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Life was like a play. What would be left in the end? The more happiness there is, the more grief there is. It would even be much faster. The young wind did not know the fragility of emotions. He thought it would be as sweet as a fairy tale. But the result was what hurt me the most.

Many people thought that as long as they had a loving heart, they would be able to grasp the most beautiful love. This was not the case, nor was it the case.

In his hometown, there were many such flowers and trees. He really liked to go to the mountain and admire the beautiful mountain flowers every day. These flowers were very beautiful, red, and like the scorching sun, he would pick a few flowers every time he returned home. However, the wind still gathers every day. After watching him die, the cycle of day and night had finally passed. I can't find any more of these flowers. Every time he returned, he would return empty-handed, mixed with loss.

Time flew, and in the blink of an eye, he had gone to high school. The results were not very good, because the wind was very isolated in the school, friends were few, and problems in learning were rarely discussed with students. As a result, the academic achievement gradually dropped from the top ten places to the bottom five. The wind was frustrated. During this time, the wind was in a bad mood, so there was an argument with the teacher in class. But not for that.

On the second day of the new year, when the wind came back to school, this holiday had been a very pleasant one. Besides helping the family with their work, they slept and had no other hobbies. When the wind came back to the school, he liked to hide in a quiet corner alone, just like he used to. Listen to your favorite song.

After an unknown amount of time had passed, the wind suddenly grew tired. Thus, he fooled around with his classmates, smoking, drinking, and fighting. He was a typical bad student, because he was in the countryside, so of course there weren't many students in school.

The children were sent to the town or the city to study. But the family wasn't very good, his parents were farming, and he had a sister two years younger than himself. His sister was very obedient. Very cute. He was called Yu, and although the wind was fooling around like this every day, he felt very sorry for his sister.

His sister was in the same school as Feng. The wind would go every day to find his sister to hide her warmth. His sister had been severely ill since she was very young, and she had been lying in bed for more than two years. As a result, she looked very small. His sister's illness had drained the family of all its savings. The household economy at that time was even sadder. Who would believe that their family of four only spent ten yuan on the new year? The wind was only nine years old. His sister was seven years old. At that time, the wind didn't know the difficulties of the family, only knowing to ask the mother for beautiful clothes, but the mother would not drop a single tear, even if it was a single tear in front of the wind. Finally, the day before the new year, Feng and his sister Yu simultaneously put on a red cotton jacket. The wind was very happy, and even now, the wind was very happy.

However, the wind knew too late. In English class, the wind and the teacher began to fight. The teacher's eyes were shattered and the wind was expelled. Feng didn't regret it. Rather than staying up there, he might as well spend more time helping his family earn some money. Seventeen-year-old wind down the school, the rebellious wind feel very relaxed, do not have to learn homework every day. You don't have to go to school by bike every day. No need to stand, no need to be scolded. So the wind began to "work" at home.

The countryside was like this, bustling with activity every spring. Summer is much easier, wind will occasionally go to school to see sister rain, and then go home. Autumn is the harvest season, very lively, in the mountain in a corner can see diligent fellow townsmen.

The wind had blown through the autumn. In the blink of an eye, winter arrived. The wind didn't like the snow. It was very annoying, but there was no helping it. Today, Feng was seventeen, and in a few days he would be eighteen. Feng had already made up his mind to go out and find a stable job to lighten the burden on his family. After the new year, Feng left his hometown for the first time. I've never seen a skyscraper in the wind and I'm happy. Everything is new, new people, new things. Harbin, the northern star, is not the frontier. But the wind could only go this far. Because the wind will miss home. I really want to.

But the flashing neon lights, the shuttling cars, the beautiful men and women on the streets, made the wind forget their homes. Wind classmate introduced, to an individual small factory, is glass processing, the wind is very untalkative, every time talking to strangers will blush.

The wind was smoothly hired, with a salary of 800 a month. The wind was very happy, so he studied hard and worked hard, but a month later. The boss didn't give him any money. The wind was upset, but it didn't dare to say anything. He could only endure. The wind worked for more than an hour every day, and the food was even worse. However, the wind did not complain and thought that he had not done well enough, so he worked hard. Another month, the wind expenditure, two months of sweat in exchange for 400 yuan. The wind was puzzled, so he found the boss, but the boss did not admit it. Seeing that the wind was a rural child, he hit him. The wind cried. He was crying sorrowfully. He felt wronged. He thought he could trade his hands for what he wanted, but the wind was too simple. Give the wind a faithful lesson.

