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City H, Laughing Xiangfeng's hometown, here his first memories, his first friends and classmates.

When the train stopped in front of the station, Laughing to the Wind's Heart was Sima Lingwei all the way. Afterwards, the feeling of hometown pulled his heart back.

"Brother Feng!" "It's just a woman, is there a need to be so sad?" Wang Yang didn't expect that a casual sentence would actually make Laughing Phoenix angry.

"If you dare say that again! I will immediately kill you! " Laughing to the wind was not a joke. Wang Yang knew what was scary in his eyes.

Dongfang Zhi saw that Xiang Feng was in a bad mood. Laughing loudly, he said, "That's right! Brother Wind! There might be a lot of brothers coming to welcome you in a while! Please don't embarrass us brothers! "

Laughing at his face, which changed faster than the sky, he said, "We are all family. "What's the point?"

Wang Tian replied, "This is different! You are the big brother, and we are all little brothers. Don't you want to enjoy the scenery, we even want to have a bit of light! "

"Laughing towards the wind and laughing loudly." Good! Since you want to enjoy the limelight! Tonight, I want everyone to have a good time! "

Ten minutes later, the train finally arrived at the station. As they walked out of the train station, their eyes were attracted by the scene before them.

Several hundred people stood orderly in the center of the plaza. All black suits. One by one, they stood upright. That lineup was truly shocking.

From time to time, some people would take pictures and reflect their thoughts. There were even whispers, "What are these people doing!?" Are you making a movie? "

Another person said in a low voice, "They might be the Gang of Axes!"


Wang Yang happily said, "Brother Feng!" Look! "How impressive!"

Xiao Xiangfeng shook his head, thinking: What a headache!

Li Jun ran forward and said, "Windward!" He really couldn't tell! You still have that kind of strength! There's no less than two hundred people here! "

Laughing towards the wind, he scratched his head, "Actually. Actually, I don't recognize any of them! "

"Plop!" The latter fell to the ground.

Of course he didn't know these people. After he left, everything was done by Wang Tian. The people in front of him were all hooligans near the school.

They were all young people who had nothing to do. No income, no real work, living on protection money every day. And the king knows what they need, what they desire.

As long as they were willing to work for him, Wang Tian would do his best to satisfy their demands.

Xiao Xiang Feng walked in front while Dongfang Zhi secretly raised his hand from behind.

Immediately, two hundred people said in unison, "Welcome back, Brother Feng!"

The sudden voice almost made Xiao Xiang Feng sit on the ground. After all, this was a public place with the most traffic.

It would inevitably attract strange looks from others. The braver ones came over to take a look, pointing at those who didn't seem to be in the mood to take a look.

As for the timid girls, they ran far away out of fear, thinking it was a gang.

Big brother of the underworld would take the train? F * * k!

Laughing at Wang Yang, he said to him with a smile, "How passionate! Hm! "That's right, but I don't want a next time!"

Then he got on the taxi without looking back. The only thing left was a confused look on his face.

Dongfang Zhi walked up to Wang Yang and purposely said, "Some people are born to be smart! Sigh! This is so annoying. "

Wang Yang was speechless. It was obviously a good intention, but it had turned into nothing.

"Brother Feng." "To where?" Wang Jingtian said.

Laughing towards the wind, he said, "Let's go to school." There's no place of refuge right now either. "

"But ?"

Xiao Xiangfeng understood what he meant. He had killed and escaped a year ago. This had a huge impact on the school. He would definitely be chased out when he returned.

The reason was because of this, Xiao Xiangfeng insisted on returning to school.

After the two of them got off the car, they smiled at the wind, "Is the former principal still alive?"

"Hm!" It had always been there, and it had become even richer than before. It had brought a lot of new students. It also made his pocket bulge. "

Laughing at the wind, he said, "Hur Hur! Interesting! I haven't seen this old headmaster in a long time. Since you're back, there's no reason for you not to visit. "

The latter said worriedly, "But. Brother Wind! In fact, it can be said that our survival here is very difficult, our brothers do not have the experience of social fighting, every time is a crushing defeat. In reality, the reputation of the Wind God Cult has been tarnished. "

Xiao Xiang Feng had already thought about it. Although Wang Tian was very strong. But it was hard to convince the masses. This was because he did not sacrifice his courage. Dongfang Zhi only had a thorough understanding of the situation, but he also had too little understanding of everyone's hearts. One had to pay something to be strong, and there was no way a pie would fall from the sky for no reason.

