Unmatched Dominance/C945 Incredible Formation
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Unmatched Dominance/C945 Incredible Formation
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C945 Incredible Formation

In the Outland Star River, a vortex-shaped domain of darkness floated with fragments of shattered land. This was known as the Delude Devil Abyss.

One particular fragment, roughly the size of the Absence Relic, was crowned by a lake as black as the void with a surface that mirrored the cosmos.

Peering into the depths, one could witness a multitude of arcane energies swirling, sending ripples of spatial tremors throughout.

This was the gateway to the Realm, the entrance to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

Along the lake's edge, members of the Asura Clan stood vigilant, clad in various armors, blades at the ready.

With a whoosh, the wailing souls of the Heavenly Devils burst forth from the lake's glassy face, only to be swiftly cut down by the Asura warriors.

Elsewhere, the remains of Dark Elfkind, the Star Race, and the Silver and Black Scale Clans, along with female demon skeletons, were scattered across different lands or suspended in the whirlpool's void.

Above the Realm's passage, on a smaller landmass, a towering Golden Asura stood imposingly.

Forged from molten gold and iron, the Golden Asura dwarfed dragons, demons, and beasts alike, standing hundreds of feet tall atop a Golden Chariot, his gaze icy.

He watched the Yin Corpse King gather the remains of Dark Elfkind, female demons, and the Star Race within the Delude Devil Abyss.

Beside him, the Starry Behemoth, now in the form of Ming Kun, perched atop the chariot's flagpole, matching the Golden Asura's stature.

"Don't be so petty. They're merely Seventh and Eighth Level corpses. I'm simply giving them to a servant for a bit of amusement," Ming Kun said, grinning at the Golden Asura.

"Has my son truly perished, his soul scattered to the winds?" the Golden Asura inquired, his face etched with sorrow.

"Yes, the place of his death is now known as the Absence Relic," Ming Kun confirmed with a nod. "You have three sons. The one lost in the Boundless Land wasn't even the most exceptional. Why let it weigh so heavily on your heart?"

The Golden Asura before him was the current chieftain of the Asura Clan within the Star River.

His combat prowess was on par with that of the Human Race's Primordial Spirit and the Demon God of the Demon Race.

Even Ming Kun wouldn't confidently claim victory over the Golden Asura, hence the genuine respect he held for him.

Ming Kun stepped into the Delude Devil Abyss, taking in the aftermath of the battle with a single glance. He immediately understood that the Golden Asura, the Blood Devil Clan's patriarch, and other foreign powerhouses opposed to an alliance between the Divine Soul Sect and various clans had obliterated the Delude Devil Abyss and shattered the Realm gateway.

The Blood Devil Clan's patriarch and the battle's other participants had already departed.

Now, the Asura King, leading his clan, remained to secure the Delude Devil Abyss, preventing the Divine Soul Sect's Divine King and Yan Qiling from repairing the Realm gateway and foiling their scheme.

"The one lost in the Boundless Land was my dearest son, who bore my temperament!" The Asura King's eyes brimmed with sorrow. "The human sects of the Boundless Land, every single demon, must be eradicated to quell the rage in my heart! Having been confined in the Boundless Land for years, I know you won't side with them."

Ming Kun gave a slight nod. "Like you, I wish to see the Boundless Land descend into greater turmoil."

"You also desire to witness their civil strife?" The Asura King expressed surprise.

"Indeed, I'm eager to see their internal battles unfold," Ming Kun said with a smirk. "The Human Race has reigned over the galaxy for far too long. It's only through the mutual destruction of the Divine Soul Sect, the three upper sects, and the Demon Palace that the Life Races of the outer realm can have a chance to reset the playing field."

"Since our objectives align, feel free to do as you please with the remains," the Asura King responded.

Ming Kun let out a sly chuckle, about to respond when he suddenly detected an unusual disturbance from the Realm passage below.

"Ah, that youngster's Life Altar has some savory delights to offer. Excellent."


Atop the Dragon Slash Platform, Tianzang and Canli arrived first, followed by the other Ninth Level experts like Beru and Mia, whose eyes seemed slightly dimmed. They gathered, their attention briefly turning to the golden mountain range nearby.

