Urban: Super Divine Ring System/C6 Niu Li's Outburst!
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Urban: Super Divine Ring System/C6 Niu Li's Outburst!
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C6 Niu Li's Outburst!

Early the next morning, Niu Li was up with the dawn, quickly washing up. He stared at his reflection for a long time, manipulating his features in an attempt to sculpt a cooler, more detached expression.

But alas, he couldn't shed the kind demeanor he had cultivated over a decade in just a few moments. Every face he pulled still looked endearing and honest, the kind that made him an easy target for bullies.

Realizing his image was a lost cause, Niu Li sighed in resignation, opened his door, and stepped out into the day.

The house was empty; his parents owned a fast-food joint and were already out prepping ingredients for the day's business.

His mom had left his favorite breakfast on the table, steam still rising from the plate.

Niu Li wolfed down his meal and dashed out without bothering to wash the dishes, making a beeline for school.

The day's fresh air filled his lungs, and even the morning sun seemed to embrace him with an unusual warmth.

The Creating Ring on his finger sporadically buzzed with inquisitive sounds – Diaochan's voice.

The elf, fresh into the world and only versed in the most basic codes of conduct, was brimming with curiosity about everything she saw, bombarding Niu Li with questions.

They had learned Spiritual Resonance the night before, a covert way for a master and servant to communicate that filled Niu Li with a thrill, energizing him to explain the world to his tiny companion without fatigue.

So it went, Diaochan inquiring and Niu Li responding, until they reached the grand entrance of Mingxing High School.

Niu Li paused, taking in a couple of deep breaths, then strode through the gates with a determined gaze.

His grades were decent, placing him squarely in the middle of the advanced class. But his timidity had been a magnet for trouble, and the school hesitated to place him among the top students, fearing he'd negatively impact the class dynamic.

Entering Class Three, the chatter that filled the room dropped to silence. Heads turned, eyes filled with mockery and scorn, as if Niu Li were the punchline to an unspoken joke.

In the past, such a reception would have flushed his cheeks with embarrassment, and he'd slink to his seat, head hung low.

But today, Niu Li wouldn't be cowed. He glanced around at the indifferent stares, offered a faint smile, and strolled into the classroom, heading straight for his seat.


A murmur of surprise rippled through the class as many students watched Niu Li with puzzled expressions.

This kid seemed different today.

"Hey, what's your secret? Your dark circles are gone!"

The moment he sat down, the classmate next to him blurted out in astonishment. His words drew the attention of others nearby, all of whom gazed at Niu Li with a mix of curiosity and wonder.

Everyone had seen Niu Li get roughed up the day before. Typically, those purple-green bruises wouldn't fade for days, yet here he was, seemingly healed overnight—a veritable miracle.

"No, look at his face," another student exclaimed in an odd tone.

"Brother, they're so mean. I want to use magic to teach them a lesson!" Inside the Creating Ring, Diaochan's cheeks flushed with anger. She pouted and shook her fists, ready to stand up for Niu Li.

But Niu Li soothed her, "These are the kind of people they are; it's not worth our time. Be good, Diaochan. After school, I'll treat you to ice cream."

"Ice cream? Is it tasty?"

Diaochan's indignation melted away at the promise of a treat, and she looked at Niu Li with eager curiosity.

"Ice cream is very sweet," Niu Li reassured her, sending a sugary sensation through their Spiritual Resonance.

"Really? I can't wait to try ice cream," the Elf said, nearly salivating at the thought.

Niu Li might have been indifferent, but that didn't mean everyone else was.

One student, known for his timidity, couldn't stand being ignored. His pride wounded, he slammed his hand on the desk, stood up, and glared at Niu Li. "Didn't you hear me? Are you asking for trouble?"

Niu Li finally gave him a glance, his eyes devoid of any fear.

This student, Zhao Fei, wasn't particularly tall or imposing. He was certainly no match for someone of Niu Li's stature in a fight. It was a mystery how he had managed to bully him before.

Staring into Niu Li's unnervingly calm gaze, Zhao Fei was thrown into confusion. This wasn't the look he expected from Niu Li, who should have been frightened, shrinking back in fear.

"Sorry, I have no obligation to answer your question," Niu Li stated with an eerie calm, displaying not the slightest hint of a genuine apology.

"You!" Zhao Fei scanned the room, noticing several of his friends watching with mocking grins. Rage surged within him, and with a swift motion, he aimed a slap at Niu Li's face.

But Zhao Fei's hand never made contact; Niu Li's reflexes were faster, seizing Zhao Fei's wrist in a vice-like grip.

Anger flared in Niu Li's eyes, but he remained silent. Instead, he delivered a stinging slap to Zhao Fei's cheek, saying, "You're truly despicable. Did you really think you were untouchable?"

The slap was so abrupt, so shocking, that it left the entire classroom of students at Mingxing High School stunned. They had never seen the timid Niu Li strike back with such ferocity.

The searing pain on his face left Zhao Fei dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that Niu Li had hit back, and with such unreserved force.

The pain on his face was nothing compared to the agony in his heart. The astonished, vacant stares of his classmates felt like needles piercing through Zhao Fei's pride, leaving him with a suffocating sense of humiliation.

Without another word, Niu Li's hand moved like lightning, delivering another slap to Zhao Fei's face, this time with even more force.

Zhao Fei, not the most robust of figures, felt his anger drain away as the slap dazed him, his vision swimming. His body toppled uncontrollably to the side, disrupting the arrangement of two desks.

Classmates nearby scrambled out of the way, still processing the surreal turn of events and failing to intervene in the scuffle.

Struggling to sit up, Zhao Fei's mouth oozed blood, and with a spit, out came a tooth.

Now, fear had taken hold of Zhao Fei. He stared at Niu Li, terror-stricken and speechless.

This time, Zhao Fei was subdued, no longer daring to provoke another beating.

"See, I told you so. Those who fight end up getting hurt. You ought to behave like a civilized person," Niu Li said coolly, looking down at Zhao Fei. He then extended his hand to help Zhao Fei up.

Zhao Fei recoiled from Niu Li's two forceful slaps, and when Niu Li extended his hand once more, Zhao Fei retreated several steps in terror.

Startled, Zhao Fei shakily reached out his hand.

Zhao Fei's head swayed back and forth like a wave.

"Hey, is your face okay?"

Zhao Fei shook his head again, no longer daring to meet Niu Li's gaze, and hung his head low.

"That's good. Head back to your seat. Class is about to start, and it wouldn't be good for us to get caught fighting by the teacher," Niu Li said, making his way back to his own seat.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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