Untouchable Childhood Sweetheart/C28 The Second Mock Exam
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Untouchable Childhood Sweetheart/C28 The Second Mock Exam
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C28 The Second Mock Exam

Chu Jianyou did not understand Qin Yi's thoughts at all. His mind was only focused on the mock exam.

"Qin Yi, the mock exam is about to arrive, why aren't you nervous at all?" Chu Jianyou turned his head and asked Qin Yi.

Qin Yi seemed to laugh, looked at Chu Jianyou and said: "As long as you are ready, there won't be any problems. Tonight, I will continue to tutor you."

When Chu Jianyou heard the news that was even worse than the mock exam, he felt like a deflated ball. He looked like he had nothing to live for, as if he had been suffering all the time.

"Qin Yi, don't be like this." Chu Jianyou dragged his voice and said weakly.

Qin Yi did not pay attention to Chu Jianyou, but the arc of his mouth widened.

When the bell rang for class, the conversation between Chu Jianyou and Qin Yi ended. No matter how much Chu Jianyou wanted to complain to Qin Yi, he would have to wait until the end of class. His foundation was so weak that if he didn't listen, he would have to spend more time on tutoring.

In the blink of an eye, it was already Wednesday. Before going to the examination hall, Chu Jianyou even took a glance at Qin Yi. Coincidentally, Qin Yi was sitting behind him, which made Chu Jianyou feel a little at ease.

During the exam, the only sounds that could be heard in the examination hall were the sounds of pens and teachers walking around. What Chu Jianyou could hear the most clearly was the sound of Qin Yi writing behind him. Hearing this sound, Chu Jianyou calmed down and concentrated on writing the summary exam paper.

The exam ended very quickly. When he finished the last subject, Chu Jianyou seemed to have been relieved of a heavy burden. He was extremely relaxed as he waited for Qin Yi to pack up and come out. He stretched lazily, and when he saw Qin Yi come out, he immediately ran towards him.

Qin Yi did not ask how Chu Jianyou was doing. Usually, after the exam, one should not ask such a question, because it would make the students who did not do well feel even worse. Although he thought that Chu Jianyou had improved, he did not want to disturb his current mood.

"Come on, let's go straight home. We've got enough food for all of us."

"Really?" Chu Jianyou asked in surprise. His eyes blinked, and he looked very happy.

When Chu Jianyou heard the answer that Qin Yi gave you, he pursed his lips and stood beside Qin Yi, unable to stop smiling.

"Qin Yi, I love the scrambled eggs with tomatoes that you make the most."

"What! What tomato scrambled eggs?" Just as Chu Jianyou was about to express his excitement, Liang Lingfu came out of nowhere and stuck himself between Chu Jianyou and Qin Yi.

"What tomato scrambled eggs, is that what you're having tonight?" Liang Lingfu looked at Chu Jianyou with covetous eyes. He looked at Chu Jianyou with anticipation, as if he could go and freeload in the next second.

The smile on Chu Jianyou's face collapsed as he said, "Even if there is, I won't give it to you."

"Yo, Jianyou, the more you don't give it to me, the more you want to go!"

Liang Lingfu had a proud look on his face. Chu Jianyou thought that he could not control Liang Lingfu, and subconsciously shifted his gaze to Qin Yi, as if he was saying: Qin Yi, help me manage him!

Qin Yi did not deny it, and only when Chu Jianyou's gaze became stronger and stronger did he slowly open his mouth and say to Liang Lingfu: "If you don't come, I'll give you his phone number."

Qin Yi did not say who "he" was, but Liang Lingfu instantly understood. He raised his chin and bargained: "Give me his WeChat and QQ number while you're at it."

Qin Yi nodded his head, and Liang Lingfu's phoenix eyes instantly narrowed. He smiled charmingly and said: "A meal in exchange for these, it's worth it!"

With that, he happily whistled, carried his bag and left.

"Who is' he '?" Chu Jianyou asked.

