Unmatched Dominance/C947 The Resplendent Acupoints
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Unmatched Dominance/C947 The Resplendent Acupoints
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C947 The Resplendent Acupoints

At this moment, Yu Yuan was enveloped by the Muddy Devil Embryo, which was dotted with colorful, shimmering lights. These were swiftly drawn into the Life Altar within him, instantly absorbed.

The blue shadow that bore the Aura Altar, a combination of the Spiritual Altar and the Blood Altar, contained the refuse that could not be fully eradicated during the purification of soul and flesh. This included a myriad of detritus: remnants of alien beasts, mysterious metals, flesh-corroding poisons, and tainted vessels... Yet, there remained a portion of blood essence that defied refinement.

Currently, the special energies related to blood and Qi within the Muddy Devil Embryo were being tugged at by Yu Yuan's Life Altar, peeled away from the mass. Yu Yuan himself had been absorbing the blood essence of several Ninth Level alien powerhouses. The impurities shed in the process were swallowed by the Muddy Devil Embryo, even as he extracted the power he needed from within it.

Tianzang had hoped to exploit Yu Yuan but ended up ensnaring himself, leading to a significant loss of the Muddy Devil Embryo's strange powers. Sensing the loss, he grimaced internally and decided to retract the Muddy Devil Embryo, no longer allowing it to envelop Yu Yuan.

The Muddy Devil Embryo contained a tumultuous mix of energies, chaotic and volatile, which served as one of the Aura Altar's ace cards and one of Tianzang's weapons against his foes.

"Lord Yuv Qian!"

"My lord! The power within your Muddy Devil Embryo clearly benefits Yu Yuan's empowerment!"

"Please reconsider!"

As Tianzang contemplated withdrawing the Muddy Devil Embryo, the Demon God, Beru, Mia, and other alien race champions recognized the significance and quickly stepped forward to advise him.

Wasn't it you and Canli who persuaded everyone to refine a drop of their blood to bolster Yu Yuan's strength? Wasn't it you who claimed the effectiveness of the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation was intimately linked to Yu Yuan? And wasn't it you who declared Yu Yuan as the linchpin in holding the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area?

Given all this, how could you object to your Muddy Devil Embryo sacrificing a portion of its power to augment Yu Yuan, to help him swiftly stabilize his realm?

The leaders of the alien races all wore expressions that echoed these sentiments. Tianzang didn't need to see their faces; their tones alone revealed their thoughts.

"It's like trying to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice. Oh well, let it go!"

Tianzang grumbled to himself, his eyes fierce and restless as they fixed on Yu Yiyi within the Evil Cauldron. He couldn't help but think that if she hadn't led Yu Yuan here, the Dragon Slash Platform would have remained hidden, sparing them all these unforeseen complications.

He could have remained uninvolved, seizing the power of the Space-time Dragon within the Dragon Slash Platform to elevate himself to a level where he could challenge the White Bone.

Even with the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation shattered, as the Ghost King of Horror Land, he could have utilized the Ghost King's unique escape technique to reach his corresponding Styx directly.

The deaths of others, the success or failure of the Divine Soul Sect and President Lyi's schemes, were of little concern to him.

But now, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he was trapped in a dilemma, forced to proceed. He had to extract the energy from the ‘Life Altar’ within Yu Yuan, using his own ‘Muddy Devil Embryo’ to enhance Yu Yuan's strength.


Beru of the Star Race's eyes suddenly sparkled, and he couldn't help but exclaim aloud.

Yu Yuan's upper body garments had long been torn to shreds, revealing his muscular torso, which shimmered like a constellation of tiny stars.

Each "little star" pulsated, emitting glows of dark red, deep blue, emerald green, and pitch black!

"Those are apertures! Opened apertures, one after another! The human body is full of them – the Yellow Court Little World, the Blood and Qi Little World, the Consciousness Little World – they're all apertures!" Quero, the leader of the Silver Scale Clan, observed with a startle. "Yet, most human cultivators spend their entire lives only managing to open three of these apertures!"

"This young man has used the Life Altar and our very blood essence to forge new apertures!" Mia was equally astounded. "No, wait! His chest already houses fully developed apertures! They contain the essence of the Yin Sunflower, seemingly capable of harboring souls, and even... the essence of flesh and blood!"

"He's using our power, along with the abilities from the Muddy Devil Embryo, to create even more acupoints!" Beru inhaled deeply, his face growing more solemn, "I'm somewhat familiar with the Evil Body Refining Skill. This Devil Spell can indeed create extra acupoints for Evil Devils to reside in, harnessing their power for battle."

