Unmatched Dominance/C959 I Am Hong Qi!
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Unmatched Dominance/C959 I Am Hong Qi!
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C959 I Am Hong Qi!

Yu Yuan was none other than the legendary Medicine God, Hong Qi!

Luo Yue, Xi Quan, Shi Yuxuan, and the others, despite being somewhat prepared for Yu Yuan's personal admission, were still profoundly shaken by the revelation.

Reincarnation successes were exceedingly rare. In ancient tales, only the Ghost King of Horror Land was rumored to have the chance to live again.

The feat of reviving with a pellet, where three souls carried all memories, was unprecedented.

Or perhaps there had been such cases, just shrouded in obscurity.

Now, before their very eyes, stood a living testament to the legend!

This individual was one they either knew well or had heard countless stories about.

"Master, master..." Luo Yue faltered, unable to utter the term "junior brother."

Three centuries prior, despite Yu Yuan's favor, her Voodoo Cult affiliation barred her from entering the Medicine God Sect and from being acknowledged by Yu Yuan as his disciple.

She yearned to address him as master, yet hesitations weighed heavily on her heart, leaving the word unspoken.

Moreover, upon learning Yu Yuan's true identity, she found herself acting with noticeable restraint in his presence.

The deep-seated awe she held for him had not diminished, even after three hundred years had passed.

It all made sense now...

Luo Yue finally grasped why Yu Yuan was so confident in assisting Beru with medicine refinement and how he could take up the cauldron to continue the craft.

Xi Quan, known as the Withered Sword, also had a sudden clarity about many things.

"Medicine God Hong Qi!"

Shi Yuxuan, the current leader of the Medicine Sect, was visibly moved, his fists clenched and shoulders quivering with emotion.

Now that Yu Yuan was confirmed to be Hong Qi reincarnated, any decisions he made could be retroactively forgiven!

After all, the Medicine Sect's lineage of sect masters, his mentors, were all staunch supporters of Hong Qi!

Indeed, the close bond between the Medicine Sect and the Medicine God Sect could be traced back to Hong Qi's time as the latter's leader, the architect of their shared legacy.

Many of the Medicine Sect's venerable members still revered Hong Qi, mourning the loss of his 'vanished soul.'

Regardless of the sect's internal affairs, once the crisis at the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area was resolved, and he informed the senior elders back home, the truth about Yu Yuan of Darkmoon City being the reincarnation of Hong Qi would clear up many issues. There would be little need for explanations; he trusted that the elders would understand.


Within the prismatic compass, dazzling specks of starlight chaotically whirled into the form of a massive wolf.

The demon soul of the Grey Wolf King appeared to be etched into the compass, trapped within its confines.

The howls of the Grey Wolf King slowly diminished in strength.

Yet, the Nine Stars Sage of the Star Race did not press the advantage. Instead, he hurtled toward Yu Yuan, who was within the green-black barrier, wrapped in a resplendent river of stars.

Sizzle! Sizzle!

The sky was awash with starlight, and the barrier's surface seemed to mysteriously dissolve.

Yu Yuan's expression turned grim as he bellowed, "This plague possesses a terrifyingly destructive power against the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation!"

"The Devil Master extracted me from the Iridescent Cloud Miasma Sea, using the poison pill you crafted to set me on an alternative path of cultivation. His intent was to exploit my unique traits to target the grand formation of the forbidden land," stated the Devil Envoy, her demeanor impassive, her eyes vacant. "You are aware of my condition."

Yu Yuan inquired, "Your uncontrollable traits remain unchanged?"

The Devil Envoy nodded affirmatively, "As always."

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuan and Luo Yue's faces instantly took on a grave cast.

The "Poison of Plague" unleashed a soul plague that targeted only the spirits of living beings, leaving flesh, blood, and objects untouched.

This virulent soul poison was undetectable, silently spreading before anyone was the wiser.

Once infected, souls would be driven into a frenzied state of slaughter, relentlessly battling any nearby creature, regardless of identity.

The deeper one's mastery of soul arts and the stronger the spirit, the quicker and more severe the infection.

Such was a hallmark trait of the "Plague of Demons."

A second, uncontrollable trait was that once the poison was released, not even the Devil Envoy, the instigator of the plague, could control its dissemination.