"Someone you know." Qin Yi replied.

"I know him. Who?" Chu Jianyou kept asking like a curious baby.

Qin Yi brushed him off.

When he returned home, Qin Yi kept his promise and made scrambled eggs with tomatoes for Chu Jianyou. Chu Jianyou was very satisfied with this meal.

In a few days, the results of the mock exam came out. The age board was the first to come out, and Chu Jianyou wanted to take a look first, but because there were a lot of people on the bulletin board, Chu Jianyou felt that it was too crowded, so he did not go in to take a look.

At this time, Chu Jianyou also arrived. There were still a lot of people on the bulletin board, so Chu Jianyou could only stand outside, because there were girls in front of him, so Chu Jianyou was too embarrassed to squeeze in.

Chu Jianyou, who was standing at the side, used his height advantage to directly see the top of the ranking. Unsurprisingly, Chu Jianyou saw Qin Yi's ranking. Qin Yi's ranking was very high, and this time, the first in age was Qin Yi, followed by Zhong Linglu.

Zhong Linglu?

He seemed to have seen this name before.

Chu Jianyou thought for a moment in doubt, then suddenly heard the girl in front of him say: "Hey, this time, Zhong Linglu is behind Qin Yi! Last time, she was in front of Qin Yi!"

There was nothing wrong with that sentence, but the girl who said it had a sour tone to her voice that made Chu Jianyou feel that this girl was not good for no reason. However, he did not care about the affairs between girls. Hearing the girl's words, Chu Jianyou remembered who Zhong Linglu was.

When they fought last time, Chu Jianyou had seen Zhong Linglu's name before. Not only that, he had even seen Zhong Linglu before!

However, this had nothing to do with Chu Jianyou. He only cared about his results.

Chu Jianyou felt that his ranking this time would be within the top three hundred, but when the girls dispersed, Chu Jianyou saw that his ranking was within the top four hundred, almost five hundred, and then looked at Qin Yi's ranking. The difference between him and Qin Yi was like the difference between heaven and earth. Chu Jianyou felt a strong sense of loss, and an indescribable sadness welled up in his heart. Seeing that Qin Yi's ranking was so high, and he was still struggling behind, when would his results be able to catch up to Qin Yi!

Chu Jianyou realized how big the gap between him and Qin Yi was.

When he returned to the classroom, Qin Yi was sitting in his seat. When he saw Chu Jianyou enter, he asked, "Where did you go just now?"

Chu Jianyou forced a smile and said, "I just went to look at the results. Isn't Teacher Zhou not announcing it in class yet?"

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows and looked suspiciously at Chu Jianyou. Chu Jianyou turned his head in a panic, not letting Qin Yi see.

"I have a score sheet here, you can come and look for me!" Qin Yi did not point out Chu Jianyou's unhappiness. It would be strange if he could not see through it.

"Alright, if you don't tell me about the results, I would have come here for nothing!" Chu Jianyou was afraid that Qin Yi would find out, so he turned his head and said while baring his teeth, pretending to be fooling around.

"You've improved a lot this time. I'm very happy." Qin Yi's wide palm accidentally hit Chu Jianyou's head. He rubbed it a few times, and found that it felt very good, so he secretly rubbed it a few more times.

"Qin, Qin Yi, did you see my results?" When the results were mentioned, Chu Jianyou was obviously disappointed.

It was indeed because of this!

Qin Yi looked at Chu Jianyou, his brush-like eyelashes fluttering, and his eyes were filled with obvious disappointment.

"Jianyou, look at me." Qin Yi wrapped his hands around Chu Jianyou's face, his expression very serious. No one knew better than him that Chu Jianyou had been studying very hard during this period of time.

Chu Jianyou was forced to look over by Qin Yi. Only when he was facing Qin Yi did Chu Jianyou feel a slight warmth from those palms.

"Jianyou, believe me, you are already improving!"

As Chu Jianyou listened, he made up his mind to work even harder next time!

Libre Baskerville
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