Unmatched Dominance/C96 Win Respect
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Unmatched Dominance/C96 Win Respect
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C96 Win Respect

The Soul Sacrifice Ball soared into the heavens, propelled by an unseen force. A myriad of green lights scattered in all directions, reminiscent of fireflies on a deep, dark night. Lee Yu, who controlled the Soul Sacrifice Ball, was at a loss as to which way to pursue. In an instant, the green lights vanished without a trace.

Deprived of Feng Xin's corporeal form, the Moon Demon, rather than seeking a new host, chose to flee, spurred by the presence of the Soul Sacrifice Ball. The formidable entity had not anticipated encountering a trial participant in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area with such a refined Heavenly Soul. The ancient sword intent, mysterious in its origins and imprinted within the Moon Demon's knowledge, was thought to wield little power.

Thus, the Moon Demon harbored no fear. Even while bound, it was aware that the Silvermoon Empire periodically conducted trials. These trials were a proving ground for the empire's youth, with virtually none reaching the Penetrating Stage. Lee Yu, having attained the Profound Break Stage, was already an exception.

Without reaching the Penetrating Stage, it was nearly impossible to gain the ancient sword intent's recognition. Even if one managed to do so, without a refined soul, wielding the sword intent and connecting with the sword soul remained a formidable challenge. The Moon Demon, an ancient adversary, knew the dread power of that sword intent better than anyone.

It was precisely because of its terrifying strength that commanding it to unleash a single strike was all the more difficult. Yu Yuan, an anomaly among the trial participants, had not been accounted for in the Moon Demon's calculations. By employing the Soul Forging Technique and the white paper fan, Yu Yuan painstakingly refined his Heavenly Soul, becoming an unexpected variable.

The ancient sword intent, drawn to the purity of his Heavenly Soul, had fortuitously fused into his being, marking itself upon his arm and bones, granting him the potential to wield a sword.

The others, Lee Yu, Yan Lu, and Zhan Tianxiang, had not yet attained the Penetrating Stage, and their Heavenly Souls were still unrefined. Their influence over other Moon Demons had been solely through the use of artifacts, not their inherent strength. Possessing such artifacts made it even less likely for them to be recognized by the ancient sword intent. Without it, the Moon Demon would have little to fear from the trial participants of the forbidden area.

Despite the careful planning, an unexpected event occurred: Yu Yuan's presence threw the Moon Demon's scheme into disarray.

"The Moon Demon that fled will surely resurface."

Lee Yu remained composed as he gestured to Su Yan, Zhan Tianxiang, and Zhao Yafu to safeguard Yu Yuan, who had collapsed. "He's merely exhausted and has temporarily lost consciousness."

As the myriad of green lights vanished, the survivors of the ordeal breathed a collective sigh of relief, yet they were simultaneously engulfed in profound sorrow. Around them lay the lifeless bodies of their fallen comrades, all peers in battle, slain by the Moon Demon through Fong Xin, who wielded the deadly Moon Blades.

"How are you holding up?" Lee Yu inquired, turning to Yan Lu.

Yan Lu had been impaled by the Moon Demon's Splitting Soul Staff, but now the gold and silver staff was back in his grasp, and his waist wound had been treated and bandaged.

"I won't die, but I doubt I'll have the strength to fight again anytime soon," Yan Lu replied, his complexion ashen but his eyes ablaze with unwavering resolve. "I never anticipated facing such a formidable challenge from the Moon Demon during this Forbidden Area Trial. But as long as I live, I'm determined to advance to the Profound Break Stage!"

"What about the Moon Demon?" Lim Zhuyun asked in a hushed tone.

"Your fiancé dealt the Moon Demon a severe blow," Lee Yu explained, glancing at the unconscious Yu Yuan. "We owe our survival to Yu Yuan. Without him, the Moon Demon would have been unstoppable."

He paused before admitting, "Even I would have been powerless."

At his words, the remaining survivors naturally turned their gaze to Yu Yuan, who lay motionless. It was then that they truly appreciated the wisdom and resolve of Zhan Tianxiang and Han Hui.

Who could have predicted that the one to change the course of events, to subdue the Moon Demon, and to lead them to safety, would not be the esteemed Lee Yu of the Silvermoon Empire, but rather Yu Yuan from Darkmoon City? How had the Yu family's seemingly foolish youth, who had been in obscurity for seventeen years, transformed so remarkably?

