Unmatched Dominance/C999 The First Battle Beyond the Sky
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Unmatched Dominance/C999 The First Battle Beyond the Sky
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C999 The First Battle Beyond the Sky

Five young individuals from different races were flung from a fissure in space.

Leading them was a towering youth from the Silver Scale Clan, his body adorned with natural, gleaming silver scales that unmistakably proclaimed his heritage.

Among them were two slender women bearing a striking resemblance to Dark Elfkind, with pointed ears and exquisite features.

Also present were two individuals from the Crypt Clan, short and grimy with dark brown skin, their large eyes scanning their surroundings warily.

"Members of the Silver Scale Clan, Mondnacht Clan, and two from the Crypt Clan. And the other, a delicate yet stunningly beautiful woman, her body marked by clear signs of spatial turbulence—she's a Void Spirit Succubus, a being I've only heard of in rumors," Yu Yiyi's voice timely echoed in Yu Yuan's mind.

The group comprised three men and two women from the Silver Scale Clan, Mondnacht Clan, and Void Spirit Succubus, respectively.

As Yu Yuan appraised them, the five young foreigners returned his gaze with equal bewilderment.

After a moment,

"Human, human beings!"

Hart from the Silver Scale Clan, rubbing his eyes, exclaimed in the slightly clumsy language of the Boundless Land.

"Humans, from the Central World!"

The others, upon hearing Hart's cry, were terrified to their core.

Huddled together, they jostled and stumbled to their feet, some brandishing sharp spears, others clutching gem-encrusted silver staves, while some invoked their secret soul arts—all with a look of grave alarm as they faced Yu Yuan and Yu Yiyi.

The two strikingly beautiful, slender women shivered subtly.

Their gazes upon Yu Yuan were filled with dread, as if they were confronting a rampaging beast or a bloodthirsty demon risen from the depths of hell.

Subsequently, the quintet of diverse races began to chatter among themselves in various tongues, inching backward stealthily.

Despite their different languages, they understood one another, their expressions frantic as though they wished to flee back through the spatial rift.

Upon realizing the rift that had brought them here had vanished, their faces fell with despair, as if they were on the verge of tears.

"Don't, don't come any closer!"

The petite woman from the Mondnacht Clan, with her auburn hair, clutched her silver staff tightly. The power of her bloodline surged, and the white robe she donned emitted a gentle, luminous moonlight glow.

The staff in her hands was on the verge of forming a Moon Blade ring, poised to unleash its power at any moment. Towering half a head above her, the Void Spirit Succubus's lithe fingers intertwined, thumbs pressing together, weaving a seal that seemed to channel the spatial abilities within her.

Before the seal could fully materialize, the space around her began to undulate unnaturally. A towering figure from the Silver Scale Clan stood before them, his body's scales gleaming with a frosty metallic sheen, ready to launch into the air or repel most incoming attacks.

Meanwhile, two diminutive men from the Crypt Clan suddenly dropped to the ground, their hind legs coiled, ready to spring into action.


Yu Yuan barely began to speak when the slight woman from the Mondnacht Clan let out a sob, her emotions collapsing into tears. With her eyes shut tight, the staff she clutched, etched with intricate designs, flared intensely.

Without warning, the skirmish erupted.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dozens of crescent-shaped light blades burst forth from the gleaming staff, swiftly enveloping Yu Yuan.

Simultaneously, the Void Spirit Succubus completed her seal. The space around Yu Yuan crystallized, as if suddenly encased in ice.

Struggling to move, Yu Yuan felt as though he had become a living fossil, ensnared within amber.

The Crypt Clan members thrust against the ground with force. Yu Yuan braced for an assault, only to watch in astonishment as they burrowed into the earth beneath him. Every sign of life, every pulse of their essence, was laid bare to his senses.

He could see the Crypt Clan members tunneling swiftly below, arriving beneath his feet in an instant.

The Silver Scale Clan member, however, remained unflustered, shielding the Mondnacht and Void Spirit Succubus, as if aware of the danger posed by close proximity.

