Unmatched Dominance/C977 The Wall Was Broken!
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Unmatched Dominance/C977 The Wall Was Broken!
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C977 The Wall Was Broken!

A miniature Frost Dragon.


Carved with exquisite detail from the Dragon Slash Platform, the half-meter-long Frost Dragon was bound by chains shimmering with the essence of bitter cold. Its sinews darted about like bolts of lightning.

Deep within the well, alien beasts lurking in the deeper fissures froze in place, sensing the Frost Dragon's presence.

The lingering breath of the recently deceased Frost Dragon threw the alien beasts' consciousness into disarray, tugging at their souls and awareness like ghostly, icy whirlpools.

The water at the bottom of the well stilled, its surface beginning to ice over.

Snowflakes drifted from the Frost Dragon's carcass, each one hitting the water with a "crunch," reminiscent of footsteps on a frozen lake.

At that moment, Yu Yuan's left hand was lightly clasping the dragon's neck.

Its head served as the hilt of a blade, its body the blade itself, and its tail the sharpest point.

Contemplating briefly, Yu Yuan thrust the dragon-shaped Dragon Slash Platform into the Frost Well's wall within the Dark Domain, watching as innumerable icy rays burrowed into the crevices.

Crack! Crack!

The crevices in the well, refined by Ruan Fu and integrated with the Dao, suddenly burst open!

Countless beams of ice light shattered within the fissures, tearing apart the celestial dome and the barrier of the well's inner realm.

With a casual stab of the Dragon Slash Platform, now in the form of a Frost Dragon, Yu Yuan's Yin God became vague and fleeting.

To his horror, that simple thrust had sapped a quarter of his refined soul power!

"Dragon Slash Platform!"

Every part of him—his limbs, his lifeblood, his small inner world, his veins, and the pores in his palms—responded to the Frost Dragon manifested by the Dragon Slash Platform.

He could even see the massive, serpentine Frost Dragon corpse within the Platform itself, radiating a frigid glow and pulsing with dragon breath and soul energy.

In the surrounding mountains, more dragon corpses, of the Ninth and Eighth Levels, also glowed.

The immense power of the dragons slain here had not faded but seemed to be rekindled and repurposed.


Ruan Fu, the Grand Elder of the Cold Yin Sect, who had just reconstituted his body from the well's water, let out a piercing scream as he burst apart, transforming into a shower of crystalline light that fell from the sky.

However, the "fragments" that plummeted into the well's waters didn't immediately coalesce, thwarted by the well's strange properties. Ruan Fu, now reduced to a scatter of ice shards, lay atop the frozen surface, unable to sink or merge with the water below.

Crack! Crack!

The ice shards skittered across the icy surface, bouncing like marbles before settling back down. Yet, they were incapable of piercing through the ice to reach the depths of the well.

Yu Yuan, Canli, and the Ice Concubine hovered midair, heads bowed, their gazes dripping with mockery as they watched the icy debris below.

With a swift whoosh, Yu Yuan descended, his feet striking the ground with such force that he shattered two fingernail-sized pieces of ice. The shards burst apart, and Ruan Fu's soul wailed, fragmenting into even finer particles of ice.

"I won't kill you; I'll simply obliterate the Frost Well of the Dark Domain," Yu Yuan declared with a smirk.

At his words, the "Frost Well of the Dark Domain" began to unravel as if it were a mysterious world succumbing to extreme cold, becoming riddled with holes and dangerously unstable.

Outside, in the skies above the forbidden land, sunlight illuminated the suspended "Frost Well of the Dark Domain." Cracks in the well's walls burst forth with blinding brilliance, and the peculiar well itself now resembled a honeycomb, rife with fissures.

Crack crack!

The ice-encased well, like a child's block tower knocked over in a tantrum, suddenly disintegrated into chunks.

Yu Yuan and Canli emerged from the wreckage, Yu Yuan wielding a blade shaped like a Frost Dragon. He delivered another slash to the crumbling "Frost Well of the Dark Domain," reducing it to even smaller fragments.

The Great Elder of the Cold Yin Sect met the same fate, his body and soul frozen and fragmented like the pieces of the well.

