Wife, Let's Have a Baby/C436 The Proposal Was Successful
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Wife, Let's Have a Baby/C436 The Proposal Was Successful
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C436 The Proposal Was Successful

After sending Ann Muxue off, Wenn Haoyu closed the door and turned to look at Yem Sheng. Yem Sheng said, "How is it? What did you talk about?"

Wenn Haoyu sat on the sofa. "Yem Sheng, she was testing me. She kept talking about you and wanted me to know. You seem to be Yem Sheng, but I found a very good excuse. I feel that she shouldn't be as suspicious as before, but I still have some doubts. We cannot relax. "

Yem Sheng heard Wenn Haoyu's words and planned to chase after him, so she said," Wenn Haoyu, let's go get the certificate tomorrow, and then hold the wedding as soon as possible. Okay? "

Wenn Haoyu looked up at Yem Sheng and said, "Yem Sheng, have you thought about it?"

Yem Sheng nodded. "Wenn Haoyu, since things have come to this point, of course I have thought about it. You see, our plan is very perfect. Ann Muxue quickly eliminated a lot of suspicion. The next thing to do is to get married and create as many things as possible to almost go to the An family. Only then can I get the evidence as soon as possible. "

Wenn Haoyu wanted to say something but stopped himself. He looked at Yem Sheng's determined face and said, "Then, Lih Shaochen and Xiaoxi..."

Yem Sheng was silent for a moment and then looked up. "It's fine, Wenn Haoyu. Don't worry. I can explain the two of them clearly in the future. As long as we get the evidence, that's good. But you, if you really get the evidence, it will be too unfair to you... Furthermore, as long as you successfully catch the mastermind from back then, we will have to divorce. This way, for you..."

Before Yem Sheng could finish speaking, Wenn Haoyu raised his head and said, "Yem Sheng, I am willing. Even if it is a fake wedding with no feelings, but the other party is you. I am willing. "

Facing such a Lih Shaochen, Yem Sheng felt very sorry. Yem Sheng really had no way to repay Wenn Haoyu's unrewarding love for so many years. But what should she do? Love was like this. One heart could only be given to one person. Lih Shaochen had entered his heart a long time ago. Even if five years had passed, when she met him again, Yem Sheng felt that he was the person she loved. However, she could only apologize to Wenn Haoyu.

"Wenn Haoyu... I'm sorry..."

Wenn Haoyu looked at Yem Sheng, who was blaming herself, and said, "Yem Sheng, never apologize to me. I'm willing. I am happy and happy to be able to help you."

That night, Yem Sheng sent another message to the reporters she knew, "Latest news. Wenn Haoyu and Ann are planning to collect the certificate in a low profile manner tomorrow."

After sending the message, Yem Sheng put down her phone and planned to sleep. However, she received a call from Lih Shaochen.

Yem Sheng originally wanted to hang up, but subconsciously, she answered the call.

"Hello... Yem Sheng."

Hearing Lih Shaochen's hoarse voice, Yem Sheng knew that he must have stayed up late or drunk again.

"Lih Shaochen."

"Yem Sheng, are you really dating Wenn Haoyu?"

Yem Sheng didn't know how to answer Lih Shaochen's question. She really wanted to say what she was thinking, but she was worried that according to Lih Shaochen's personality, therefore, Yem Sheng said, "Lih Shaochen, you have forgotten about what happened back then. I have not forgotten about it."

Yem Sheng looked at the ring on the ring finger of her right hand. She actually wanted to remind Lih Shaochen. She remembered what she said back then, as long as she did not take off the ring. He still loved her. However, when he heard Lih Shaochen's words, he didn't think that way anymore. Lih Shaochen thought that Yem Sheng was still blaming him for not saving Yem Sheng in time back then, so Lih Shaochen didn't say a word. He hung up the phone.

He did not sleep for the whole night.

The next morning, Yem Sheng took a shower and wore a very beautiful dress. The high heels of the same color made Yem Sheng look very tall and beautiful. Because she did not sleep the whole night, Yem Sheng looked very listless. So she put on some makeup and went downstairs.

Wenn Haoyu was wearing a black suit. When he saw Yem Sheng go downstairs, Wenn Haoyu said, "Come and have some food first. We'll talk after dinner."

Yem Sheng smiled. Wenn Haoyu was stunned by Yem Sheng like this, so he said, "Yem Sheng, you are very beautiful today. Thank you for taking our wedding anniversary seriously."

Seeing Wenn Haoyu's satisfied smile, Yem Sheng did not know how to answer for a moment. Thank herself? It was obviously her heart full of apology.

She smiled and did not say anything in the end. After dinner, the two of them went to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

When they were about to get off the car, Wenn Haoyu held Yem Sheng's hand. " Yem Sheng, I haven't proposed to you yet, and I haven't given you the ring. I have never found a suitable one. Now, I have the courage. If you don't give it to me, I will go and get the certificate." Wenn Haoyu smiled and took out a diamond ring from his pocket. " Yem Sheng, thank you for marrying me. I am very happy."

After saying that, Wenn Haoyu took the ring and put it on Yem Sheng's right middle finger.

Yem Sheng looked at the diamond ring on her right hand and was somewhat flustered, "Wenn Haoyu, don't be like this, you clearly know..."

Before Yem Sheng finished speaking, Wenn Haoyu hugged Yem Sheng. He whispered in her ear, "Yem Sheng, don't speak nonsense. I noticed that Ann Muxue seemed to have arranged for someone to follow us. I always thought that it was paparazzi or the reporters you arranged, but I realized... It seems that it was someone arranged by Ann Muxue. She might be conducting a final investigation and suspicion on you. Don't let your guard down. "

Wenn Haoyu whispered into Yem Sheng's ear. But in the eyes of others, it's like the joy of a successful marriage proposal with nature. Yem Sheng was held in Wenn Haoyu's arms and softly said, "Wenn Haoyu, what should we do? What I owe you, is more and more... You clearly know that this wedding is to eliminate Ann Muxue's suspicion. Why are you so serious?"

Suddenly, Wenn Haoyu let go of Yem Sheng. He looked into Yem Sheng's eyes and said sincerely," I said it before, because it's you. "

He patted Yem Sheng's head, just like how he doted on Xiaoxi, "Alright, get out of the car. Let's go get the certificate."

After saying that, Wenn Haoyu got out of the car first. Yem Sheng felt helpless when she saw Wenn Haoyu's happy look. At the same time, she felt very sorry in her heart. Wenn Haoyu was very happy. It was as if he was really going to get married, but she owed him. How could she pay him back?

Wenn Haoyu opened the car door on Yem Sheng's side and pulled Yem Sheng out of the car. Then, the reporters surrounded them.

"An, your relationship with Mr. Wenn Haoyu has only been exposed for a few days. Why did you get the certificate so quickly?"

Yem Sheng smiled and did not say anything. Instead, it was Wenn Haoyu. "Love is here. I can't stop it. I believe that everyone has the same kind of love at first sight."

"Mr. Wenn Haoyu, did you and An think about the result after careful consideration?"

Wenn Haoyu held An's hand and showed him the wedding ring. "Thank you for everyone's concern. I have successfully proposed. As for whether we should be careful or not, we will take the marriage certificate and answer everyone's questions later, okay?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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