Unmatched Dominance/C989 It Is Not up to You!
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Unmatched Dominance/C989 It Is Not up to You!
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C989 It Is Not up to You!

"Han Yin!"

Zhou You's brow furrowed as he gripped the crystal-clear square platform, a product of the space teleportation array. He and President Lyi found themselves in a space sliced away from the rest of the realm as if by a sharp blade.

In an instant.

Their space reemerged in the midair above the Realm passageway, untouched by Grec's interference.

"Is he the one slowing down Yu Yuan?" President Lyi inquired, his brow creased with concern.

"It's no longer him," Zhou You replied.

"If he's been corrupted, then let him perish completely."

President Lyi, poised regally in his seat, struck the armrest of his golden throne, unleashing myriad bolts of golden lightning accompanied by the thunderous roar of laws, all hurtling towards the Profound Sky Sect's expert.

With a sweep of his horsetail whisk, Zhou You sealed the space around the elder named Han Yin.

He was swiftly submerged by the deluge of golden lightning.

Tainted by Grec's Qi and blood, Han Yin had long since lost his sentience. In the dazzling sea of golden electric light, he was obliterated into minuscule particles of flesh by the Divine Power imbued with the Great Dao of Metal, scattering into the Realm passageway below.

With his death, the distance between Yu Yuan and the deep pit was restored to normal.


Merely seconds later, Yu Yuan, drenched in blood, reached the shadowy chasm.

Upon his arrival, the Dragon Slash Platform in his grasp emitted an enigmatic glow that surged into the pit, revealing the ancient characters: Hui, Bi, and Shang.

They morphed from three black suns into three dark abysses in a blink.

These words, 'Extreme Wisdom Divine King,' were the cornerstone of the Wisdom Divine King's rise to divinity.

He had gained profound insights into space and time by studying the Space-time Dragon through the Dragon Slash Platform.

Following the demise of the Space-time Dragon, he ascended to the Divine King Realm by mastering this Great Dao.

Perhaps for this reason, when Yu Yuan reached the pit with the Dragon Slash Platform, the legacy words of the Wisdom Divine King manifested their mystical presence once more.

Then, Yu Yuan observed beneath the trio of ancient black characters a peculiar, flat expanse.

It resembled an immense, semi-transparent glass capable of reflecting an alternate dimension!

This semi-transparent glass appeared to be the fabled Realm passageway leading to the Delude Devil Abyss.

When he had visited previously, he could only detect spatial turbulence and witness unusual streaks of light—there was no way he could directly see the realm passageway, clear as a glass mirror.

"Dragon Slash Platform!"

It dawned on him that this time, with the Dragon Slash Platform in hand and having absorbed the residual memories and strength of its former wielder through the Ghosting Arts, he could perceive the true realm passageway beyond the seal of those three words.

Moreover, the passageway had regained stability, once again allowing traversal.

Originally, it was the Space-time Dragon—a Tenth Level, Dragon God—that had carved open this realm passageway with its body, imbued with the profound truths of space and time.

This very Space-time Dragon had forged the path to the Delude Devil Abyss. Now, its remains lay within the Dragon Slash Platform he wielded, its unique power, fused with the Yin God, enabling him to harness the platform.

Naturally, he could now clearly discern the realm passageway, obscured by layers of fog and repressed by the Wisdom Divine King.


Another figure, Grec, hovered dozens of meters away, bearing the visage of Shi Yuxuan.

This time, Grec did not rush to engage.

He kept a prudent distance, sensing the unseen barriers between himself and Yu Yuan, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Eager to depart the Boundless Land?"

Yu Yuan turned, gazing down from above the chasm, locking eyes with him.

He had truly witnessed the prowess of the Great Demon God Grec, leader of the Blood Devil Clan.

With Grec's arrival, Tian Zang had dodged his edge and retreated to Horror Land. Luo Yue was gravely wounded and had escaped. Raven was dead, the Ninth Level Yellow Giant Tiger nearly perished, Jee Ningshuang was severely injured, and the Blood God Cult's leader, Ann Wen, along with the Golden Elephant Ancient God, had been overpowered by the Demon God.

Numerous Eighth Level warriors and great demons had become his marionettes, manipulated at will.

The Blood Moon had turned traitor in an instant, severing the bond with the Soul Transformation Pool in utter silence.

The formidable representatives from the three upper sects and the envoys from the Devil Palace dared not make a move.

Yun Hao urged him to surrender the items without a fuss...

The power and intimidation displayed by an entity from beyond the galaxy, on par with a Primordial Spirit Stage cultivator and a peak Demon God, upon its arrival at the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, left an indelible, eternal mark deep within Yu Yuan's psyche.

"I truly have no desire to encounter you again anytime soon."

With hands clasped in a gesture of respect, Yu Yuan acknowledged the supreme being before soaring toward the clearly visible Realm passageway.

"That's not for you to decide."

Great Demon God Grec watched him, a sly smile playing on his lips from a distance.


Clutching the Dragon Slash Platform, Yu Yuan hurtled into the Realm passageway, its surface gleaming like glass. The grey stone in his grasp, its sharp edges, whistled as they sliced through the fabric of space.

Intuitively, he sensed odd spatial rifts within the passageway below.

These rifts, nestled within the walls of the Realm passageway, led not to the Delude Devil Abyss but to more secluded, elusive places, undiscoverable by anyone less than extraordinary.

His eyes sparkled with realization; his true destination lay within those rifts, not the Delude Devil Abyss.

Hope flickered in his gaze as he pondered the complex dynamics of the Boundless Land, the strife between the Divine Soul Sect and the five supreme powers. President Lyi's counsel seemed a prudent course of action.

He resolved to lay low, biding his time until the Divine Soul Sect, President Lyi, and the formidable beings from other races forged a new understanding with the supreme powers before making his return.

Then, without warning, the 'Life Altar' within his chest began to tremble with unprecedented intensity!

Drawing nearer to the Realm passageway, an unspeakable terror welled up within his soul, his organs, and every drop of his blood!


On the brink of what felt like mental implosion, he halted just shy of the Realm passageway, his form quivering.

The semi-transparent glassy surface of the passageway silently took on a blood-red hue.

A red so vivid, it sent chills down the spine, evoking sheer terror!

Beneath the Realm passageway, a veritable ocean of blood seemed to churn, its strange disturbances potent enough to affect the bloodlines of all creatures!

Within Yu Yuan, the Life Altar, which had been assimilating the refined blood essence of various races into his own, stirred to life. It was as if it wished to bid farewell to Yu Yuan, longing to join the blood-soaked sea beneath the Realm passageway.

Yu Yuan shivered, struggling mightily to counteract the strange stirrings within his blood.

Seemingly painted with crimson, the once semi-transparent Realm passage now glowed a vivid red, and atop it materialized a man cloaked in a blood-red robe, his thick red beard obscuring the lower half of his face.

The man was in the prime of his life, sitting erect on the Realm passage, his stature towering and formidable.

His dark red pupils sparkled with a hint of mirth as he locked eyes with Yu Yuan.


Yu Yuan's frame jolted, fighting against the alien bloodthirst within him, inching his way to an upright position.

The Life Altar within him, the microcosm of his blood, every drop of his essence hidden within his acupoints, roared and frantically impelled him to give in to the descent.

This urge was hundreds of times more intense than the allure he faced at the Blood God Island's blood pool!

The Realm passage below was now saturated with Grec's blood, and the blood sea beneath seemed to be an extension of Grec's Life Altar.

The true Grec!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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