Unmatched Dominance/C938 Spacetime Dragon
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Unmatched Dominance/C938 Spacetime Dragon
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C938 Spacetime Dragon

"Strange..." Tianzang mumbled, his gaze fixed on the resplendent, multicolored corpse of the dragon, lost in thought.

He had relied on the Tears of Blue Devil, and guidance from the Divine King within the bronze coffin, to learn how to access the Dragon Slash Platform.

Previously, even as a Devaputra, he was aware of the three buried Dragon Slash Platforms, yet he could never penetrate their secrets.

Now, having finally discovered the method of entry, the vibrant Space-time Dragon remained motionless.

In contrast, as soon as Yu Yuan's Yin God made its entrance, the seven segments of the Space-time Dragon's corpse stirred to life.

Firstly, how was Yu Yuan's Yin God able to step into this realm?

And secondly, how did such a diminutive Yin God provoke a response from the residual Time force within the Space-time Dragon's remains?

Tianzang was baffled.

As he prepared to seek answers, the seven-colored Space-time Dragon's corpse once again erupted with time-warping, chaotic energies.

Spectacular vistas from the era when the Nagas reigned over all living creatures unfolded around the Space-time Dragon, like a mirage come to life.

This dead Dragon God, even after tens of thousands of years, was still reflecting on the Nagas' past splendor.

Yet it seemed unwilling to accept the current reality: an age without new Dragon Gods, where the Dragon Clan was balanced by the might of Humans and Demons.

High above, Yu Yuan's expression shifted as he observed from within the Yin God.

Images swirled around the seven-colored dragon's remains, emerging and fading quietly.

He watched intently.

He saw the ancient times when the mountains of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area stood tall and proud, bathed in sunlight that turned their peaks into glistening Gold Mountains.

A colossal golden dragon lounged in the mountain ranges, basking in the sun, or floated atop the highest peak, surveying the mortal realm with eyes as radiant as the sun itself.

In the mortal world, several ancient kingdoms could be faintly discerned.

Each kingdom's palace was enshrouded in dragon aura, and the so-called royalty, all bore the blood of the Dragon Clan!

In this world, there were no cultivators, only Dragon Servitors.

The royal families of each empire, much like Loong Tianxiao, were human-dragon hybrids with a trace of dragon blood in their veins, ruling over empires on behalf of the dragons, enslaving countless mortals.

Dragon Servitors, lacking the lineage of the Nagas, were bestowed with dragon blood and breath, enhancing their physiques and setting them apart from ordinary mortals.

The mightiest among these Servitors possessed physical prowess on par with those at the Profound Break and Penetrating Stages, their power gains wholly reliant on the gift of dragon blood.

No one mastered the art of soul cultivation, nor could anyone forge a Yellow Court Little World to harbor Spiritual Qi.

Yet, in that bygone age, the Spiritual Qi of the Boundless Land was richer than it is today.

The Golden Giant Dragon and its kin elevated hybrids to emperors of the human realm, forming a martial force of Dragon Servitors to govern the human empire.

Humans, from birth, revered dragons as the ultimate deity, worshipping the Dragon God.

On the Quietus Continent, a dark dragon resided within the Devil Palace, surrounded by its kin.

The Demon Palace was home to a colossal phoenix, shifting hues from purple to black, emanating a powerful demonic aura.

Despite this, the Quietus Continent's true sovereigns were the dark dragon and its diverse draconic brethren.

The dragons roamed the continent in their primal forms, soaring through the void or traversing the land.

Upon encountering these majestic creatures, even the mightiest demons would offer deference, yielding passage as a sign of humility.

This demonstrated the dragons' supremacy over all other demonic beings.

Elsewhere, in the Heavenly Source Continent, a Flame Giant Dragon lay hidden within the Primordial Yang Sect's domain, navigating the fiery magma deep underground.

In the Cold Yin Sect's realm, a Frost Dragon's every shimmering silver scale had the power to plunge its surroundings into a bitter, icy winter.

Despite sharing a lineage, the Flame Giant Dragon and the Frost Dragon were often at odds, engaging in fierce skirmishes.

Their fellow dragons, aligned with either side, were equally embroiled in relentless conflict.

Another dragon, resplendent in iridescent colors, wielded Space-time Extraordinary Talent, seldom seen in the Boundless Land, preferring to roam the Outland Starry Sky.

These five dragons, each bearing Tenth Level bloodlines, were the quintessential Dragon Gods of the Nagas' golden era.

The Golden Giant Dragon reigned over the human realms nestled among the peaks of the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, ruling over empires on the Profound Sky Continent.