The wind was homesick, but the wind didn't have a mobile phone, so he didn't know what it meant. Thus, the wind spent an unforgettable night on the street.

Looking at the 400 yuan in his hand, he felt very sweet. Although it was very little, Feng was very happy. This was the first money he had earned in eighteen years. He had earned it with his own blood and sweat.

The wind could no longer find its fellow-townspeople, nor could it find its way home. It stood by itself on the street in a daze, panicked and confused. The wind without courage was finally willing to speak to strangers. Feng walked to the side of a girl and blushed as he asked her where the pay phone was. The girl was very kind as she smiled and told him. He happily thanked her.

There was no phone in Feng's house, but Feng knew his neighbor's phone, so he didn't have a good memory. But the wind was smart, it was written on the arm, the neighbor helped the wind find the mother, the wind heard the mother's voice crying again, crying very miserably, but did not tell the wind was beaten up. And only four hundred dollars in two months. Mama missed the wind, let the wind come back, the wind is afraid mother scolded him useless, so did not refuse.

The wind was very painful, the money in his hands was very sad, the wind was finally hungry. He spent a dollar to buy two steamed buns for a generation of pickles.

The wind began to look for work, very soon, because the wind was very inferiority, no education, and was from the countryside, many places did not dare to go, the wind was afraid of discrimination in the eyes of others, if one did not have the ability, then it did not mean that he did not have self-esteem, in fact, their self-esteem was stronger than anyone else.

So the wind only found the hard work, and the wind came to the construction site. The wind was dry and did not fear suffering. The construction site came from the countryside, simple and honest. When the wind blew back home, they would get along with the elders. The wind was strong and the workers loved it. In the first month, the wind was blowing. It was three times as good as four hundred, and the wind was so happy. Take the money and go talk. The wind is crying again. This time it was tears of joy. Mom also cried, the wind, after all, is the first time so far out, but the wind no longer homesick, because the wind saw hope.

The wind gave all the money to the grandpa who was cooking. The grandpa treated everyone else well, just like his own child. Always stealthily cooking delicious food for the wind.

Half a year passed. His body had been trained, but at the same time he had lost contact with the outside world. Every day, he would persevere, and when he was tired, he would think back to the time when a year had passed and the wind would become stronger. But every time the wind brought tears. Every time, it would be in an empty corner.

At the end of the year, the construction site was closed and everyone was back home to reunite with their families. The wind was blowing excitedly. He wished he could take a step home. This was the first time he went to a supermarket, and bought a lot of things back to the grandpa. The grandpa was very happy, but before he left, the wind cried again, hugging the grandpa tightly. This was the only person the boss had handed in after the wind had left.

The wind was sent by the grandpa to the train station, the wind was reluctant to part with the grandpa. The wind accompanied the grandpa as he anxiously looked out of the window.

The wind came home, the wind cried, finally saw the mother, father, sister. She was eighty years old. Mom used the money of Feng's sweat and blood to buy a set of clothes for Feng, the style of happiness, because the wind knew the family difficulties. The notorious stragglers in the village were reluctant to part with a single cent.

After paying off a portion of her debts, she had the capital to farm the next year. After staying at home for ten days, Feng Jue decided to go out and work hard, but once the construction site was completed, Feng didn't know where to go, so her mother decided to take Feng and go to work in the city. At least he had a family to take care of him.

But there was no disagreement from my father, so my father went to Inner Mongolia with the wind and a few of his fellow villagers, Hailar. It was the same construction site, but the work was completely different. The ventilation was installed in the building, and the wind had arrived at the Harbin railway station. The wind was very disturbed, because it didn't want to go, it felt strange, but it didn't dare to tell my father. Helpless, the wind got on the train.