"It's just that..."

Beru's gaze was distant as he pondered, "I recall that not even the former sect master of the Evil Sect managed to unlock all the acupoints in a human's body. Moreover, the acupoints of the late sect master could only harbor Evil Devils. They couldn't accumulate other souls, nor could they gather Qi and blood energy."

Having lived for many years, he had witnessed numerous talented humans and lived through countless epochs.

He had spent time among the Outland Star River, familiarizing himself with the once-dazzling Evil Sect, and had gained profound insights into the Evil Body Refining Skill.

Yet, the skill he knew was starkly different from the transformation Yu Yuan underwent after employing it!

"It's the Life Altar that has miraculously evolved the Evil Body Refining Skill he's been cultivating!" Tianzang, through the Muddy Devil Embryo, could sense the minute shifts within Yu Yuan's body. He could even see the energy surging from the Yellow Court Little World within Yu Yuan's chest, flowing into that acupoint.

"His physical strength already surpasses the Soul Wandering Stage at the Yin God Stage. This young man shouldn't be viewed as an ordinary human practitioner! Consider him akin to a high-tier alien warrior without awakened bloodline talents!"

"Perhaps it's beyond even the Seventh Level..."

As Tianzang spoke these words, his gaze shifted to Quero of the Silver Scale Clan, known for their strength and combat prowess.

"Could he possibly match an Eighth Level warrior of our clan?" Quero's face was etched with incredulity. "Our clan's Eighth Level warriors are on par with human Yang God Stage cultivators! He's only just stepped into the Soul Wandering Stage, and his realm isn't even stable. What makes you think his mere flesh and blood could..." Quero trailed off.

He stopped because he noticed that Beru, Mia, Canli, and even Yu Yiyi seemed to agree with Tianzang's assessment, as if they all trusted his judgment.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The breath and energy from Yu Yuan's mouth and pores began to expel once more, gradually free of any abnormal chaotic force.

He ceased drawing additional Qi and unique abilities from the depths of Tianzang's Muddy Devil Embryo.

All his vital energy, spiritual power, and soul consciousness converged within him.

Suddenly, Yu Yuan became utterly still, as if every part of him had quieted.

"My master has successfully stabilized his cultivation level. We are grateful for each drop of blood essence you have provided. Once he opens his eyes, he will strive with all his might, just like the rest of you, to fend off the invaders from beyond the forbidden lands."

Yu Yiyi, ethereal as a sprite, hovered within the Evil Cauldron, her voice serene as still water.

Her words seemed to awaken the assembled foreign experts to her presence, prompting them to turn their attention to her.

"I sense something."

With all eyes upon her, she maintained a poised demeanor, "Please trust in what I say. My master, within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, can elevate his combat prowess to levels far exceeding his current realm and strength! To put it plainly, here, he wields a power greater than even those at the Dao Integration Stage!"

An Unrestrained Stage cultivator can ascend a major tier in their realm!

This is an axiom acknowledged by all!

Zu Ann, in the Ascension Mountain Range, could challenge a Primordial Spirit cultivator with his Unrestrained Stage prowess.

Yu Zhu, in the Absence Relic, possessed the bloodline strength of an Eighth Level Great Demon, capable of contending with an Unrestrained Stage opponent!

What does it mean when Yu Yiyi claims that Yu Yuan can manifest a combat force surpassing even a Dao Integration Stage master?

If Yu Yuan truly possesses the actual combat power of a Yang God Stage, could he leap two levels in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area and match a Primordial Spirit? How could that be possible?

The visiting dignitaries from various races exchanged skeptical glances, none convinced.

This included Canli, brimming with curiosity about Yu Yuan, and Tianzang, who was aware of the Dragon Slash Platform and its mysteries, both of whom doubted Yu Yiyi's statement.

"If it is indeed so, the dilemma within the forbidden area might finally be resolved."

Out of nowhere, Lulu, a half-blood of the Dark Elfkind and Human race, murmured from a distance.

Mia, concerned for her safety from potential attacks by some of the more volatile foreign warriors, had always kept her close and under her personal care. But since the council was convened by leaders with Ninth Level bloodlines, and she lacked the credentials to participate, Mia had left her on the periphery.

Despite everything, she bore witness to Yu Yuan's entire metamorphosis, as well as the conversations of those around her, which is why such remarks were made.

"Master did not make a mistake in saving you."


Libre Baskerville
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