Unmatched Dominance/C990 The Original Body and the Clone
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Unmatched Dominance/C990 The Original Body and the Clone
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C990 The Original Body and the Clone

Behold the Great Demon God, Greco!

The imposing man seated atop the realm passage was none other than Greco's true form!

The entity that took over Shi Yuxuan in the forbidden land, unleashing a sequence of bloody disasters, was merely a fragment of Greco.

Merely one of his avatars!

Feeling the turbulence of the blood-red sea beneath the realm passage, Yu Yuan needed no confirmation to know that the red-bearded man below was indeed Greco himself!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As they approached the pit, President Lyi, Zhou Wen, Cao Jiaze, Cao Yi, the Golden Elephant Ancient God, and other formidable beings felt their blood and Qi erupt like a volcano.

Each of them sensed their flesh and blood spiraling out of control, as if drawn to the pit, yearning to plunge into the realm passage below.

Overwhelmed by the shock, they didn't linger on the thought, instead hastily distancing themselves from the pit.

Meanwhile, Yu Yuan, hovering in the sky above, cast a frosty glance at President Lyi and Zhou Wen.

He began to harbor suspicions that they were in league with Greco, plotting against him.

Zhou Wen and President Lyi had been persistent, urging him to use the Dragon Slash Platform to dive into the realm passage and seek temporary refuge from the Boundless Land. Had Yu Yuan not been on guard, he might have heedlessly charged into the abyss as they suggested.

That would have been a direct plunge into Greco's "Life Altar," where the Great Demon God could effortlessly dissolve him!

"Yu Yuan, it's not as you imagine," Zhou Wen said with a wry smile.

President Lyi huffed, deeming any explanation unnecessary.

"Even I would not dare to tread carelessly into the Boundless Land."

A short distance away, Greco's clone, bearing the likeness of Shi Yuxuan, beamed and volunteered, "I keep my main body in the realm passage. Should those Primordial Spirits and Demon Gods arrive unexpectedly, I can withdraw at a moment's notice. Frankly, after years of battling the powers of this realm, I've had my fair share of setbacks."

"I can't be certain if the stability of the realm passage is their collective handiwork, or if it's a snare laid for me."

"It's reminiscent of the time Yu Qian was captured, costing our race a Great Demon God."

Greco let out a derisive chuckle.

He then said, "However, with just my primary avatar here, empowered continuously by my true self, I can accomplish much within this forbidden zone."

His primary avatar could constantly draw upon the blood energy from his true self within a certain range. For safety, his true self remained concealed within the Realm passageway, discreetly bolstering his avatar with power while cautiously monitoring the situation.

Should he sense danger, or spot a Primordial Spirit or Demon God emerging, he would not hesitate to abandon his avatar and instantly retreat to the Delude Devil Abyss through the Realm passageway, thus avoiding entrapment by the numerous Primordial Spirits and Demon Gods of the Boundless Land.

"Just a primary avatar!" Grec's revelation left the local powerhouses present with faces twisted in discomfort.

Could it be that, with his true self hidden in the Realm passageway, relying solely on his primary avatar, he had the entire situation of the forbidden zone under his control? He had managed to make the Heavenly Devils stand down, silence the leaders of the Outland Devaputras, and even caused the three Upper Sects, the Devil Palace, and the Demon Palace to hesitate before making a move.

Was Grec truly manipulating everyone with just an avatar?

It wasn't until Yu Yuan was nearly ensnared and had almost resignedly surrendered himself that Grec made his appearance, prompting a sudden realization among the crowd.

The sight of the patriarch of the Blood Devil Clan, an Outland Devaputra, weighed heavily on the hearts and minds of those gathered, filling them with a sense of oppression and dread.

"Stop struggling," Grec commanded, seated upon a blood-red glass-like surface. He looked up at Yu Yuan with a warm smile. "The Life Altar within you is my primary objective. I had no intention of revealing myself, but for you, I made an exception."

