When I started thinking of you/C5 Surprise waiting for me
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When I started thinking of you/C5 Surprise waiting for me
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C5 Surprise waiting for me

After sitting in the car I was feeling better because I received a big hug and kiss.

But somewhere I am still angry with him because when I said let's breakup he said as you wish .

He didn't stop at that time now he came to me for loving me .

He driving to unknown direction I don't know where we are going but I know it's not way of my parents house.

I asked " where are we going ? "

He said " Our home "

He said our home what does he mean ? We didn't leave together then where are our home ? Is he drank or fooling me ?

As if I'm thinking of his word again and he sounds like he is serious he is not fooling .

Then I sat calmly until we reach the destination.

After reaching the destination he is so gentle like always . He got from the car and again open the door for me . I got from the car .

He hold my hand like he is not going let go of my hand until the end my life . I feel like dreaming again .

Wait it was not dream at all he is holding my hand again like before . We enter the really big and beautiful house. It's look like my dream home.

I asked him , " are you serious about you said it's our home ."

" Yes , it's our home of dreams did not you always draw this home . " He said excitedly like he is going to Jump out of the joy.

" Yes its my dream home " I answered happily .

" Do you like it ? " He asked out of curiosity .

" Yes " I said .

"Their is a surprise for you let's go " he said .

I followed him out curiosity. After seeing a big terrace garden I was really happy because he remembers that I want a terrace garden in our home.

He actually kneel down and purposes me to marry him.

" Marry me please I really love you so muchh I can't live without you Nancy " he said whole heartedly.

After hearing his pure words I finally can't stop my tears from bursting .

It's my second crying in front of him . I cried before he become my boyfriend.

" Yes , I will marry you " I said while crying.

He stand and grab me on my waist and kiss me so deeply.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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