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Now that I told you the truth, Fatty quickly picked up the photo and looked at it.

He grabbed Old Jin and slapped him a few times. Then, with a fierce expression, he said, "You old thing, why don't you go play a big movie in America? Did you brainwash the villagers in Shaozi Village? "Hurry up and tell me everything. Otherwise, I'll let you know why the flowers are so red today."

We have never understood what was happening at the Shaozi Village, and the strange behavior of the villagers made us even more baffled. This was not something that could be explained with Centipede Coffin alone.

These villagers clearly had their own thoughts and lives, but there was something wrong with their minds.

And once we outsiders touch some taboo, these people will attack us like madmen!

We joked that the villagers here were like members of a cult. From the looks of it, there is nothing wrong with those words. And the leader of this cult is right in front of us right now.

In that case, everything made sense.

The phenomenon of the villagers crazily attacking us was simply listening to Old Jin's words. However, in this situation and with that Centipede Coffin, it was enough to scare us. If it wasn't for the fact that I had no other way out, I would have chosen to leave at that time.

"Hahahaha, so many years have passed, and there's actually someone chasing after you and refusing to let go …"

Old Jin suddenly giggled. He pointed to the photo and asked me, "Who is Lee Weiguo to you? Why do you have this photo?"

"My grandfather."

I stared at Old Jin. I noticed that when this person mentioned my grandpa, his eyes were very vicious. It seemed that he had a grudge with my grandpa.

"Tell us what happened that year! Otherwise, it's not good for anyone. We only need an answer, and if you say it out loud, then we will not disturb each other. Otherwise, I don't mind doing something. " I said, squinting.

"You shouldn't have come here."

Old Jin shook his head. His face looked a bit sinister. He probably wasn't a good person back then either.

"Why do you say that?" I asked quietly.

"This is a cursed mausoleum. Whoever enters it will never have a good ending." Old Jin closed his eyes and said.

"In the past, there were more than 20 people and they were all famous teachers in the underworld. All of them had excellent skills. When Cao Sizhi fixed his acupoint here, he made us boil when he opened it …"


Chen Tuozi asked.

"During the excavation, we found a bronze box. Inside the box, we found a perfectly preserved piece of gold and jade clothing. If this item were to be used alone, everyone would be able to live a rich life. However, at that time, everyone's heart was blinded by the lard. A single piece of jade-like clothes cannot satisfy everyone's appetite, so we continued our excavation and encountered that Centipede Coffin … "

Old Jin suddenly looked at me and started laughing strangely. I was terrified in my heart. Then, he asked, "Is that the coffin from today?"

"Hehe, Cao Sizhi said that we can't dig here anymore, something big will happen if we continue digging. Immediately, someone scoffed. Amin and your grandfather were the representatives of the other side. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a fortune, and they had discovered the abandoned jade-like clothes around the Tomb of Light. This will definitely make us rich overnight, or even emigrate to the United States. "

"And then?" Fatty asked.

"Then, we moved that Centipede Coffin away, continued digging, and entered the tomb. We have never seen such an extravagant pit. In the outer tomb chamber, we have already discovered dozens of porcelain pieces, and if we were to take out that piece of jade-and-gold clothing, it would be worth at least ten million! "

We all listened quietly to Old Jin talking about what happened that year. I felt that what he should have said was true.

"At that time, we were already unable to stop, this kind of mausoleum is something that is extremely rare for us to encounter once in ten lifetimes. We decided to sweep this place clean, and after we finished this vote, we could have a peaceful life in our later years, but we didn't expect that this would be the start of the tragedy! That night, the two people who were keeping the porcelain were killed … "

"How did he die? Did he get killed?" Fatty asked.

"I don't know, maybe it is. At night, there are three people on guard, and when these two people died, their pupils would distort as if they saw something terrifying. When we checked, we found out that they were scared to death."

As I listened to him, I sucked in a breath of cold air and Old Jin continued.

"Then the next day someone died again, this time with a smile on his face, as if he was in a beautiful dream. He was also the one who kept the porcelain. For three days in a row, there were people who died, and they were the ones who kept the ten or so pieces of porcelain. This made us panic, because we did not find any traces of a fight in the tomb.

A bitter smile appeared on Old Jin's face: "These extremely precious items actually became hot potatoes. Other than a few bold ones, no one dared to touch these porcelain and that jade-like gown."

"All the people who took things are dead? Could it be that they were trying to take advantage of her? " Chen Tuozi said on the side.

"At that time, there were a total of twenty people. In the tomb, twelve people mysteriously died, and the remaining eight people were not from the same faction. They could not have been the bandits." Old Jin squinted his eyes.

"After the twelfth person died, the entire team collapsed. No one was willing to continue forward as we fled in panic. "At that time, I was completely poor. I clenched my teeth and pulled out those ten pieces of porcelain. Surprisingly, I was fine. After I came out, this thing would naturally belong to me …"

"What happened next? Why did you choose to hide here? " I asked with a frown. The way this old man made me feel, there was something I couldn't say.

"Once a person is out of danger, they will naturally think of more things. You must know that we only explored a few tombs before we got these 10 pieces of porcelain, among which there is even a white porcelain bowl with a complete Taotie pattern, you should know how much this thing is worth right? "

Old Jin looked at me and said.

I took a deep breath. Some of the stuff from the Warring States era was even more valuable than jade and bronze. At that time, the porcelain technology was still very backward, and basically only pottery was found. Porcelain had only been found in a few mausoleums, so the collection was very important. Finding a suitable buyer to sell for a few million a bowl was a common occurrence.

Before, I heard Fatty say that there was an American overseas Chinese professor who wanted to buy Warring States period porcelain from the Panjiayuan. He offered a price of 1 million US dollars, and Warring States porcelain was a product that could only be found by chance but not sought.

It was no wonder that even after encountering such a terrifying situation, the damnable old man still had his heart set on bringing the item out!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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