Wang Tianxiao remained silent for a long time as he apologetically said, "Brother Feng, I'm sorry to disappoint you!"

"Don't say it like that, we are all brothers, don't easily say we are disappointed. As long as everyone's heart is still there, nothing can hit us."

Laughing towards the wind, he said, "Go back and settle down your other brothers." "Come and pick me up at night."

The latter nodded and got on the taxi.

Xiao Xiang Feng was standing in the city's second secondary school. Looking at the shabby gate in front of him, if he were to remain in the school at this moment, he would be in the first year of his high school today.

After a while, he smiled towards the door, and accidentally saw the advertisement on both sides of the door: "Infertility, no need to worry."

F * * k! The advertisement was posted here. No wonder the students here had poor grades.

Laughing at him as he entered the campus, a guard in his thirties stopped him and asked, "What are you doing? No one is allowed to enter society! "

Smiling at the wind, he said, "I'm a student here!"

The latter asked, "Are you a student here? Show me your student ID. "

Laughing towards the Wind was in a difficult situation. The change in one year was considerable. Laughing, he said, "I forgot about him in my room! I'll go back and get it! "

He didn't even raise his head as he walked inside.

"Halt!" The man said, "Where are you?"

Xiao Xiangfeng did not even think about it and directly said, "I'm in Room A, Room B, Room 112!"

The latter heard his straightforward answer and felt that he might really be a student here. After all, they were all in the same school in high school, so it was hard for them to not know each other. She was too lazy to ask, so she replied impatiently, "Alright! Alright! You can go in! "

Laughing to himself, he thought, This idiot is looking out for the door! Even if bin Laden came in, he probably wouldn't be able to recognize him!

There wasn't much of a change in the appearance of the school, the only change was that the students here didn't recognize any of them. Even if there were some who remembered it, they had almost forgotten about it.

Xiao Xiang Feng put his hands in his pockets and began to stroll around. The first thing he did when he came was to his former dorm room. Although he hadn't stayed here for a few days, he had, after all, stayed here before.

Group A, Room B, 112 was indeed his dorm room. However, when he was in school, he was commuting every day, and only stayed in his dorm room when he was forced to take his exams.

Laughing to the wind soon found Group A, Room B 112. He lightly knocked on the door. A disorderly voice came from inside. Moments later, a bare-chested student opened the door, saw a stranger, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Wen Feng was stunned for a moment. "Oh! I'm sorry! I walked into the wrong room! "

After which, he turned around and left. The institute opened the door and casually cursed, "*! "You're crazy!"

Suddenly, Xiao Xiang Feng stopped. He walked to the door and knocked again. From inside came the impatient curse of "*! Who the f * * k is this! "

It was the student who opened the door, standing outside with a smile on his face.

"Did you just curse me?" Laughing at the harmless face of the wind with a frightening aura.

Seeing that there was a new arrival and that there were still a few brothers in his room, he braced himself and said, "Hu!" Just look at you! What the heck! "

A sinister smile suddenly appeared on Xiao Xun Feng's face as he said, "You don't regret it?"

This sentence confused the latter. Are you talking to me? "Hahaha!"

Smiling at the wind, he said, "Quite the courage!" Before he could finish his words, a fist struck his student's abdomen. Before the latter could finish laughing, his abdomen spasmed violently and he lost all strength.

The roommates saw that someone was looking for trouble. He then rushed out.

Laughing at the wind leaning against the wall, looking up at the blue sky, he said, "Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" One was more capable than the other! Will you come with me? "

A student with bones as thin as firewood arrived.

Before he could finish his sentence, Xiao Xiang Feng's foot had already landed on his chin. The latter spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

The other person was just about to run away. He was pulled back by Xiao Xiang Feng, and said with a smile, "What? Are you afraid? "

"No." No... "No!"

Laughing to the wind, "Quite the backbone! "You're not even afraid of that!" A palm strike landed on the student's neck, and the latter immediately fell limply to the ground.

Just like that, they were laughed at and pushed towards the wind. Smiling at the wind, he shook his head and said, "Truly boring. It's really useless! "

He turned around and left the dormitory.

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