi Yunhong, Old Cash, Luo Yue, and the others were snickering at him and secretly holding him in contempt.

Boom! Boom!

A warrior from the Silver Scale Clan and another from the Black Scale Clan hit the ground, unable to rise after enduring a series of punishing blows.

Yu Yuan absorbed the refined Qi and blood he had released, causing the five vicious beasts that had materialized to vanish into thin air.

As his Qi and blood pulsed vigorously, Yu Yuan caught sight of Lulu and Mia from the Dark Elfkind in the crowd. He addressed them, "Would you mind attending to these two warriors?"

Lulu nodded in rapid agreement.

Mia responded, "Your status is exalted. There's no need for you to concern yourself with such trivial matters."

Accompanying her, two Eighth Level Bloodline Keepers from the Dark Elfkind stepped forward, positioning themselves behind the fallen warriors from the Black Scale Clan and the Silver Scale Clan to begin their healing.

The Dark Elfkind, naturally attuned to the forests deep within the vast cosmos, were renowned for their exceptional healing abilities.

With two Eighth Level Dark Elfkind taking charge, the injured warriors were assuredly in good hands.

"I apologize for being a bit heavy-handed. But as you can see, I meant no harm," Yu Yuan sincerely expressed to Quero.

"Regardless, you've earned my respect," Quero replied, his expression still stern.

The Silver Scale Clan, Black Scale Clan, Asura Clan, and Djinn Clan were all battle-hungry tribes that lived by the creed that might makes right.

Though Quero was displeased, Yu Yuan had restrained his true strength during their confrontation. Moreover, Yu Yuan's immediate request for the Dark Elfkind's healing services after the battle, combined with the formidable combat power unleashed at the Yin God Stage, had earned Quero's begrudging admiration.

Thus, he refrained from seizing the chance to stir up conflict.

"I'm acting in everyone's best interest," Yu Yuan stated, clearing his throat subtly. He avoided being too explicit and instead gestured towards the distant Soul Transformation Pool, "It's imperative that I advance to the next level and gain mastery over it as soon as possible."

Not long before, an evil statue had sprouted an eerie black and green flower. Yu Yuan had informed everyone that he held the key.

The chiefs of all tribes were aware of this development.

Yet, leaders like Quero remained skeptical that Yu Yuan could truly unravel the enigma of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

How could such a feeble lad possess the strength to contend with the titans of the Unrestrained Stage and the Yang God Stage that roamed beyond?

"Ladies and gentlemen, I require further assistance. Please arrange for your Seventh Level clansmen to continue honing their skills with me," Yu Yuan addressed Mia, Canli, and Beru.

He then lifted his gaze to the Devaputra hovering in the sky.

"Very well!"

Unexpectedly, the first to answer was a Demon God.

In a clear and forceful human tongue, he bellowed, "Glas!"

A Seventh Level Demon General from the Devaputra Race transformed into a blue beast, erupting from the earth nearby. Engulfed in blue demonic flames, it charged at Yu Yuan.

"One is insufficient." Yu Yuan's eyes flickered as he turned to Sansom, the Banshee Clan chieftain. "Please command a Seventh Level Banshee to join the Demon General in exerting pressure on my soul. I need to undergo a soul metamorphosis to achieve my realm breakthrough."

Sansom, who possessed a Ninth Level bloodline, fixed her gaze on him and replied in a piercing tone, "Your wish is granted."

At her command, a Seventh Level banshee appeared.

Together, the Seventh Level Demon General and the banshee launched their assault on Yu Yuan.

Quero, the Silver Scale Clan leader, watched the unfolding scene with a surge of excitement.

His clan's two warriors had been bested by Yu Yuan, leaving him feeling disgraced, sensing scorn in the eyes of the other races' champions.

But if Yu Yuan were to defeat the Seventh Level Bloodline Keepers from the various clans, that would turn the tables entirely.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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