"Are you kidding me?"

Yu Yuan muttered to himself, incredulous. As he prepared to counter the Crypt Clan members now underfoot, a thought struck him. His spiritual energy surged, mingling with his life force, and formed two unseen pillars of light that plunged deep into the earth from the soles of his feet.

Two muffled groans emanated from beneath Yu Yuan's feet as the two Crypt Clan warriors who had attempted a subterranean ambush were seemingly blasted dozens of meters deeper into the earth.

On the verge of being struck by a crescent-shaped blade of light, he silently invoked the Evil Body Refining Skill.

A gravitational magnetic field erupted around him, drawing in a myriad of anomalous lights and shattering the spatial seal, granting him unfettered movement.

With a swift motion of his arm, he swatted the moon blades away, shattering them with a resounding clang.

Perched within the Evil Cauldron, Yu Yiyi, who had raised the cauldron just a bit higher, watched the five assailants encircle Yu Yuan, her bright eyes dancing with amusement.

The spectacle seemed to delight her.

Of the five adversaries, the most formidable—a youth from the Silver Scale Clan—possessed only a Seventh Rank bloodline, while the remaining four were merely at the Sixth Level. Such combat prowess barely sufficed to scratch an itch for Yu Yuan.

"Your Excellency!"

Realizing the tide had turned, Hart from the Silver Scale Clan let out a piercing cry.

He also commanded his companions to cease their assault.

Yu Yuan stood his ground, a slight frown creasing his brow as he warned, "Launch another attack, and I won't be so courteous."

"No! There won't be!"

Hart whirled around, barking orders at the two women, still reeling from the encounter, and then glanced down at his two comrades still concealed underground, urging them to emerge.

The two Crypt Clan members who surfaced were disheveled and wore expressions of dread as they faced Yu Yuan.

The quintet of non-humans exchanged a flurry of words in their respective tongues.

Before long, they capitulated, retracting their scepters and dissolving their conjured sigils. The lustrous scales on Hart's body dimmed and ceased to gleam.

Resigned to their fate, the five heads drooped, as if they were lambs awaiting the slaughter.

Humans, every one of them who had broken free from the Boundless Great World, was at least a Yang God!

Though they had never witnessed the might of a Yang God firsthand, tales of their formidable power had been passed down by their elders.

What could bring such ferocious humans to this desolate wasteland?

"From whence do you hail, and what is this place?" Yu Yuan demanded, his voice deep and commanding.

At his words, the five non-humans exchanged bewildered glances.

After a moment's hesitation, the beautiful woman from the Void Spirit Succubus mustered her courage and explained, "I invited them to explore the tomb of a Great Shaman from my clan. We triggered a spatial rune carved into the tombstone. Then, we were pulled through by the symbol, and that's how we arrived here."

While speaking, she glanced around and said, "What place is this? We've just arrived and aren't quite sure."

"Where was the Great Shaman's tomb originally located?" Yu Yuan inquired further.

"It's in a secluded part of our territory. The Great Shaman's homeland has been abandoned for ages." As she spoke, a fierce hatred flared in her eyes. "The land of the Great Shaman was ravaged by the mighty from your Boundless Land. A team made up of practitioners from the Thunder Sect and the Spirit Void Sect slaughtered all the strong members of my clan."

At her words, the Silver Scale Clan, the Crypt Clan, and the woman from the Mondnacht Clan seemed to resonate with grief, their looks towards Yu Yuan also filled with deep-seated loathing.

Yu Yuan scratched his head, wondering, 'Do the humans from the Boundless Land in the Outland Star River really draw such hatred?'

"That's the way it is."

Yu Yiyi, picking up on his thoughts, quickly responded, "Reaching the Yang God Stage was no small feat. Those experts who ventured to the Outer Star River to hone their skills, along with the high-level demons, did so to earn their stripes. They took pride in hunting Devaputra and exterminating the strong from other races. Much of what they did aligns with what's been described by these individuals."

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuan fell into a contemplative silence.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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