The wind looked out of the window, anxious, always feeling that something had happened, the wind got off the train, the contractor took the fellow villagers away, the wind once again came to the strange city. All the advantages of a different scene. The wind doesn't like it here,

Since he came here to work, the wind got up very early every day. Because to learn the process, the wind was very smart, so he learned everything in one day. After work, the wind went out to dinner with his fellow villagers and his father. The wind hated this place, where the streets were triangular and dangerous to get lost.

There was no one else in the building, it was the first time the wind had come up from the twenty-story building. The wind traveled up and down the stairs every day, carrying heavy tools.

Half a month later, the wind was at the elevator on the 12th floor, which led directly to the 6th floor. (This was picked up on the 6th floor, and it was open for business below. It was a shopping mall.)

The wind was afraid of being too high, so he stood on the gangplank and trembled, but he was the only one on the 12th floor. The wind could not help but look down, and felt as if the wind had fallen from the gangplank into the elevator, passing straight through to the 6th floor. The wind was empty, and as soon as it landed, it did not breathe, but the wind was extremely strong, and the wind on the 6th floor actually stood up as if nothing had happened. Nothing at all. However, the wind was truly afraid. There were no tears, and the fear had completely drowned them out. The wind shouted, but no one heard it.

The wind had given up all hope. The wind did not cry. The wind found that there was garbage underneath. Only when the trash was placed on the body would it be fine. One of Wind's shoes was gone, not found. The wind saw that there was a board nailed to the door of the elevator. The wind did not know where it came from, but it forcibly broke it ?

Get down. It was a warehouse. When the wind climbed the stairs to the sixth floor, he suddenly felt his vision turn black, and his head began to hurt. However, the wind was not afraid, and as the wind climbed up the wall step by step, it spat out a large mouthful of blood and began to breathe.

It became more urgent, as if his chest was being pressed down by a stone. The wind was still resolutely climbing upwards. On the ninth floor, he just so happened to see his father carrying his tools down from the twelfth floor. His eyes became unfocused, from the moment he saw his father for the first time.

The wind fell. Dad threw away his tools. The wind heard him, but he could not see anything, and his voice was faint. His father panicked. The wind cleared his throat and he heard his father's trembling voice. This was the first time he heard his father's tone, so he hugged the wind as he walked down the stairs. When he met his father on the fifth floor, he had completely lost track of the wind.

When the wind woke up, it was in the hospital. Luckily, it didn't die, but the moment it opened its eyes, it vomited blood. The wind couldn't breathe, and one of the ribs was broken. Splenic rupture. The doctor wanted to remove the spleen of the wind, but Dad didn't agree. The wind couldn't lie down because it couldn't breathe and it couldn't lie on its stomach because it couldn't move. The wind was sad, even more so than when he had fallen, but it was strong because he had seen his father's tears. The wind never forgot. This was the first tear that he had seen since he could remember. The wind endured the pain, but it still caused him to faint.

When the wind opened his eyes, what he saw was his mother's face. The wind had cleared his memory, but there were no tears on his mother's face. His mother stared at him and called out her name, afraid that the wind would leave him. Mom's face was pressed against the wind's in pain. The face of the wind is soaked by mother's tears, the heart of the wind is broken.

It was accompanied by Wind's aunt.

As long as the nurse handed out the leaflet for payment, the boss would pay without any hesitation. The wind had lived in the Hailar Hospital for 11 days, and could not eat everyday, the doctor told the wind, only after the exhaust was allowed, the wind was very obedient, even though tears fell from his eyes due to hunger. Right, right, the wind saw that his mother was hungry for food and cried.

The doctor didn't approve of the wind leaving the hospital, but my mother was kind. His mother's heart softened when she saw that the boss had given up his new project to accompany him in the hospital. His eyes were red. He decided to go home and treat himself. The boss didn't agree, but Mom refused. After a while, the wind decided to go home. Because the wind had read the consumption records, it only lasted eleven days and spent a hundred thousand, so the wind didn't dare to continue. The wind could not go, because the wind had caused his head to sink. He kept leaning back and forgot to walk. His mother held onto the wind, but the wind didn't know how to walk.

The boss brought them to the train station and bought a berth for the three of them. The wind was at the bottom.

Feng stayed at home for three months, almost completely recovered. However, they still couldn't do much. Feng and mother were back in Ha City. I found a food factory, wind was assigned to the packaging shop, that year was 18 years old, wind worked hard for the job, a few months later, wind met new friends, wind learned a lot, wind naturally likes to sing, almost every day will go to a bar to sing, the first time came back friends to resist this.

