When I started thinking of you/C3 Someone came by for me
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When I started thinking of you/C3 Someone came by for me
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C3 Someone came by for me

(My rooms door open by man with a tall and slender figure he is just like prince)

Hey ! Why are you here ? What do you want now? Its my parents house, don't you know ?

"Hello ! Nancy" he said with gentle smile.

" How are you ?" ,. " Are you doing well ? "

"Its non of your business " I said ( trying calm

myself but it's not like that I don't want see him

In deep my heart I want to hug him so muchh

but its not appropriate for me to hug him after

My breakup)

After saying these lines I want drag him out my parents house but then mom and dad enter in my room .

"Nancy , get ready you have to go with him somewhere " dad said with calm expression its my first time seeing these kind of expression on dad face.

"Why dad I don't want to go anywhere with this jerk" I said aggressively.

"Get ready in 15 min okay daughter ." Dad said


I said yes without saying anything else .

I have get ready in 15 min but should I wear I don't even know where I am going ?

" Mom , where he is taking me ? what do I wear ? Ask him . " I asked mom.

" You are going on a party just wear a good evening gown or dress" mom said after confirming with him .

I can easily hear that mom , dad and tannu ( first little sis) and honey ( second little sister) they were having fun with him Chatting casually they were laughing loudly like they were family .

But actually they are family chang is my bf he is hallayu star from famous company. They are very familiar with each other.

We always had gone on trips with my family and chang family.

She wear a purple dress with matching sandals and matching bag . She did light make up she looks really elegant and beautiful. After wearing makeup. she go downstairs for going out with him.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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