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The power within Xiao Xiang Feng's body became increasingly stronger, and he was no longer able to control it. However, Dragon Slaying was currently trying to think of a way to stop him. But any way

It was all useless. If the injury was too heavy, then, when Xiao Xiang Feng woke up, he would definitely not be able to bear the severe injuries on his body. Now

He was being controlled by an evil force. Of course he didn't know what he was doing.

He had no other choice but to use the final move, a despicable last resort, to let him "sleep."

Only by letting him sleep could he stop his crazy actions.

Ever since he killed a dragon, he had practiced a whole set of demonic techniques. However, he had never used it against anyone before, so his greatest regret was ?

A man is about to die, and no one will succeed him, so he cannot continue what he has learned in his life.

His kung fu has been "illusory" "sleeping" "bewitching" "fragrant" drunk "to classify. It sounded like a very suitable skill for a rapist.

In reality, the so-called "illusion" was to control the opponent through one's eyes. To confuse the mind of another by a trick of the mind

"Yes." The one who was hit felt that he was in a strange situation. Standing on the azure sky, his hands felt like they could pluck out stars.

"Sleep" used illusions to make the other party lose consciousness. It was also known as hypnosis. But his hypnosis is more than ordinary hypnosis

"Yes." But slept. No one could solve it. Except dragon slaying.

On the other hand, "Bewitching" used some strange things to confuse the opponent, causing them to be curious. One was attracted by the illusion, the other was attracted by the illusion.

He was helpless.

"Fragrance" is a kind of real thing that spreads through the air. It's actually an unknown herb, and this kind of herb has a strange quality

Smells good. Smells good for the first time. It was a refreshing feeling. then you have to sniff it a second time, but sniff it

The second time was to not get tired of smelling it. A carefree and carefree manner that made people feel cut off from the rest of the world. Endless entertainment.

Finally, "drunk," as the saying goes; drunk to ease a thousand sorrows. It's just a lie, of course, when you want to get drunk

Come on, but you can't get drunk when you don't want to. After drinking to a certain extent, the wine will have a corresponding degree in your heart, only

If you don't want to get drunk, then. Of course your stomach won't take it. How much to drink and how much to vomit?

As for the dragon slaying technique, it was called "Drunk". On the contrary. The more you resist, the faster you get drunk. Wine, Drinking Hot

Throat. Smell the scent of the spirit of joy. You don't need to taste it yourself, as long as it enters your nose. He would get drunk. Sleepy.

Dragon-slaying combines several categories. He clasped his hands together. In that instant, between the palm and the qi flow ? The black gas continued to rise. Growing

"Yes." Dragon Slaying's eyes immediately turned black. It was so dark that it caused one's heart to turn calm. It was shocking. Just like two black holes. have to get people to do it

Coagulated. Suddenly, his eyes widened. Xiao Xiangfeng's eyes were bloodshot. His clothes had already been burnt by the fire energy. here and there

Black smoke.

Slaughtering Dragon shouted. He quickly shot the black gas from his hand. Laughing to the wind was like a demon that had just crawled out of hell. Unknown

Fear. There was no fear in the congealed body in front of them.

Laughing at Feng Chang'e. They met face to face.

The corners of Dragon Slayer's mouth curled up into an evil smile. Judging from his expression, he seemed to have succeeded.

However, he had never expected this to happen. Xiao Xiangfeng completely ignored the Qi Condensation technique. He raised his arm and deflected the black gas.

Dragon Slaying's face froze. He suddenly had no idea. He could not believe what he was seeing.

He had full confidence in this move of his. He had not expected to be easily deflected. Laughing like a lion in the wind

as if it was rushing towards him,

"Even if Dragon Slaying was here, he would not dare to underestimate his opponent." Ye Zichen jumped a few feet away.

At this moment, all sorts of unease arose in his heart. Even killing them would not be able to do anything to him. This caused him to feel utter despair. He gave up.

Laughing at the pursuit of the wind. Tu Long dodged awkwardly.

Sima Ling looked at his watch. He had been inside for three hours. He couldn't help but be worried in his heart.

She paced restlessly back and forth in front of the cabinet, frowning. He kept feeling that something was wrong there.

The old man beside her had his eyes closed as he said to her, "Destiny makes a fool out of people, what need is there to be more."

Sima Ling did not know what he was talking about. He wasn't in the mood to ask. All she could do was pray and laugh.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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