After half a year, Feng's character had completely changed. He was now daring enough to speak, face difficulties, and face all sorts of people. He had met with an opportunity. Small opportunity, the unit lacks the city's salesperson, the wind plan to try. It turned out to be something other than being selected. The wind began to train, after a month, the wind began to run business, the wind work is very solid, very careful, because the wind refine this job, it is a good opportunity to exercise.

The wind had been blowing for two months and had been pulled down by the others. The wind was very lively, but it did not erupt. The leader assigned him to the supervisor's work area, and Feng was also very happy, because he was secretly in love with a girl. He was also a manager, but he didn't have any love manager, so he wanted to be a fool, didn't know how to get close, didn't know how to attract her attention. He just secretly liked her, but the wind didn't say it out loud, and he didn't even have the opportunity to talk to her, so it should be said that the wind was running away, the wind was scared, afraid of being rejected, very embarrassing.

Wind worked for a week, learned the whole system, and was rewarded. The wind was very happy, so the wind mustered up the courage to talk to the girl, but the wind lost, the wind broke her heart, the wind saw her and a boy intimately supporting each other, the wind was very sour, but very short. A month, the girl resigned, the wind soon forgot her. I still can't remember what she looked like.

The wind likes to go on the computer, learned to surf the Internet, learned to play online games, the wind began to indulge in the Internet. Every day in the Internet Cafe, staring at the screen, waiting for the appearance of the Boss. Mom was very sad, saying wind many times, but the wind just couldn't be controlled, so she secretly went there.

Mother was angry, in the Internet Cafe, the wind, wind self-esteem was destroyed, wind absolutely did not play the game. Thus, he began to study the program on the unit's computer. Finally, he found a flaw in the program and the worker's work process. The wind had broken down. The wind began to study the computer, and so it tampered with the program. It would cost the company sixty or seventy thousand dollars in a single month. The wind was happy. It was not stealing, nor was it robbing. It was destroying.

The wind had been found out, suspended, the wind had no atmosphere, the wind had found a new job in the barbershop, washed the customers' hair, the wind was very delicious here, because the wind had learned to dress itself, to get along with people, to treat people differently, to treat things differently. The boss and barbers soon became friends with Mild Wind, who learned to swear.

Two months later, Feng and his colleagues went to university to relax. His colleague's girlfriend was a university student, so he didn't want to go, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Wind and a large group of people came to the bar. Wind met a girl, who was also a university student. Year 1. The wind had no interest in girls, but the girl seemed to like the wind, so they made contact and the wind began to accept. Every week, he would visit her. He felt very happy, but not for a long time. The girls' families weren't very rich, and before school, he had lent her some money. The girl was very touched, but the wind was also very happy.

But soon, the girl returned some of the money to the wind, the wind was very puzzled, she brought the money, the wind found her, the girl refused to say, the wind is still asking, the girl cried, the wind broke.

When Feng heard the news that his girlfriend had used some way to exchange money, he became furious. Finding a girl again, the same girl cries, and also proposed to break up, Feng Zhen really did not understand, in fact, as long as the girl said her difficulties, the wind will forgive her, and will love her.

The girl left with tears in her eyes. The wind was very dejected. A few days later, when the wind came again to look for girls, the girls dropped out of school. The wind had lost touch. The wind pitied her, but it was not the love of the wind.

The wind returned to the barber shop and continued to work. A few months later, the wind met another girl. The wind could not forget her. The girl in front of him was called Ling, who had a good impression of the wind and gradually became fond of it. Ling was from this city, Ling secretly came to Feng's barber shop to work in order to see the wind, and she quickly confessed. The wind was very touched, yes, the wind was very touched, instantly melted, but instantly froze. So he quit his job and changed his cell phone number.

When the wind got to the food company, a few months later, the wind and mother went home to celebrate the new year. After the new year, his sister also dropped out of school. There was no organization, because when his sister went to school every day, she always carried cosmetics in her schoolbag. The family of four went to Ha City, while his sister went to another unit. Because her little sister was very young and she was also very young, she was always bullied by others because they looked down on her. Her little sister cried in front of the wind, causing it to break her heart. He could only comfort her, but his sister was very stubborn. She worked very hard and quickly learned everything. As a technician, his sister earned more than 1600 yuan a month, a 17-year-old girl.

