Unmatched Dominance/C952 Greetings to the Mountain Lord!
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Unmatched Dominance/C952 Greetings to the Mountain Lord!
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C952 Greetings to the Mountain Lord!

The passageway connecting to the Delude Devil Abyss was originally carved out by the Space-time Dragon.

This very passageway served as the Space-time Dragon's primary conduit to the Outland Star River, a critical route for his celestial voyages.

Following the Nagas' fall from grace, the Divine Soul Sect's Wisdom Divine King gleaned the profound essence of the Space-time Dragon's space-time Great Dao from the Dragon Slash Platform.

With this knowledge, he ascended to the Primordial Spirit Stage and claimed the throne of Divine King.

Subsequently, the Wisdom Divine King assumed control of the realm passageway, deliberately allowing Devaputras to enter before sealing it off. This tactic forced the sect's disciples and elders to engage in hunting these celestial demons within the forbidden zone, honing their skills and bolstering their power.

Later on, Yan Qiling inherited the Wisdom Divine King's mysterious space-related teachings.

With Yan Qiling's disappearance, the realm passageway within the Delude Devil Abyss erupted into turmoil, destabilizing the entire conduit and creating numerous fissures in what was once a stable traversal path.

Each fissure led to a different Outland Star River, to myriad uncharted and bizarre realms untouched by any creature.

These unexplored regions brimmed with infinite surprises and upheavals, where even a Primordial Spirit Stage cultivator, lacking knowledge of spatial intricacies, could become hopelessly lost—potentially for millennia.

Some enigmatic realms were devoid of any energy and could consume all life force within a being...

The Unknown Strange Domain, linked through spatial rifts, has long been recognized across the cosmos as a domain of mystery and extreme peril.

Only those extraordinary beings well-versed in the nuances of space would dare to venture into such places.

And now, within the realm passageway—rife with chaos and riddled with innumerable spatial forks—emerged numerous peculiar forces that could be harnessed by the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation to fortify the forbidden area.

What could this signify?

The Nine Stars Sage Beru observed intently, his senses attuned, murmuring incantations as his eyes sparkled with starlight. He suddenly declared, "The Wisdom Divine King of the Divine Soul Sect had thoroughly explored the realm passageway opened by the Space-time Dragon! Moreover, he had purposefully fractured the passageway, venturing through various spatial rifts to probe the depths of countless unknown territories!"

"Moreover, he has permanently linked all the wondrous sites capable of harvesting special abilities for the forbidden area to this passageway!"

"At the right moment, the latent powers from these uncharted territories will surge into the forbidden area amidst the chaos of the trembling passageway. They will serve to fortify the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation!"

Beru marveled with a click of his tongue, expressing his awe at the end of his explanation.

Tianzang, Mia, Canli, and the other formidable beings from various races, all with their exceptional insights, grasped the concept immediately after mulling over his words.

It became clear that the Wisdom Divine King of the Divine Soul Sect had an understanding of space and time that rivaled that of the Space-time Dragon!

In fact, in terms of bold and progressive exploration, he might have even surpassed the Space-time Dragon!

The Wisdom Divine King had shattered the realm's passageway, opening innumerable spatial rifts to explore countless bizarre and untouched domains. He discovered numerous secrets that would benefit both the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation and the forbidden area, linking them together.

Then, he awaited the perfect moment. When the realm passageway fractured and the rifts reemerged, his contingency plan was set in motion, channeling the pre-stored special abilities into the forbidden area.

Thus, significantly amplifying the might and power of the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation!

Sizzle, sizzle!

Above the Soul Transformation Pool, Yu Yuan sat motionless, his body radiating bursts of strange light.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The Unrestrained Stage cultivators from the upper sects, their palaces manifested from the Heaven Palace Seals, the Shattering Sword, the Starfrost Sword, and the Mountain of Flames, relentlessly bombarded the barrier with a continuous stream of sword light.

The barrage from the outside world seemed to resonate with Yu Yuan.

Like a red-hot iron under the hammer's blow, he was fiercely struck, sending sparks scattering in all directions.

The otherworldly experts watched intently and had a sudden epiphany—Yu Yuan was leveraging the external onslaught to temper his own physique, refining the alien blood drop by drop, opening new acupoints, and seizing the opportunity to purge the impurities within!