With a casual gesture, a hidden "spiritual thread" seemed to form between Yu Yuan and him. As Grec beckoned, Yu Yuan watched in terror as dazzling light streaked by his side.

It was as if two spaces were ensnared by invisible chains of blood. With a tug on the chain, the space around him uncontrollably hurtled towards Grec and the crimson sea beneath.

No longer could his reason or power reign it in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, until we meet again beyond the heavens," said Grec's primary avatar, standing outside the pit. He clutched his chest and bowed slightly, his demeanor polite and modest. "I sense a disconcerting gaze cast upon me from afar."

"Sidla, you're free to return home now."

With those words, Grec's primary form began to fade.

In an instant, his body appeared to merge with some foreign object, swelling briefly before reverting to its original size.

"Head home."

The Nine-Headed Demon God, Sidla, took to the skies, communicating with his demonic subordinates in their arcane tongue.

At that moment, Adler, Mitts, and the other Demon Gods rose from their kneeling stances and soared upwards.

Beru, Mia, and other leaders of various races turned to see their once-maddened kin had miraculously regained their senses.

The power Grec had instilled within them had been withdrawn, sparing their lives.

Perhaps they were beneath his notice.

"Great Demon God, Grec!"

Yu Yuan, wielding control over the Dragon Slash Platforms and the Evil Cauldron, alongside his Yin God and primary soul, exhausted every tactic only to barely contain the tumultuous blood within him.

Dragged helplessly into the abyss by Grec, he was rendered powerless.

Even the Dragon Slash Platform, entombing the Space-time Dragon, could not alter his grim fate.

A profound sense of despair enveloped him as he inched closer to Grec, envisioning his own transformation into a writhing mass of flesh, dissolved by the sanguine sea beneath the realm's gateway.

Confronted by the pinnacle of power in the Outland Star River, he felt his weakness acutely.

He had little... capacity for resistance.


Out of nowhere, the vibrant red "glass mirror" upon which Grec sat emitted a strange, splintering sound.

A procession of fiery suns and luminous moons emerged from what should have been the realm's passageway.

The blood energy Grec had infused into the mirror was purged in an instant by the unexpected celestial bodies. Amidst the array of suns and moons, a host of mystical alien beasts that Yu Yuan had glimpsed in the Ember Waters began to appear.

"Chaos Roc!"

From within the suns and moons materialized the Starry Behemoth, Chaos Roc!

A deep, resonant roar, as if traversing epochs and infinite space, reached out directly!

"Grec! You dare to covet the marvel I have created?!"


The blood-permeable realm passageway burst open violently, unleashing innumerable shards and crystals that swirled into a maelstrom of chaotic space-time forces, causing the crimson sea below to plummet abruptly.

Grec, who had been seated motionless for an extended period, peered down with his deep red eyes.

"So, you've ventured into the Delude Devil Abyss!"

After launching an assault on the Delude Devil Abyss with the Asura King, he feigned a retreat. In truth, he secretly left a primary clone hidden within the contorted realm passageway.

Since it was his primary clone, the destruction of the passageway had no bearing on his actual form.

This clone had been navigating through the chaotic conduit all along. Upon nearing the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, it remained concealed, vigilantly observing and biding its time for the perfect moment to strike.

At the time his primary clone slipped into the realm passageway, the conflict within the Delude Devil Abyss was still unresolved.

He had even managed to deceive the Asura King.

The Chaos Roc's approach to the Delude Devil Abyss, driven by curiosity and its subsequent exchange with the Asura King, was an event yet to come.

Just as the Chaos Roc and the Asura King were unaware of his primary clone's presence in the realm passageway, he was equally oblivious to the Chaos Roc's descent into the Delude Devil Abyss.

It wasn't until his clone, stabilized within the passageway, sensed the Life Altar within Yu Yuan—a beacon of intense allure—that his true self employed the Blood Devil Clan's formidable secret arts to manifest directly through his clone.

His goal was clear: to claim the Life Altar within Yu Yuan for himself.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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