Unmatched Dominance/C933 A Small Accident!
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Unmatched Dominance/C933 A Small Accident!
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C933 A Small Accident!

The Absence Relic.

A majestic gilding treasure ship, nearly a hundred meters in length, sailed serenely through the clouds. Aboard the ship were cultivators from the Thunder Sect, Spirit Void Sect, Cold Yin Sect, Taiyuan Sect, and Cloud Water Sect.

At the helm stood the Spirit Void Taoist, the Sect Master of the Spirit Void Sect, personally overseeing the voyage.

The ship was a gathering of power, hosting several Unrestrained Stage cultivators, a dozen Yang God Stage experts, and numerous practitioners in the Soul Wandering and Yin God Stages.

All had converged at Spider City via the teleportation array from the Heavenly Source Continent.

The Demon Palace had lifted a particular ban, permitting Unrestrained Stage cultivators to traverse the Relic.

As the gilding treasure ship approached Elfview, it paused momentarily.

"We're above Elfview now."

The words were spoken in a hushed tone, prompting many on board to peer down curiously.

Their journey on the gilding treasure ship was bound for the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, where they would rendezvous with cultivators from the upper sects to confront the Outland Evil Demons.

Rumors had spread that Yu Yuan had aligned with the Outland Evil Demons through the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation, branding him an enemy of the realm.

Beneath them, Elfview housed the kin of Yu Yuan.


In a quiet corner of the treasure ship, Su Yan of the Taiyuan Sect, clad in a green dress, called out softly amidst the surrounding sneers, "Did Yu Yuan cause you any trouble back in Horror Land?"

Her master was none other than Jiang Xingwen.

Jiang's expression was a tapestry of complexity, stirred by the gentle inquiry, which brought back memories of the Yin God ordeal in Horror Land.

She remembered the vanished Ghost King Mingdu...

A twinge of pain crossed her heart as she replied coolly, "Yu Yuan did not trouble me."

When Mingdu fell, her heart was shrouded in despair. Her Yin God had been stealthily taken by Qianjie, only to be released later.

It was during her time with the Babel Chamber of Commerce that her Yin God merged back with her body, triggering an unexpected surge in her cultivation level.

She then discovered that her soul had been refined to perfection, and a wealth of secret Soul Arts had emerged, as if by magic.

She had an epiphany; it was a gift from Mingdu, imprinted on her soul in an incomprehensible manner.

Mingdu, once the ruler of Horror Land, had bequeathed to her the secrets of Ghost Dao, the mysteries of the Yin Meridian's origin, and profound insights into the soul.

This also included a substantial amount of exceedingly pure soul force, sealed within the depths of her Yin God.

Upon her Yin God's return to the Consciousness Little World, the seal effortlessly broke, unleashing a torrent of power.

Jiang Xingwen couldn't make it back to the Taiyuan Sect. While still at the Babel Chamber of Commerce, the power gifted by Mingdu propelled her to the Yang God Stage at an astonishing rate!

Back at the Taiyuan Sect, after receiving spiritual materials and pellets, she ascended yet another minor realm in no time.

Now, Jiang Xingwen was a mid-stage Yang God cultivator, deeply trusted by the sect master and recognized as one of the Taiyuan Sect's most formidable experts and its leader.

Jiang Xingwen sensed her future breakthroughs would be swift and unstoppable.

She knew it was all thanks to Mingdu, who had laid the foundation while she was none the wiser.


Biting her lip, she gazed upon Elfview Town, shrouded in demonic energy, and then cast a glance at the distant mid-lake island.

"Master, are you rushing to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area to confront Yu Yuan?" Su Yan whispered.

"Yu Yuan is of little concern," Jiang Xingwen replied coolly, shaking her head. "His life or death matters not to me. What I've learned is that Tianzang is there. He's the one who transformed from a Devaputra into the Ghost King and thwarted Mingdu's schemes. Even if I'm no match for him, I yearn to see Tianzang's demise!"

Mingdu had secured the backing of the three upper sects, the Devil Palace, and the Demon Palace. Cao Jiaze was dispatched to bolster his efforts.

Had the Divine Soul Sect not intervened unexpectedly, Mingdu would have ascended to become the deity of Horror Land.

Mingdu would honor all the promises he made to her. They were meant to explore the magnificent cosmos together, living a life of boundless freedom.

