Unmatched Dominance/C994 One Move Could Affect the Entire Body!
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Unmatched Dominance/C994 One Move Could Affect the Entire Body!
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C994 One Move Could Affect the Entire Body!

In the northern reaches of the Ascension Mountain Range, Du Yuan of the Sword Sect, known as the Disillusionment Sword, watched Zhu Huan, the Secluded Sun Mountain Lord, emerge from the shadows where he had been concealing himself. After regaining his composure, Zhu Huan stepped out from the darkness.

"Uncle Master Li has passed away," Zhu Huan announced, his body stooped and his face etched with grief.

He presided over Secluded Sun Mountain, a peak second only to Elemental Mountain, the seat of the Primordial Yang Sect's leader. Zhu Huan himself was a late-stage practitioner of the Unrestrained Stage, a rank matched only by Lee Tianxin, one of the Primordial Spirits.

With Lee Tianxin's demise, Zhu Huan found himself in a position second only to the sect leader, towering above all others within the Primordial Yang Sect. Yet, this brought him no joy.

Lee Tianxin's death had struck without warning, catching the Primordial Yang Sect off guard, with no contingency plans in place, no successor ready to step into the role of the new god...

As one of the venerable elders among the three upper sects, Zhu Huan was privy to many secrets. The four great human sects had seen their share of Primordial Spirits fall in battle before. But previously, when an elder Primordial Spirit ventured into perilous regions of the galaxy, knowing full well the risk of perishing, there were always successors designated and prepared to take up the mantle and ascend as the new god.

Typically, a new Primordial Spirit would emerge shortly after the passing of the old, ensuring that the supreme seats of power were never vacant for long, avoiding any lapse in continuity.

However, this time, with Lee Tianxin's untimely death, the five great powers had evidently failed to prepare. There was no preordained new god ready to fill his esteemed position.

Suddenly, two powerful guardians tasked with protecting Zu Ann felt a shared premonition.

Atop Ascension Peak, the Skywatch Mirror, magnified hundreds of times, hung silently in the sky. Within its reflective surface, dozens of scenes flickered every second, displaying the sects of the Heavenly Source Continent, the secluded reaches of the Quietus Continent, and the significant movements of key figures across the Profound Sky Continent.

Many of the scenes originated from the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

The Skywatch Mirror was a kaleidoscope of change, capturing the Boundless Great World in its entirety: every blade of grass, every tree, every living creature.

"Zu Ann!"

"Zu Ann has begun his ascension to divinity!"

Du Yuan and Zhu Huan's faces paled with shock.

With their profound knowledge and formidable power, they keenly detected the subtle shifts at Ascension Peak. They could perceive the enigmatic abilities tied to the destiny of the Great Dao, abilities invisible to the common eye, silently converging upon the peak.

Beneath the Skywatch Mirror stood a towering figure adorned with a feathered crown.

This figure was immersed in the divine luminescence of the Great Dao, undergoing its cleansing and trials, tempering its soul. With its own Dao, it sought to fuse with the celestial powers that were being channeled into it.

Atop the mountain where he resided, the weather transformed, giving rise to numerous wonders.

Amidst flashes of lightning and rolls of thunder, there emerged an ancient Divine Bird, an auspicious alien beast stepping forth from a bygone era. They bestowed blessings or wielded secret arts, challenging the intricacy of the Dao Spell he was mastering.

His every gesture appeared to be in harmony with the Great Dao, as if draped in the chains of cosmic order.

"Divine Soul Sect!"

The two exchanged a knowing glance, instantly grasping the situation.

Lee Tianxin's demise was undoubtedly linked to the Divine Soul Sect. Now, beyond the Boundless Land, the five exalted Primordial Spirits and Demon Gods were entangled, unable to thwart Zu Ann's rise to godhood.

They also realized why Zu Ann had forsaken the Boundless Land to align with the Divine Soul Sect.

It was for the promise of an exalted throne!

"Head back to the Primordial Yang Sect immediately and check on the Fire God Spear for any damage!" Du Yuan of the Sword Sect inhaled deeply before continuing, "It seems that the powers beyond our world have sensed Zu Ann's ascension. Their absence suggests they are indisposed. He is ascending on Ascension Peak, within the Dao Integration Stage. With our current realms and strength, we stand no chance of stopping him."


