Until His Ex Showed Up/C5 TAKE CARE OF HIM
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Until His Ex Showed Up/C5 TAKE CARE OF HIM
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Mrs Dabs was fuming as Gerald went on and on about the minor contracts the company had in the past few months that Lewis had buried himself in the comfort of his house as he had put it. All this while, he didn't utter a word. It's annoying. This is bullying and picking on the weak. I've had enough of that since childhood and I can't sit around and do nothing.

The meeting abruptly on no final note as the old man angrily left the table. Mrs Dabs and Lewis, both on each side, support him to the stairs. I was left with angry eyes pairing at me from different directions. Is this why Danielle left?

"Don't freak out." It was Theresa's voice.

"I'm not freaking out."

"How old are you? You look rather young."


"Oh, now I'm jealous. I am twenty eight yet look like a granny." She rolled her eyes, nostalgically picking on her hair.

"You look ravishing."

"Tell that to Genevieve. That evil thing. She suggested plastic surgery to me. Said I look like a warthog."

I didn't want to laugh, so I smiled.

"You need to be proud of who you are and your features to be able to defend yourself," I said to her the exact words June said to me daily. She smiled.

"Welcome to the family. I'm sorry about earlier. I thought you were with Gerald. He is an asshole."

"I'll keep it in mind."

"I'm friendly if I want to be. I can't guarantee your safety with my mother. She is not hospitable. Not towards Danielle and not toward you. Have fun." She slid away from the chair and headed out of the dining. My heart popped up and down. I can't guarantee my six months with Lewis. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.

"It smells all over you. The dirty." She fanned her nose with her hands irritably. Cathy, she is finally here. Let it out, woman. Let out your anger.

"Excuse me?"

"Where did you meet? On the street? Inside a club? I can smell poverty all over you."

*Oh! We met at a club. I must have been quite irresistible." I can't take any more of these insults.

"Oh! She talks. How dare you talk back at me?"

"And who are you? God? You're a wife for God's sake. Why don't you put down your shield? We have the same position on the family tree, you don't get to talk me down." I had been trying my best to keep this part of me hidden, but this woman seemed to want it all.

"Oh!" She scoffed, adjusting her shawl as she walked around the table so she could face me. Thank God Mrs Dabs and Lewis aren't here. And the other eyes peering down at us were Elaine's and Genevieve's and some maids standing by.

"You've got some nerves. Finally, someone with mouth. Do you think we have the same position on the family tree? You think you and I have exact stances on the affairs of this family. Dream again, girl. Dream."

I tap my hands on the table slightly, standing to face her fair square. Her eyelashes were blinking repeatedly. Perhaps she thought I'd pounce on her. I let her take in all the redness in my eyes. I let her feel the heat her stare had harbored in my veins all night. Yes, feel it all, bitch.

"I am not Danielle. I am not raw. I came from the street and the street has no mercy." I warned.

I don't know where the audacity came from but I'm not letting this s bully step on me another time. Ivee had enough of them. Six months. Just six months and I'm out. But till then, we'll be on each other's noses.

I left the dining leaving the shocked Elaine and Genevieve.

I collided with Lewis on my way out.

"Grandpa wants to see you."

I followed him up the stairs into the massive study room of the old man.

"Excuse us please."

Mrs Dabs and Lewis walked out and shut the door behind them.

The old man heaved before turning his chair to face me.

"Hello, Evelyn. It's nice e to see your calm face around today." He said weakly.

"Yes sir." I smiled, taking in the whole dusty room."

"Please sit."

I sat on the cushion opposite him.

"Lewis is everything to Aaron as he is to me. It's such a pity we never knew Pearl was pregnant when she left the family house. She was one e of our maids and Aaron got liking to her. I made a mistake that I'm still regretting for not letting them get married. But if I had known Pearl was pregnant, I wouldn't have chased her out of the house. I'm glad Aaron found Lewis even though it was rather too late. And I'm sure you saw the scenario at the dining. That's how it's been since Lewis stepped into this house. I know it's hard on him and I think I might have pushed him too hard. I know he is not happy. Butt the moment he introduced you to me earlier, I felt a jolt of joy. He is coming back to me. Please keep him happy for my sake." I watched with keen interest as the old man cast out his feelings in one breath. He cleared his throat before continuing.

"Don't let the noise from the other members fool you, Clarke's family especially. Gwen has no problem with you. As long as you keep Lewis happy, you're more than welcome in my house."

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