When I started thinking of you/C4 I had really good date
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When I started thinking of you/C4 I had really good date
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C4 I had really good date

" Let's go " he said to me .

" Good evening dad, good evening" he said gently.

Then turn his back to give tannu and honey lot's of chocolates and pastry's.

After that we leave in in black car . It's new model . As if he top hallayu star korea he can afford anything what he want but not me .

I'm only 20 years old girl who fell in love with a hallayu star who is 13 years older than her .

But it doesn't matter till he loves me . With him around always feel a sense of security . When he is not near me feel like bursting into tears .

Today he looks totally sexy and cute both. I feel like my heart is going jump out my body but it's going to jump that easily as I know.

"What do you like to eat ?" He asked with gentle and sexy voice .

" Why we are going out like this ? are we on date ? I asked him calmly.

He said , " yes " without any hesitation.

She feels that he forgot that we already had breakup two days ago .

" Do you remember we are not in relationship now , you broke up with me two days ago in very bad manner " I said aggressively .

" I didn't forgot that but you are still my girlfriend " he said .

"Why are you doing this with with me ? I said criedly when I hear him saying that I am still his girlfriend.

He see me as if he is going to hug right now but nothing happen.

After driving half hour we are at restaurant which we often came by for our dinner date.

He parked the car in parking lot. Then He got off from the car and open the door for me .

I got off and start walk towards the restaurant then he suddenly grab me from behind and give me big hug from behind and a small kiss on my neck.

After having dinner I go to parking lot with him thinking that the date is over .

Libre Baskerville
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