Radiating from her, the plague would indiscriminately afflict all within a certain radius, friend and foe alike.

Moreover, it would persistently expand outward, the affected area growing ever larger.

This explained why the Raven Lord had turned against his companions from the Demon Palace, leading to two Yang God Stage practitioners from the Devil Palace locked in a mortal struggle.

The Poison of Plague, unleashed from within the Devil Envoy, would only intensify over time, eventually engulfing the entire Fallen Moon Forbidden Area from this region. When that happens, the three Devaputras at the realm gateway, Quero of the Silver Scale Clan, numerous Demon Generals and Demon Guards, along with members of both the Silver and Black Scale Clans, will all be submerged.

Those at the space teleportation array, including Shi Yuxuan, Lulu, and Qi Yunhong, will find escape impossible. Ultimately, every life within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area—be they foreign visitors, native practitioners, Devaputras, or vicious souls—will perish from the Poison of Plague. The forbidden land will be devoid of any living creature, leaving only the Devil Envoy.

"Yao Huangqi is the sole person from the outside who knows your true identity," Yu Yuan remarked, glancing back at the Deep Sea Basilisk. "It's no surprise he remained so composed upon your arrival, even signaling Cao Jiaze to cease their actions. He's aware of the catastrophic potential you wield within these bounds."

Outside the forbidden area, the Devil Envoy would never dare to wield the Poison of Plague so carelessly, given its uncontrollable nature. Misuse could lead to the demise of practitioners from the Devil Palace, Demon Palace, Red Devil Sect, Fiend Sect, and the great cultivators of the Heavenly Source Continent, all succumbing to the soul plague.

It is only within the confines of the forbidden area, and specifically within the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation, that the Poison of Plague can be deployed to its fullest extent. And as for the likes of Raven, the Grey Wolf King, and the radicals from the Demon Palace and Devil Palace, their deaths would be deemed worthy if it meant the total eradication of the alien visitors.

"Everyone, withdraw to the realm gateway and command Tang Zheng to shatter his law form and perish," Yu Yuan instructed, his voice grave as he observed the black soul energy before him beginning to dissolve under the invisible Poison of Plague.

"This poison?" Luo Yue cried out.

"I'm working on a solution!" Yu Yuan declared.

"What about those who are already poisoned?" Tianzang inquired with a frown.

"For now, we disregard them," Yu Yuan responded icily.

Beru, the majority of the Dark Elfkind and female demons, as well as the Grey Wolf King and Raven, had all been poisoned...

When Yu Yuan uttered those words, it was as if he had pronounced a death sentence on them!

"So it is that faithless scoundrel!"

Xi Quan inhaled sharply, her eyes wide with a mix of emotions as she stared at him. "I can still recall, at the end of your life, how many perished because of your actions. Had Nie Qingtian not passed away, had you not abandoned the path of cultivation, you would be confined in the Outer Sword Prison alongside me!"

With that, she transformed into a streak of white sword light and swiftly departed.

Following her lead, the rest, including Luo Yue, who had not yet been touched by the Soul Plague, quickly made their retreat.


Yu Yuan's Yin God stood upon the Soul Transformation Pool, gazing intently into the distance.

Cao Jiaze, Fenng Pu, Mo Baichuan, and the other Sword Immortals, each wielding one of the seven Heaven Palace Seals, ceased their assault on the formation.

"Do you also wish to kill me?"

With his identity exposed, Yu Yuan allowed himself a carefree smile and turned his attention to Ji Ningshuang. His Yin God form, a peculiar black figure, was suddenly enveloped by a series of images.

It was as if a sequence of hidden memories were surfacing in his chest, manifesting as visual echoes.

The images revealed a youthful Ji Ningshuang, wielding the Starfrost Sword, accompanied by a man whose face was indistinct, frolicking through the majestic mountains and rivers.

The icy glint in Ji Ningshuang's eyes fractured like frozen crystals at the sight of this scene!

Her normally stern and frosty expression softened unexpectedly, as if the image had transported her back to the days of her youth.

This Great Sword Immortal, ranked fourth within the Sword Sect, quivered ever so slightly.

"You, you..."

Her breaths came in short gasps, and as she attempted to speak, she found even simple words were suddenly elusive.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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