With a brief nod, Zhu Huan swiftly departed.

In the Desolate God's Great Swamp, where the spiritual mist was as thick as water, there lay a pristine lake surrounded by spiritual herbs of at least Earth Level and Heaven Level, with many capable of being refined into Divine Level Pills.

Beside the lake sat Lvliu, the former Grand Marshal of the Demon Palace, in the slender form of a man. With piercing dark green eyes, he was engrossed in the chessboard before him.

Across from him squatted a gray-haired Old Ape, clad in a linen robe with a hemp rope tied around his waist, his bare feet planted on the ground. Unlike Lvliu's composed posture, the Old Ape's squat was graceless as he too studied the chessboard intently.

Upon closer inspection, the black and white pieces on the board revealed countless miniature figures—Cao Jiaze, the Golden Elephant Ancient God, Ann Wen, the Peacock King, and other formidable beings from the forbidden lands, as well as emperors from the Six Great Empires and powerful figures from the Profound Sky and Quietus Continents. It seemed as though all who existed within the vast Boundless Land were mere pawns in the game played by the Old Ape and Lvliu.

Suddenly, the Old Ape narrowed his eyes and rose from his squat. Casting a glance towards Ascension Peak, he let out a low, sinister chuckle, "Zu Ann is nearly finished."

Lvliu nonchalantly dropped a white piece onto the board, "The dispute in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area appears to be nothing more than a ruse. The grand trade fair organized by the Evil Sect, pressuring the five factions, has drawn together numerous powerful demons and experts. They've focused all eyes on the Forbidden Area merely as a distraction from their true intent—to assassinate Lee Tianxin."

"The demise of those from the outer realms, even in their entirety, alters nothing."

"The death of a Primordial Spirit, however, carries far more weight."

Lvliu remarked.

The Old Ape grinned and nodded in agreement, "With Lee Tianxin gone, the chieftains of the alien race will harbor no further suspicions, will they?"

"And what of you?" Lvliu asked with a smile.

He had been nearly driven from the Desolate Swamp by the relentless pursuit of the Nagas' dragons, yet the Old Ape had not shown himself, nor had the formidable demons under his command made an appearance.

The Old Ape's continued presence within the Great Swamp signaled that he was still watching, still maintaining a stance of neutrality.

After the incident, even the three great upper sects, along with the Demon Palace and the Devil Palace, had managed to stabilize the situation. Aware that the Old Ape had not left the Great Swamp, they found it difficult to confront him with accusations.

"Now that Zu Ann has ascended to godhood, of course, I shall respond," the Old Ape said with a toothy grin. "Lee Tianxin's death and Zu Ann's rise to divinity have given me a sense of tranquility."

His demon soul silently departed.


In the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, the reactivated teleportation array glowed with a brilliant light, with President Lyi's golden throne hovering above it.

Zhou You gestured to Beru, Qin Yun, Lulu, and the others to make haste towards the Desolate Swamp.

The array was now linked with the one in the Desolate Swamp.

"Regardless of the battle raging outside, these remnants of the alien race must meet their end here!" Guanghong from the Profound Sky Sect declared coldly, turning to the Golden Elephant Ancient God, "The Demon Palace shares this sentiment, correct?"

The Golden Elephant Ancient God gazed at President Lyi's golden throne and gave a slight nod.

The Mighty Spirit King from the Devil Palace concurred, "They must be killed."

With the departure of the Primordial Yang Sect, the remaining powerhouses could easily obliterate the surviving foreign invaders once united.

However, just as they were about to act...

A gray-haired Old Ape, in the guise of a demon soul, unexpectedly emerged through the teleportation array.

The Old Ape simply stood next to the array, grinning without uttering a word.

Only his smile spoke volumes.

"Desolate God!"

"Desolate God!"

The sight of his demon soul manifestation caused the Golden Elephant Ancient God, Peacock King, Guanghong, Yao Huangqi, and the others to react with shock.

The Old Ape chuckled, nodding at President Lyi, then gave Zhou You a knowing glance.

Zhou You caught on instantly and bellowed, "To the Great Swamp!"

At Zhou You's command, figures strode into the teleportation array with unwavering resolve, fear no longer present in their hearts.

The presence of the Desolate God's Demon Soul was their amulet of protection, signifying that he had now formally entered the fray of this divine battle!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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