Amid the ruins of the "Frost Well" and Ruan Fu, the Ice Concubine stood with her scorpion tail, her ice-blue eyes flickering brightly. Her form expanded dramatically.

She swiftly collected all the fragments belonging to Ruan Fu and the Dark Domain.

In a shimmer of light, she vanished along with the fragments.

Yu Yuan immediately understood that she had entered the Evil Cauldron, taking her place within it to commence refining the shards, aiming to ascend to an even higher echelon.

The Frost Well within the Dark Domain had exploded, dealing a fatal blow that led to his death.

Canli and Yu Yuan stood shoulder to shoulder, sensing the essence, energy, and spirit of Ruan Fu dissipate with the departure of the Ice Concubine. Canli remarked, "This is the inherent risk of wielding a Dao Integration Weapon. However..."

Her eyes shifted to Yu Yuan, lingering on the miniature blade shaped like a Frost Dragon.

"Did he die too easily?"

Ruan Fu had only recently ascended to the Unrestrained Stage, yet his mastery of the Frost Well in the Dark Domain was formidable—a fact Canli had witnessed firsthand.

She even believed that not even Ann Wen, the leader of the Blood God Cult, or Tianzang could escape Ruan Fu's clutches within the realm of the Dark Domain.

Let alone defeat Ruan Fu so swiftly.

Yu Yuan, merely at the Soul Wandering Stage with a physique comparable to an Eighth Level alien beast, had effortlessly slain Ruan Fu using a shard of the Dragon Slash Platform, a feat Canli found utterly inconceivable.

"Dragon Slash Platform!"

Yu Yuan was stirred as he gazed upon the stone, now a grayish-white with razor-sharp edges.

He hadn't anticipated that such a diminutive Dragon Slash Platform could wield such extraordinary power in his grasp, leaving a cultivator of the Unrestrained Stage dead without a fight.

"The Dragon Slash Platform, primarily entombing the remains of that Frost Dragon, must have been why Ruan Fu, a practitioner of the Cold Yin Sect's Spiritual Spell and the Frost Well of the Dark Domain, met such a tragic end."

With this thought, Yu Yuan's gaze shifted.

He observed three Frost Dragons sprawled on the ground, one of the Ninth Level and two of the Eighth, their eyes vacant and bewildered as they looked toward him and the Dragon Slash Platform in his hand.

"Head over there!"

Yu Yuan directed the Dragon Slash Platform toward the nine palaces of the Profound Sky Sect, commanding with his thoughts.

His inner voice thundered within the realm of the Dragon Slash Platform.

With a roar, the three Frost Dragons swiftly vacated the land, their massive forms undulating through the air as they surged toward the Profound Sky Sect to construct the palace of the Nine Heavens Divine Altar.

The palace, forged from the essence of a celestial moon, was consumed by the evil statue. The frenzied Grey Wolf King's onslaught left the Nine Heavens Divine Altar inoperable.

Now, with the arrival of three Frost Dragons, the heart of the Nine Heavens Divine Palace was engulfed in a sudden snowstorm, the ground beneath encased in ice.

"With the Dragon Slash Platform in my grasp, can the Nagas still defy me?"

Yu Yuan felt a mix of shock and elation as he sensed another fragment of his soul force slipping away. His plan had been to wander as a Yin God among the three Dragon Slash Platforms, using the Ghosting Arts to assimilate the spiritual energy left by the platform's previous master. This allowed him to imprint his Yin God with various marks, granting him the ability to harness some of the platform's extraordinary powers and perform feats beyond imagination.

With a whoosh, he clutched the Dragon Slash Platform and was instantly transported to the land where Loong Jie and the other dragons lay prostrate.

Beneath his feet lay the other two Dragon Slash Platforms—one entombing the Space-time Dragon, the other the Golden Giant Dragon.

Loong Jie, scion of the Golden Giant Dragon, abruptly lifted his head. His golden eyes blazed with resentment and a brutal ferocity, as if he wished to reduce Yu Yuan to shreds with his gaze alone.

Yet his dragon blood, dragon soul, and the dragon breath he exhaled all quivered in fear.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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