Unmatched Dominance/C944 Conviction
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Unmatched Dominance/C944 Conviction
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C944 Conviction

Human cultivators congregated at the space teleportation array, while visitors from other realms were dispersed around the realm passageway, all of them eager to discover a way out of the forbidden zone. The space teleportation array had the capability to transport human practitioners to the Evil Sect, Luan Bird Empire, and the Desolate Swamp. The realm passageway, on the other hand, provided a route for those from other realms to return to the Delude Devil Abyss.

Their reluctance to face the onslaught of the five supreme forces and the numerous native cultivators within the forbidden zone was evident, a clear sign of their lack of confidence.

"What do we do now?" Shi Yuxuan from the Medicine Sect, recoiling under the chilling gaze of the Heaven Devils lurking in the demonic clouds above, turned to Luo Yue and Xi Quan with eyes full of desperation.

Xi Quan let out a mocking laugh. "What can we do? If those Outland Evil Demons decide to strike, we have no choice but to stand our ground."

His words left everyone with a bitter smile. Stand their ground? Against the Heaven Devils alone, with their three Demon Gods and a multitude of Demon Kings and Generals, the human cultivators present would be easily overwhelmed. Not to mention the formidable beings from the Dark Elfkind, Star Race, Silver Scale Clan, and Bright Clan.

While the foreign experts' numbers and might fell short of the combined power of the five supreme forces, exterminating them wouldn't pose much of a challenge. The thought of being decimated by the chaotic assault of the Outland Evil Demons before the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation could be breached filled everyone with a profound sense of despair.

"Yuv Qian!"

"Lord Yuv Qian!"

Upon the arrival of Ghost King Tianzang above the realm passageway, all the Heaven Devils, as well as the foreign guests, paid their respects. Even the most fervent advocates for the execution of Qi Yunhong and his companions, the Black Scale Clan and the female demons, were suddenly subdued.

The renown of Yuv Qian, the Heavenly Demon, had echoed across the galaxy for ten thousand years and was not to be taken lightly.

"I speak on behalf of the Divine Soul Sect! As a guest elder of the Divine Soul Sect, I've come to negotiate!" Tianzang's elegant figure hovered effortlessly in midair, the Tears of Blue Devil on his forehead shimmering like a third, luminous blue eye, casting a resplendent glow.

Every leader of the Outland Star River's foreign races, including the Demon Gods, was taken aback.

Tianzang, the Ghost King from Mingdu, wielded the Tears of Blue Devil. His formidable aura made an unmistakable impression on all the foreign visitors—they recognized his immense power.

None believed they could best him in single combat.

Moreover, he claimed to be a guest elder of the Divine Soul Sect, speaking on its behalf...

"You've all been ensnared here, but rest assured, it's not a scheme concocted by the Divine Soul Sect or President Lyi. I believe the might of the Divine Soul Sect and your kin in the Outland Star River have merely been temporarily halted, barred from entering the Boundless Land." Tianzang's eyes methodically scanned the assembled foreign powerhouses.

Those caught in his gaze toned down their defiance, adopting a silent and composed demeanor.

"Believe me, the tide will soon turn." Tianzang paused, then glanced at Canli. "I overheard that the essence of a Ninth Level expert could bolster Yu Yuan's strength?"

Canli's bright eyes flashed with surprise. "Did you overhear my heart-to-heart with him?"

Before Yu Yuan advanced to the Soul Wandering Stage, she had whispered a secret promise to him: if he could successfully transition into the Soul Wandering Stage, she would secure a drop of essence from Ninth Level experts like Beru to infuse into Yu Yuan's Life Altar, propelling his combat prowess to new heights.

This pact was known only to her and Yu Yuan, yet Tianzang had openly revealed it.

"Now that you've made a promise, let's make it happen. Yu Yuan has not only ascended to the Soul Wandering Stage, but he's also been purified by an enigmatic force," Tianzang said with a grave tone. "I sense that upon his awakening, he'll undergo an extraordinary transformation, capable of withstanding the assault on the formation outside."

"Lord Yuv Qian, don't you think you're overestimating him?" Quero, the leader of the Silver Scale Clan, challenged.

"He may be formidable, but even with the power of the Yang God Stage, what difference will it make?" Mia of the Dark Elfkind was skeptical, adding, "We both know the sheer number of Unrestrained Stage cultivators amassed beyond the forbidden zone. Only those who've faced the Unrestrained Stage's might firsthand can comprehend its true terror."