There, they beheld the Golden Elephant Ancient God, the Silver Wolf King, the Peacock King, Loong Jie, and the representatives from the Demon Palace and Red Devil Sect, along with other latecomers.

Quero snorted with a hint of impatience, "At last, we've nearly gathered them all."

"Release the essence of your blood from within," Canli prompted.

In an instant, dazzling droplets of blood essence, some shining like stars, others swirling with the energy of flora, some containing the sea of souls, and others as fiery as a volcano, burst forth from the bodies of the Ninth Level experts, each emitting a brilliant light.

All eyes turned to Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan, still dazed and disoriented, caught the sweet scent of the ninth-level blood essence. Still cleansing his soul with the residual power of the Dragon Slash, he felt a slight shudder in his shoulders.

Suddenly, a scarlet crystal emerged from his chest, revealing the Life Altar. It began to spin silently, generating a powerful suction.

Without any resistance, the droplets of ninth-level blood essence began to merge with the Life Altar.

"Indeed, this is no ordinary Life Altar!" Mia marveled. "This boy isn't a hybrid, yet he possesses a Life Altar. Astonishing."

"If it's not innate, then how was this Life Altar forged?" Quero wondered aloud.

"Starry Behemoth, Chaos Roc," Tianzang provided the answer.

Upon learning that Yu Yuan's Life Altar originated from the ferocious Chaos Roc, the assembled experts from other races fell into a stunned silence.

They mulled over the term 'Chaos Roc' in their minds, deep in thought.

Yu Yiyi, standing within the Evil Cauldron and hovering above Yu Yuan's head, watched in bewilderment as the other races' experts, led by Tianzang, offered up their blood essence.

She had expected Tianzang to be beside himself with rage, coaxing the other experts to slay Yu Yuan.

After all, Yu Yuan had entered the Dragon Slash Platform and, using the Ghosting Arts, had absorbed the lingering power of its former owner, causing Tianzang to be repelled and unable to continue amassing the dragon's essence with the Tears of Blue Devil.

It wasn't long before the Life Altar, having emerged from Yu Yuan, absorbed the ninth-level blood essence.

The crimson crystal altar then retreated back into Yu Yuan's acupoint and vanished from sight.

Yet, there was no immediate sign of anything unusual within Yu Yuan.

All gazes converged on him, everyone waiting, anticipating...

"Can his Life Altar, not innate but formed from the Chaos Roc, really withstand the might of our ninth-level blood in one go?" Quero couldn't contain his curiosity. "It's not likely to be a perfect fit with him, is it?"

No one could answer his question.

The mysteries of the "Life Altar" were elusive to those not privy to its secrets, and the attributes of each altar varied greatly, as different as heaven and earth.

Even Canli was at a loss for answers.


A heavy object slammed into the greenish-black demonic energy barrier in the direction of the Rainier Empire, splintering it with a burst of dazzling demonic light.

"They're here!"

Tianzang, Beru, along with Xi Quan and Luo Yue near the space teleportation array, instantly felt a surge of awareness. Their faces turned grave as they all fixed their attention on the source of the disturbance.

Those with keen vision could see seven majestic palaces plummeting like divine kingdoms from the heavens.

Each of the seven palaces shimmered in an endless divine glow, activating the myriad of spirit patterns etched into the rock walls and unleashing a cataclysmic force.

"Seven Heaven Palace Seals!"

Xi Quan, who was practicing the "Withered Sword" technique, inhaled sharply, his expression somber. "The Profound Sky Sect has really gone all out! To bring out all seven Heaven Palace Seals... aren't they worried about leaving their stronghold defenseless?"

"With the Profound Sky Sect making such a move, the Primordial Yang Sect and the Sword Sect are bound to stir up significant activity as well," Luo Yue murmured with a light sigh.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As if in answer to the descent of the seven palaces, the Golden Elephant Ancient God's refined Gold Mountain, transformed into a massive golden spike, thrust forward with equal ferocity.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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