"I'm aware, we have him to thank," Lim Zhuyun murmured, her head bowed, her feelings a tangle of gratitude and sorrow. "Without him, the Moon Demon inhabiting Fong Xin would have slaughtered us all."

Yu Yuan might have unintentionally heard about her and his own legend, which is why he referred to himself as her fiancé when he brought up the topic.

Yet, after enduring a series of ordeals, every time she heard the term "fiancé," it felt like a sneer directed at her and the entire Lim family.

How could Yu Yuan be deemed unworthy of the Lim family, and unworthy of you, Lim Zhuyun?

The Lim family, along with you, Lim Zhuyun, stirred up trouble, pressuring the Yu family to break off the engagement, claiming that the Yu family's simple-minded heir didn't measure up.

But Yu Yuan, merely at the Spirit Accumulating Stage, proved his mettle during the trial in the forbidden area. With a mere gesture, he wielded ancient sword intent to disrupt the world's spiritual energy, shredding Feng Xin's flesh and blood, and inflicting grave damage on the Moon Demon.

It was also Yu Yuan who uncovered Zhu Huan's true identity, leading to his demise, and who later slew the Moon Demon that fled from Loh Ling's body.

Setting aside other achievements, just consider the trial in the forbidden area: Yan Lu, Fan Li, even Lee Yu—none matched Yu Yuan's contributions or his keen insight to unmask Zhu Huan as the Moon Demon.

Is Yu Yuan truly unworthy of the Lim family, of you, Lim Zhuyun?

Lim Zhuyun's heart was heavy with bitterness, feeling that Yu Yuan's exceptional performance only magnified the shame cast upon her family and herself.

She couldn't shake the feeling that the looks she and the Lim family received were loaded with significance, brimming with spiteful jeers and laughter.

"The Moon Demon didn't disperse its soul. It fled in haste because the soul sacrifice ball can contain it," Lee Yu said gravely. "The Moon Demon will seek a new host for its puppetry. Next time, any one of us could be facing the new Moon Demon. Having learned from its defeat, it will approach with even greater caution."

"And there's something else—the Moon Demon is growing stronger."

"Should the Moon Demon reemerge, it may be far more formidable than when it inhabited Fong Xin. And by then, who knows what state Yu Yuan will be in."

With these words, Lee Yu acknowledged that the responsibility of vanquishing the Moon Demon now rested on Yu Yuan's shoulders.

Yu Yuan's fate, his recovery, would be the deciding factor in whether any of us could survive within the forbidden area.

"I never imagined that my fate would be in Yu Yuan's hands," Fan Li from the Van family said with a self-deprecating chuckle, shaking his head. "It's absurd."

Others shared this sentiment.

Lee Yu's expression soured. "Fan Li, do you have any issues?"


"If you do have issues or don't want to join us, feel free to leave on your own," Lee Yu said bluntly. "Let's be clear, during the last fight, everyone gave it their all except for you. You dodged and didn't fully commit. Knowing you, I'm certain your capabilities extend far beyond that."

Su Yan, Yan Lu, and Lim Zhuyun also frowned slightly at his words.

Just how severe was Yan Lu's injury?

In the heat of battle, Su Yan had stealthily moved to guard Yu Yuan. Lim Zhuyun, alongside Lee Yu, managed to hold off Fong Xin for a time. Meanwhile, Fan Li had done nothing but shield himself with his spiritual armor.

When the Moon Demon had firmly fixed its sights on Yu Yuan, Fan Li had even let out a quiet sigh of relief, remaining detached and inactive.

Such was Fan Li—physically present in the team, yet his heart seemed elsewhere.

Caught off guard, Van Ning didn't expect to suddenly become the focus of everyone's criticism.

"There will not be a next time. I'll give it my all when the Moon Demon reemerges," Van Ning hastily assured them.

"When the Moon Demon returns, I will have reached the Profound Break Stage," Lim Zhuyun declared, taking a deep breath before turning to Su Yan. "Next time, I'll be the one to protect Yu Yuan before he delivers the final blow."

"Your fiancé, after all, deserves your protection. I'll leave that to you," Su Yan said with a smile.

At the mention of 'fiancé,' Lim Zhuyun's heart skipped a beat, almost as if she had been insulted.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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