The other tribal members echoed in agreement, convinced that Tianzang had placed too much faith in Yu Yuan.

With an icy demeanor, Tianzang allowed them to voice their concerns and question him.

Once the crowd had finally fallen silent, Tianzang declared, "I have but one thing to say—pay close attention! Yu Yuan might just be capable of wielding the Dragon Slash Platform!"

"The Dragon Slash Platform?"

"The very one that binds the destiny of the Nagas?"

"The Dragon Slash Platform that could transform the entire Boundless Land and lead to the decline of the Nagas?"

The revelation left many of the Outlander Race's elite aghast.

Tianzang gave a slow, deliberate nod.

"Fine! I'll wager a drop of my blood essence!" Beru of the Star Race clenched his teeth, stepping forward to commit first.

"A drop of blood essence might weaken me, but it's a gamble worth taking!" Kero of the Silver Scale Clan bellowed.

After a brief pause, the other Ninth Level bloodline leaders of the Outlander Race nodded their assent, agreeing to contribute a drop of their blood essence to bolster Yu Yuan's strength.

Their shift in stance was solely due to Tianzang's statement and the possibility of Yu Yuan harnessing the Dragon Slash Platform—a legendary Artifact that held awe-inspiring power not only in the Boundless Land but also throughout the depths of the Outland Star River.


Amidst the deep sea, on Blood God Island within the Crack Archipelago, stood Ann Wen, flanked by Ann Jieshan and Xueyin, the island master of Blood God Island.

In front of him, Ann Ziqing propped her chin in her hands on a rock, her gaze fixed quietly in the direction of Babel Island.

Blood God Island was shrouded in a misty, blood-red glow. From a distance, it appeared as though countless beams of blood-red light streaked through the heavens.

"Master, aside from our Blood God Cult, all the other groups on the Quietus Continent have capitulated," Xueyin expressed with a hint of concern. "The Filthy Spirit Sect, the Ghoul Glyph Sect, and the Artifact Sect have all set the precedent."

Ann Jieshan, a founding patriarch, kept his silence, awaiting Ann Wen's decision.

The Blood God Cult still had an opportunity to align itself.

"There's nothing more to say," Ann Wen said with a dismissive smile. "The Filthy Spirit Sect and the Ghoul Glyph Sect murdered those who went to the Evil Sect's trial and then feigned ignorance. Should I emulate them and kill my own daughter? Absurd!"

Xueyin and Ann Jieshan appeared unsurprised by his declaration, their expressions betraying no shock.

"The Divine Soul Sect has been strategizing for millennia, and President Lyi is a prodigy. With his return, failure is hardly an option," Ann Wen said, beaming. "Besides, my ally from Horror Land will soon emerge in the realm of ghosts and gods. And in the battle for the Outer Star River, should any member of the three upper sects, the Demon Palace, or the Demon Palace perish, the first to ascend to the Primordial Spirit Realm will undoubtedly be Zu Ann of Ascension Peak!"

"I'm convinced that the real conflict is just beginning with the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area—it's far from over. This will be a protracted war, not ending after a few battles, a year, or even a decade. It will engulf the Boundless Land and spread to every race within the Outland Star River!"

At his words, Xueyin, Ann Ziqing, and the others felt a surge of fervor.

"Our ability to challenge the Demon Palace and the Demon Palace hinges on the outcome of this battle."

With a whoosh, Ann Wen transformed into a blood-red comet, bursting forth from Blood God Island. Eschewing the use of a teleportation array, he shot directly toward the Profound Sky Continent.

On Babel Island, Fong Zhong, sporting a goatee and looking slightly disheveled at the peak of the Yang God Stage, watched the departing blood-red streak from the palace eaves.

Zheng Luanjie and Qi Lingyu, fellow guardians, joined him in observing the vanishing trail.

"Trouble is brewing," Fong Zhong murmured, shaking his head with a low sigh. "The Crack Archipelago will enjoy a brief calm. All attention will soon turn to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, drawing in numerous powerhouses from the three continents."

"As the leader of the Wind Chanters, it's my duty to gather intelligence. I'll go and see for myself."

He didn't make a flashy entrance into the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area like Ann Wen, who soared through the sky, a brilliant comet of crimson. Instead, he opted for the subtlety of the space teleportation array, making a transfer at Spider City within the Absence Relic.

"The teleportation array is right there for the taking, and it's not like you're forbidden from using it. Why go to all this unnecessary trouble?" Fong Zhong grumbled under his breath.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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