Each Emperor was a scion of his mixed lineage.

The Dragon Servitors of each empire were either his loyal followers or had been granted the gift of dragon blood by the dragons of the other two continents.

In the human empires, all people worshipped the five Dragon Gods, securing the unshakeable status of the Dragon Clan.

The Dark Dragon kept the Demon Race at bay on the Quietus Continent.

On the Heavenly Source Continent, the Blazing Dragon and the Frost Dragon clashed fiercely in the absence of external foes.

However, when the Demon Race or other foreign powers threatened to invade, the five Dragon Gods and their kin would swiftly unite.

The Space-time Dragon wandered beyond the galaxy, masterfully wielding the powers of space and time to scout for news of alien races.

Should an opportunity arise, the dragons of the Boundless Land would surge forth in droves, invading the realms of these aliens to loot and ravage.

Conversely, if the alien races banded together to invade the Boundless Land, the Dragon Clan would rally, joining forces with the great demons to mount a defense and repel the invaders.

This was the Dragon Clan's most magnificent epoch.

The visions emanating from the remains of the vibrant Space-time Dragon told an eternal tale of the clan's past splendor, strength, and esteemed status.

This was the Nagas' Eternal Song!

None of the Nagas' darker aspects – their malevolence, brutality, or defeats – would ever be depicted in these visions.

"This place..."

After a considerable pause, Yu Yuan arrived at the Dragon Slash Platform and inquired about his surroundings.

The true form of Tianzang outside had already learned everything from another Tianzang, yet his inner self remained ignorant.

That is, until...


A fragment of Tianzang's soul at last returned.

As Tianzang stepped onto the Dragon Slash Platform, his true self became aware of the events transpiring outside. He promptly began to enlighten Yu Yuan's Yin God about the nature of this place, revealing the secrets of the Dragon Slash Platform and sharing that his servant, Yu Yiyi, had once been its guardian.

Yu Yuan's Yin God listened, astounded and speechless.

"Kid, the scenes you witnessed of the Space-time Dragon's evolution were indeed events of the past," Tianzang commented with a sneer, his tone laced with disdain. "But there's much more that you haven't seen, and that's the reality."

What he witnessed was indeed factual, but the unseen truths were even more profound.

"The Nagas ruthlessly massacred your human kin as if they were mere cattle. The Nagas are inherently brutal, depraved, and bloodthirsty. The so-called emperors of humanity are nothing but the offspring of Nagas who violated human maidens. Any human bold enough to defy them would be reduced to a bloody pulp with a mere flick of their dragon claws."

"Eventually, they grew weary of the hassle and decided to craft a more favorable image for themselves, hence the rise of human emperors. Claims of being Dragon Servitors and descendants of dragons—are they not simply tools at their disposal? Utterly manipulated, they aided the Nagas in reigning over the mortals."

"Moreover, even at the peak of their reign, the Nagas were not the supreme rulers of the Outland Star River."

"In that era, they would band together and raid the Outland Star River. Yet, formidable alien races like us, the Devaputra, would surge into the Boundless Land for a vengeful slaughter. The Nagas might have been tyrants within the Boundless Land, but outside, they paled in comparison to the humans of your time."

Tianzang's voice dripped with loathing as he recounted the deeds of the Nagas.

"The construction of the Dragon Slash Platform, the rise of humanity, the fall of the Nagas—we played a significant role in all of it," Tianzang said with a smirk. "The demise of the Dark Giant Dragon gave rise to the Devil Palace. The slaying of the Inferno Giant Dragon birthed the Primordial Yang Sect and the Red Devil Sect. The extinction of the Frost Dragon led to the founding of the Cold Yin Sect."

"The Space-time Dragon you've encountered empowered the Wisdom Divine King of the Divine Soul Sect. The Realm passageway that leads to the outside world was carved open by the Space-time Dragon itself. Yet ultimately, that very passageway was subdued by the Wisdom Divine King."

"The Wisdom Divine King ascended to the Primordial Spirit Stage by delving into the enigmas of the Space-time Dragon."

"And you, young one, are practicing the Wisdom Divine King's Soul Forging Technique, which enhances the Wisdom Root. These were the early Soul Arts of the Wisdom Divine King. The Spacetime Mysteries he later unraveled were seized by Yan Qiling, shaping the formidable being that Yan Qiling is today."

The Profound Break was not merely a level of power but a gateway to the Yellow Court and its Yellow Court Little World, a microcosm of the Boundless Land. Legends spoke of the Golden Giant Dragon that soared over the Quietus Continent, casting its shadow over the Devil Palace and the Demon Palace.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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