Wife Loves Mafia/C1 The past
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Wife Loves Mafia/C1 The past
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C1 The past

Parents were murdered. The child trembled and crouched in the closet, through the gap he saw everything happening outside. The living room was dimly lit, and a man wearing a mask with brutal, devil-like eyes continued to frantically stab the baby's parents with a knife.

A deadly, fishy scent spread in the air. The blood flowed more and more, dyeing Mom's white lace dress and Dad's shirt red and spilling all over the floor. That blinding red color continued to spread, even almost reaching the closet where the child was hiding.

The final "thump" sounded. The man pulled out the knife, still stained with fresh blood, and glanced around the room as if looking for prey. The child trembled even more, cold sweat soaked his lovely long hair. She knows who he is looking for.

The man started to move. Every step he took on the ground was like the sound of a devil's soul-stealing bell. The child shrank his neck, hugged his face close to his knees, not daring to observe any more. She was afraid of being found by him, she was afraid of pain, she didn't want to be stabbed by those terrible knives. Is there anyone, someone please save the baby... Sigh, mom, dad...


"Baby, have you seen the face of the person who killed your parents?"

"Tell me how it happened!"


An Tinh Tuyet seemed not to have heard the police's constant questions, only attentively observing her blood-covered hands. Why didn't the parents wake up, why, it was obvious that the baby was shaking so hard, why?

Luu Tue looked at An Tinh Tuyet's silent appearance and was extremely uncomfortable. Why is she the aunt of this troublesome child, whose parents were murdered? Why did she suddenly call her? It caused her to lose sleep and was scared.

Recalling the scene he saw in the living room, Liu Tue wanted to vomit again, his face turned white without a drop of blood. But now this stubborn child refuses to talk, when will she go back to rest at this rate?

"Tieu Tuyet, answer us quickly!"

No matter how Ms. Luu Tue yelled, An Tinh Tuyet still maintained the same appearance as before, her eyes were empty and had no focus. An Dien Phong looked at his wife's fierce expression, then looked at the people around them who were chatting, then ran over to advise:

"Just be gentle, she's still scared."

Luu Tue coldly snorted and then stepped aside, not wanting to look at this cowardly husband anymore.

Why are they two brothers, born from the same mother, but each person is so different? An Thieu Minh is both handsome and general director of Thinh Toan construction company, ranked in the top ten in the country, while her husband is her younger brother and is just an ordinary office worker, his salary is so miserable that he can't bear to look at it. .

Luu Tue repeatedly told An Dien Phong to quit his job, then asked his brother to find a position in Thinh Toan to do it, but that idiot husband insisted. What about not having expertise in the construction industry, what about self-esteem,...Huh, stupid!

An Dien Phong shook his head at his wife's attitude and then gently stroked An Tinh Tuyet's hair. She's so pitiful, who the hell did this evil bastard do?

He was also very heartbroken. His brother's sudden death shocked him deeply. Only he understands how much An Thieu Minh loves his younger brother.

His parents died early, if it weren't for An Thieu Minh's care and protection, he wouldn't be here today.

Luu Tue never knew that with An Dien Phong's poor qualifications, it would be extremely difficult to have an office job like his current one, all thanks to An Thieu Minh's help. Not only the job, but also the money to buy a house, a car, get married,... there was a large amount of money given by his brother. The more he thought about it, the more An Dien Phong wanted to cry.

"Tieu Tuyet, don't be sad anymore. From now on, my aunt and uncle will take care of you, we will be a family."

Before An Tinh Tuyet could answer, Luu Tue jumped up. What, the snail can't carry itself and wants to carry another debt. This damn husband!

"An Dien Phong, what are you talking about? Where's the money to raise him? Do you have any brains???"

The police and surrounding people all frowned when they heard Luu Tue say that. This child is truly pitiful, his parents were murdered and he had to be chased away by his aunt.

"That woman is too cruel. This child has already suffered the pain of losing his father and mother, and now he is refused to be raised by his aunt."

"Human relationships are warm and cold. When they were alive, Mr. An and Mrs. An were both very kind to them. An Dien Phong's job was also Mrs. An asked my husband to help her find them."

"Is that true? Oh my god, it's really like eating porridge and kicking a bowl, crossing the river and crossing the bridge."

"Aizz, what kind of person..."

When Luu Tue heard those whispers, his face immediately turned black as the bottom of a pot. Just as she was about to drag An Dien Phong away, a thought suddenly crossed her mind. Wait, aren't An Thieu Minh and his wife all dead?

An Tinh Tuyet's mother is an orphan, of course there is no one in her maternal family. In other words, she and An Dien Phong are her only relatives. If she raises this girl, it means that the huge assets of the An family and Thinh Toan company will all belong to her.

Luu Tue's eyes immediately lit up. She immediately changed her attitude and gently said to An Tinh Tuyet:

"Tieu Tuyet, don't mind what I said just now. I was so panicked that I just said something random. Don't worry, my aunt and uncle will definitely take good care of you for your parents."

Seeing his wife suddenly change her attitude, An Dien Phong was extremely surprised. He is the person who understands Luu Tue's personality the best, being petty and afraid of trouble. He was mentally prepared to advise Luu Tue, but he did not expect the result to be like this.

"Wife, I..."

Luu Tue quickly grabbed his arm, grinned like a crossbow flower, and whispered softly:

"Brother, we're about to get rich, really rich!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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