Unmatched Dominance/C94 Sword Control
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Unmatched Dominance/C94 Sword Control
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C94 Sword Control

Yu Yuan's arrival invigorated the spirits of all present.

Eyes turned toward the source of the voice, and a quartet emerged from the depths of the swirling gray smoke.

In addition to Yu Yuan, there were Zhan Tianxiang, Zhao Yafu, and Han Hui.

Yet Zhan Tianxiang and Han Hui bore expressions of reluctance.

"No one can leave until the Moon Demon is slain."

Yu Yuan, feeling somewhat helpless, explained, "They moved too quickly, and we were slower, which brought us too close together. Even after killing them, the Moon Demon, with its speed, could easily catch up to us."

"Since we can't escape, we might as well give it our all in battle. There might be a sliver of hope for survival."

He shared his inner thoughts.

Upon detecting the Moon Demon, Yu Yuan had assessed that the most formidable one, continuously absorbing the power of the moonlight, was not only capable of soaring through the skies but was also growing stronger.

Even with Lee Yu present, it was doubtful he could handle such a Moon Demon.

Should the Moon Demon slaughter Lee Yu, Su Yan, Yan Lu, and the rest, it would inevitably reach him.

By then, the Moon Demon, empowered by the moonlight, would likely have regained full strength.

Their chances of survival seemed slim.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, he persuaded Zhan Tianxiang and Han Hui to join forces with the strongest among them and come to his aid.

As they moved, the Moon Demon within Han Hui deliberately slowed its pace, fearing they wouldn't arrive in time.

This indicated the Moon Demon was confident it could eliminate everyone at once.

"Van Ning, Yu Yuan..."

Fong Xin whispered, her green eyes briefly flitting over the two before she dismissed the Blue Profound Sword embedded in her chest.

Her hands came together, forming a mystical seal.

A radiant brilliance burst forth from her palms.

"Blade of the Fallen Moon."

The frigid moon, suspended in the night sky, suddenly intensified in brightness.

Moonlight cascaded like a silvery waterfall, converging on Fong Xin's seal.

The seal, shining like a silver disc, was whole one moment and shattered the next.

Fragments of the disc, now like gleaming silver blades, rained down from the heavens.


Lee Yu's command echoed as a surge of light enveloped him, drawing the Blue Profound Sword toward him.

The sword vibrated intensely against Fong Xin's chest, as if wedged in a crevice, unable to break free.

Silver blades arced through the air like a deluge of sword light, piercing many gathered cultivators in an instant.

In a flash, a third of the elite from various families in the vicinity lay dead, with many more wounded by the relentless silver onslaught.

High above, Fong Xin gestured towards Van Ning and Yu Yuan.

Suddenly, over a dozen crescent-shaped blades split off, coalescing into a whirling storm of light that barrelled towards Van Ning and Yu Yuan.

"Damn it, why me?" Van Ning cursed as he bolted.

As he fled, spiritual armor spontaneously formed, shielding his back, waist, and neck with its black, ink-like surface that radiated a sinister, heavy presence.

Embedded within the armor were ancient runes, their origins seemingly lost to time.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The directed blades struck his back, sparking and ringing against the obsidian spiritual armor.

Van Ning stumbled, grunting as he coughed up a trace of blood.

Another volley of silver blades hurtled towards Yu Yuan, who was new to the fray and still distant from the main force. Their lethal intent was clear, like a rolling chariot of blades.

"I've got this," Zhan Tianxiang declared, his face a mask of gloom as he positioned himself in front of Yu Yuan to intercept the silver blades.

"No, I will."

A soft, soothing voice unexpectedly filled the air.

In an instant, Su Yan materialized, draped in the Celestial Clothing.

The garment rendered her invisible, detectable only by those at the Penetrating or Yin God Stages.

As Fong Xin unleashed her deadly assault, Su Yan had quietly donned the Celestial Clothing and positioned herself beside Yu Yuan, ready to shield him from the ferocity of Fong Xin's attack.

She had taken this action, fully aware of Yu Yuan's significance; his life was of great importance.

Even the soul sacrifice ball might fail to bind the Moon Demon's true soul, but perhaps Yu Yuan's enigmatic attack could deliver a crippling blow to the demon's essence.

She had pinned all her hopes on Yu Yuan, and it was this hope that compelled her to offer him covert protection—to prevent his untimely demise.


With a flourish, the wings unfurled, and strands of radiant light cascaded through the feathers. A sacred, majestic, and solemn aura emanated from Su Yan and her Celestial Clothing.

"Feather Shield!"

A pure, holy brilliance erupted from each feather, coalescing into a light shield before Su Yan.

The shield's surface was etched with enigmatic patterns, resembling an arcane array, inscribed by some secret method.

The storm-like silver light blades unleashed by Fong Xin swirled around the light shield, causing the space before it to burst into blindingly bright light.

Yu Yuan found it too intense to behold and quickly shifted his focus back to Fong Xin.

The sword light branded into his bones blazed fiercely.

A sword intent and sword soul that could not be contained any longer were gestating within his arm. He keenly sensed the Heavenly Soul's thoughts in sync with the sword intent and sword soul.

Lee Yu, in the midst of his relentless onslaught, suddenly showed a flicker of panic in his green lantern-like eyes.

At that moment, the Blue Profound Sword plunged into her chest finally broke through her body and flew out from her back.

Lee Yu, who had been exerting his utmost control over the Blue Profound Sword, immediately sat down, his body thrumming with sword intent. His hands beat the air, his palm's life force merging with spiritual energy, resonating with the Blue Profound Sword, which responded with a resonant sword cry.

"Sssst! Sssst!"

Beams of blue sword light, sharp as scythes, sliced forth from the Blue Profound Sword.

Suddenly, Fong Xin's body was a blur of blood and flesh, the left side cleaved away by the blue sword light.

Yet, from the severed section of Fong Xin's body, a glow of moonlight burst forth.

Fong Xin drew near, and the severed half magnetically reattached to her body, leaving no trace of the wound.

Fong Xin was whole once more.

The hint of panic in her eyes vanished. "So it wasn't Van Ning, but you," she observed from a distance.

In that instant, her slender form, suspended in the void, shifted effortlessly, gliding through the air towards Yu Yuan.

At this moment, Lee Yu and Van Ning seemed utterly inconsequential.

Her sole intent was to slay Yu Yuan.

"Heh, it wasn't me," Van Ning exhaled in relief, a silent chuckle escaping him.

"Among the Heavenly Demons beyond, your Moon Demon faction hardly counts as formidable," Yu Yuan said, his eyes squinting as he regarded Fong Xin. "Decimated on the moon, and yet you maintain a remnant within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area."

"What of it? Do you truly believe you can keep surviving after wreaking havoc in the Boundless Land time and again?"

"Do you earnestly desire total annihilation?"

Yu Yuan bellowed.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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