Wind with Mom and Dad at the food company, rented a house, next nothing happened, very calm, the wind daily surfing the Internet. But she had learned to control, and her mother was no longer in control. The family of four fought outside.

Wind this year 21, the wind to the computer research, but tired of online games, like to read novels, remember the name (beast blood burning) only one, so wind decided to write one, but did not have the wind, simply can not write a sentence, wind began to chat, began to read other people's works, study the use of words.

In February 2009, Wind was sitting in front of his computer. He was upset because he couldn't write a satisfactory sentence, so he stopped writing and joined the chat. Looking at all kinds of online names, he shook his head. One could tell who the person was just by looking at the name. The wind casually added a girl, so it was very old-fashioned in chatting with the wind. Just, hello, what are you doing? You're from there, and so on.

At first, the wind was very unrestrained and unbridled, the girl was called Feng Nu, but Feng Nu did not refute it and liked it very much. Feng Nu was narcissistic and proud, and after chatting a lot, he found out that she was a professional, and also in the same city.

The two chatted for a while, until it was cleared. Once, they talked about colors, and then a few days later, the wind saw that she was online again. They chatted a lot, but this time they were talking about food.

The girl's words made the wind feel very reasonable, so it gave the wind the inspiration to write, and the third wind gave her own contact information. So the wind disappeared, a few days without Internet, a wind changed jobs, came to his sister's office, but the smell here is unbearable, thin. Paint. After a month of work, Feng began to surf the Internet and write his novel.

Feng met the girl again, and knew that her name was Xing. Over the next few months, the stars would be online every day, and the wind had grown to like to chat with him, because every time it made him laugh, the two of them bickered and fought fiercely, the wind had said it wouldn't affect her, the stars had spoken of her three Internet bans. No video, no voice, no contact.

After that, she sent a text message to Feng. The wind was very far away, looking at the words on her phone, she actually didn't know how to reply. After thinking for a long time, she finally replied.

There was a happy few days passed, the wind star put forward the video, the star did not refuse, the wind saw the star, beautiful, yes, really beautiful. The wind and the stars talk about the novel, the stars are happy to help the wind,

Wind's novel began to be updated every day. Every day, it would be sent to the stars to read. Every time, Xing would look at it very seriously before helping Feng Jian change it. The relationship between the two of them had become closer just like that.

A few days later, the star gave the wind its first call. The wind was even stronger, but at that time, the wind was in a very bad mood, the star's voice was very moving, the wind was very fond of it. Although there was only forty seconds of time for the call, the wind was already very satisfied, the wind wanted to chat with her a little longer, but it was urgent for the meeting.

After that, the wind would soak in the Internet Cafe every day so that the stars could be seen. As time passed, the wind would gradually change from dependence to liking, yes, indeed like, but the wind did not say to the stars, the wind knew that this was unrealistic, saying it would definitely make them laugh their teeth out. The wind always put the stars in its heart, caring from the bottom of its heart, no longer angered her, and every day it hid its warmth.

Just like that, the wind secretly liked her. Until Star's colleague logged onto his account and chatted for a long time in the group chat, when the other side asked if he was interested in the stars. Wind hesitated, afraid that others would call him an idiot, so he said no against his will.

The other party seemed to understand the stars and also saw through the thoughts of the wind towards the stars. Thus, he continued to bite the topic. The wind compromised and revealed his thoughts.

Feng Feiyun knew that this was not realistic. He had never met an online friend, so he could only understand how many different words the other party said. It was too easy for him to be tempted. The wind wanted to run away, but could not do so. It was better not to worry about anything else. Even if he was mocked and mocked by the stars, he would not hesitate to do so.

The two of them had known each other for a few months, and of course the stars could read the meaning behind his words. Their communication records were very few, almost all of them had been called by the stars themselves, and the wind was not stingy, but rather, it was impossible for her to say anything in front of them. She turned into an idiot, so she never had the courage to call the stars on her own.