But Tianzang thwarted it all! The mere thought made Jiang Xingwen's eyes glint with frost, her whole being radiating a perilous energy.

"We will handle Yu Yuan," declared the Spirit Void Taoist at the helm, casting a lingering glance at Elfview Town before deciding, "Set sail!"

The gilding treasure ship, previously at a standstill, swiftly skimmed over Elfview Town.

It was common knowledge that the Spirit Void Taoist was cautious of Yu Zhu's presence; otherwise, Elfview Town would have faced utter annihilation.

The treasure ship, having left Elfview Town, didn't fly straight over Darkmoon City. Instead, it veered off course, steering clear of every city teeming with mortals, navigating through the skies over desolate landscapes.

"My family, my father..."

As they passed Silvermoon City, Su Yan gazed at the resplendent, towering city with a soft sigh.

Following Yan Gui's defection from the Devil Palace and the subsequent reversion of the Devil Moon Empire to the Silvermoon Empire, numerous families were purged or exiled.

Su Xiangtian, the current head of the Su family, made his choice. He didn't lead his kin away; instead, he aligned with Yan Gui.

This decision elevated the Su family to one of the most prominent in the Silvermoon Empire.

But from that moment on, the Su family severed all ties with the Taiyuan Sect.

Su Yan, now a disciple of the Taiyuan Sect, was forbidden to ever set foot in the Su family home again.

"The sect is the sect. We abide by our rules and do not meddle in the affairs of the mortal nations. If we did, many families in the Silvermoon Empire, including your father's Su family, would be wiped out," Jiang Xingwen said sharply. "Remember, once you join the Taiyuan Sect, your allegiance is to the sect alone, with no further connection to the Su family!"

"If the sect master ever orders you to turn your blade against the Su family, even against your own father, you must comply!"

Jiang Xingwen, once tender as a gentle stream, had undergone a profound transformation after the cataclysmic events in Horror Land and Mingdu's demise.

And this new version of her was precisely what the Taiyuan Sect delighted in seeing.

Near the Silvermoon Empire lay a forbidden zone, marked by a landscape of craters surrounding a collapsed peak. Vicious souls and Devaputras would occasionally slither out from the crevices in the crater walls.

The area teemed with Soul Spirits, drawn as if by some unseen lure.

With a whoosh, the Evil Cauldron came to a halt at the base of the deteriorated mountain. Yu Yuan and the now visible Yu Yiyi gazed down at the craters.

"This must be the place. I have a faint recollection of being confined here before..." Yu Yiyi's delicate face was etched with bewilderment and recollection as she gestured toward one of the nondescript craters. "I think I spent many, many years inside that one."

"We're not far into the forbidden area," Yu Yuan remarked, his expression peculiar. "It wasn't long after we arrived from the Silvermoon Empire that we found ourselves here."

He extended his soul sense, probing the surroundings in secret.

The presence of the Evil Cauldron sent the weaker spirits and little devils scattering like a swarm of bats.

Recently, the Evil Cauldron had been hunting Soul Spirits in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, transforming them into Evil Devils. This had left many vicious souls in a state of perpetual dread, recognizing the dark cauldron's approach.

Assuming Yu Yiyi was once again on the hunt, and realizing hiding was futile, they fled in panic.

Among the startled spirits, one particularly feeble little devil went unnoticed.

Yet, somehow, both Yu Yuan and Yu Yiyi felt a strange pull toward it, fixing their gaze upon the creature.

The little devil, with its avian green silhouette, came to an abrupt halt, then quietly morphed into a face of reluctant acceptance. "What do you want with me?" it asked, frowning and giving Yu Yuan an exasperated roll of the eyes. "Your Yu family's ancestor is on the verge of ascending to an unparalleled Ghost God in Horror Land. I've kept my end of the bargain, not returning to Horror Land. I've been here, quietly cultivating my strength. That doesn't interfere with you, does it?"


"The Tianzang Ghost King!"

Yu Yuan and Yu Yiyi exclaimed, astounded.

They had never imagined that the inconspicuous little devil, mingling among the devils and vicious souls, was in fact the renowned Ghost King of Horror Land!

Once a formidable member of the Blue Devil Clan within the Devaputra Race, Tianzang had reclaimed the Tears of Blue Devil from Cao Jiaze right there in Horror Land.

"Weren't you looking for me on purpose?" Tianzang asked, taken aback.

Libre Baskerville
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