"This kid..."

The Ghost King Tianzang's eyes shimmered with a mesmerizing glow, and the blue crystal formed from his Aura Altar on his forehead cast Yu Yuan's silhouette. "I'm starting to believe the celestial prophecy was right; he is our hope, the pivotal figure in the battle for the forbidden area."


An abrupt voice rang out unexpectedly.

"Zhou You!"

"Mr. Zhou!"

A flurry of astonished glances swiftly converged on the space teleportation array bustling with humans.

There, the portly Zhou You materialized out of nowhere, clutching a horsetail whisk, his face beaming with a smile. He bowed to the crowd and said, "Thank you for your patience."

"What's going on? Mr. Zhou, have the Divine Soul Sect and President Lyi turned against us?"

"Did you get a chance to see President Lyi?"

"What's the Divine Soul Sect's plan to rescue us?"

Questions flew from the crowd like rapid gunfire.

With a flick of his whisk, Zhou You rose into the air.

He glanced at Shi Yuxuan and Qi Yunhong, shook his head, and explained, "Yan Qiling and I constructed this teleportation array. As a co-founder, I ensured there was a special backdoor. It's this very backdoor, combined with my mastery of spatial powers, that allowed me to return here despite the sealing formations of the forbidden area."

"Let me be clear: no one else can use this teleportation array to come and go freely, so abandon any futile hopes."

As these words sank in, the flicker of hope in many hearts was swiftly extinguished.

"But don't lose heart," Zhou You continued, now hovering above the assembly, nearly level with Yu Yuan in the Soul Transformation Pool. "First, the bad news. The three upper sects, along with the Devil Palace and Demon Palace, felt bold enough to establish layers of defense outside the Boundless Land and engage in battle with the Divine Soul Sect, President Lyi, and our clan leaders because the Blood Devil Clan, Asura Clan, and some of your own people have ravaged the Delude Devil Abyss."

"Many branches among you don't share the Divine Soul Sect's vision, preferring instead the notion that there must be a decisive outcome between the life races of the Outland Star River and the humans and demons of the Boundless Land."

"They acted in concert with the five supreme forces, without any prior agreement, instinctively sabotaging this monumental endeavor."

"As soon as the five supreme forces noticed their initiative, they took advantage and deployed their forces to the heavens, fortifying their positions to block the Divine Soul Sect's masters. Currently, the Primordial Spirits and Demon Gods are mostly outside, along with a multitude of Unrestrained Stage and Yang God Stage cultivators, great demons, all arrayed against the Divine Soul Sect's gathered might."

"This is why you haven't seen any reinforcements arrive."

Zhou You led with the bad news.

"Blood Devil Clan, Asura!" Quero of the Silver Scale Clan let out a cold snort. "So that's the situation. I recall when the various races proposed coming to the Boundless Land, they vehemently objected! They've always pushed for the annihilation of the Central World, seeking to eradicate the Human and Demon Races from these lands!"

"Let's hear the good news."

"The good news is that the forces you currently see represent the full extent of power in this realm." Zhou You gestured towards the Rainier Empire and then towards the Silvermoon Empire, "The arrivals from the Heavenly Source Continent and the Quietus Continent signify the maximum strength that the five greatest powers can mobilize here and now."

"The Primordial Spirit is bound and will adhere to the rules, not making it here."

"Moreover, the additional Unrestrained Stage cultivators, Yang God Stage practitioners, and major demons are all unable to return. If we can overcome them and break free from their siege, victory is ours!"

"And the likelihood of our success is incredibly high!"

With that, he gazed intently at Yu Yuan, his face brimming with hope.

Yu Yuan responded with a wicked grin.


A surge of flames burst through the dark magic barrier and into the sacred ground.

The other races' powerhouses watched the flames pour in, their faces turning pale with shock. 'Has the barrier been breached?'

But then they saw that the other majestic palaces, sword auras, and the Mountain of Flames from the Primordial Yang Sect were still being held back by the barrier, the defense as unyielding as ever.

Seeing Yu Yuan's taunting smile and the chilling, ferocious glint in his eyes, they instantly grasped what had occurred.

The flame surge had been intentionally allowed in by Yu Yuan's manipulative will.

"Young Yu Yuan, pays his respects to Mountain Lord Tang Zheng!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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