The wind expressed its intentions to the stars on QQ, but was quickly rejected. The wind understood that the stars only trusted him and had no other intentions.

But the wind did not give up, and after a long time, the novel was uploaded online. The wind was very happy, the stars were also happy, the stars did not like to read novels, but for the wind, the stars continued to help the wind, and even for the inspiration and motivation of the wind itself, the wind was very touched, very touched, the wind secretly told itself, absolutely could not harm the stars, after that, the wind's liking for the stars began to deepen.

The wind had once confessed, but was still rejected. The wind was very sad, really very sad, even though it was just a virtual network, the wind felt very real. It did not care about anyone, it would not give up on anything.

After a very long time, the wind once again confessed, but was similarly rejected. This time, the wind cried, and its heart was sore, and it wanted to give up. Several times its heart had been stung, and the wind really wanted to cut off all contact with it.

After a long time, the two of them still hadn't lost their former relationship. with the connection,

The wind has a confession, this time the star also refused, but this time the wind was spoken on the phone, the wind is very weak, clearly have a lot of words to say in one breath, but said I like you these four words, the wind regrets, if there is a chance, the two of them chat for a long time, the wind is standing in the house. The two of them did not know what to say. The wind hated this kind of atmosphere. Although there were only a few calls, it was not the same since then. Finally, the Star spoke the words to comfort the wind. Yes. The wind still remembers.

But the personal relationship seemed to have grown closer. Yes, indeed. The wind saw the star for his sorrow, for his tears, the wind's heart is broken because of this, I wish the star was by my side, but the star is the dissent.

The wind was very disappointed. Actually, the stars didn't want the wind to sink too deep, so they compromised. The wind itself had succeeded, and it had been extremely happy for the past few days. Everything had become very confident.

But not long after, the feeling of the stars toward the wind seemed to have changed. The wind had returned home to attend the wedding, and the day before, the wind had received a message from the star. The star knew that the wind was going home, and the wind could not drink in this month. In the car, the two of them kept in touch through text message. The wind was very happy, very touched, because the stars were showing them things, the wind was very touched, the stars' health was not good recently, the wind was very painful, I really wish I could be by their side.

The wind came home, the wedding was over, the wind came back, only three days later, the stars had changed a lot in the past three days, making the wind feel lost, sad, and strange. Perhaps the stars understood, the stars knew that it was impossible, but they didn't want to hurt the wind, and the wind understood that the wind was hurting the heart of the stars, and the stars let go, and so the wind really let go, and made the most regretful decision, and one of the stars said that she left, and the stars could not stay in Hah City, and the wind even gave up everything for her, but the stars would not agree, the wind was sincere, the wind shed tears, finally gave up the feeling of loss. The life of the wind is beginning to change,

The wind no longer accepts any emotion, the heart has always been this star, the wind said to himself, to see the stars happy, to see the stars happy. The wind wanted to cut off contact with the stars, but it was impossible. The wind secretly downloaded the photos of the stars into his phone, reading them every day before going to sleep. It was sour in his heart every time, causing him to feel heartache.

The relationship between the two broke down. It really broke. Feng Zizai couldn't find a reason to care about him. He didn't know if there was any other reason for him to say something to him besides a novel, but his heart had been in pain ever since.

The stars told the wind that the stars understood everything and began to accept love, the wind knew that it was not him, that the stars had found their Prince Charming, that the wind had lost all its courage, that the stars planned to marry in a few months, and that the wind, knowing this news, had shed the last tear for the stars, that the wind was painful to the core, that she would be happy against her will, that the wind had fallen to the bottom, but he really hoped that the stars would be happy, that as long as the stars were happy, it would be the greatest comfort to the wind.

As for the wind, the wind would still be writing his novels. He didn't know if the stars would help him, but the wind didn't want to bother the stars anymore.

Hehe, this is the past of the Divine Song a few years ago. I will simply describe it, not hype, nor do I need everyone's sympathy, the Divine Song is just trying to pour out my heart, I hope everyone doesn't mind. At the same time, let's wish the Divine Song star that we love so much, Christmas Eve is happy, forever happy!

Tear away all the tears tonight, tomorrow will be a new me

Thank you for your support. Thank you so much.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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