Wife Loves Mafia/C10 Appears
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Wife Loves Mafia/C10 Appears
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C10 Appears

When the man stepped down from the car, time seemed to stand still, everyone couldn't move their eyes to look at his figure.

The man was about thirty years old, wearing a tall Armani suit, with a perfect body filled with power. His five senses seem to have been hand-carved by God in every detail, each part is extremely delicate and sharp.

The glasses reduce a part of the man's lustful love, replacing it with a serious lust that is hard to put into words, but this evokes the woman's desire to conquer.

Every step he took seemed to be covered by a layer of authoritative light, his whole person was filled with a royal aura, every gesture, every movement was extremely noble.

An Tinh Tuyet was enjoying this rare beauty when the man seemed to feel it and slightly raised his eyes.

The two people's eyes met in mid-air. Although they were both separated by a layer of glasses, it did not affect their evaluation of each other. An Tinh Tuyet's complexion slightly changed when looking into those light blue eyes. They were like a deep, bottomless lake that was extremely cold.

It was not the usual coldness but also mixed with worldly indifference, a pair of eyes that seemed to have seen all the morality in this world, completely detached from the world, as if nothing could make him. We fluctuate again.

Such a person is definitely not an ordinary person. What kind of life must he have gone through to make him have such beautiful eyes? An Tinh Tuyet unconsciously licked her lips. If she could, she really wanted to take it out and display it in the glass cabinet right now.

Bo A Than only kept his eyes on An Tinh Tuyet for less than three seconds and then moved away as if he didn't see anyone, but in his heart, he was completely opposite. Those eyes of appreciation and strange desire made his whole body feel like it was on fire, an unknown emotion spreading.

The image of a young girl as white and fragile as glass wearing a bright red dress with her long hair gently fluttering in the wind was instantly imprinted deep into Bo Demigod's mind.

He really didn't expect that someone like him who had been used to living a cold life for thirty years would suddenly change his feelings just because of such a strange girl.

“Bear Demigod, do you still remember me, huh?!”

The loud voice of the man wearing the bomb unintentionally pulled Bo Demigod out of his thoughts. He frowned slightly in discomfort and did not reply. When the man saw Bo Yachen's calm attitude, he was both angry and embarrassed, and continued to shout:

“I am Chu Tran Dong, general director of Van Vien company! The person you harmed left his house broken! But why don't you remember??? You actually dare to forget!”

When Bo A Than heard about Van Vien company, he was certainly a little impressed. It seems like a few months ago, the XSX group actually bought it. However, this plan is very small, he only heard a brief report.

“Because of you, I lost everything, my company, my house, even my wife and children left me! Today, even if I die, I have to take you with me! Bo Demigod, this day next year will be your death anniversary!!!”

The man shouted loudly and fired his gun at Bac Demi Than, but a strange scene happened. I only saw Bac Á Than seemingly standing still without moving, but all the bullets missed, not even a single shot hit!

Outsiders looking in thought the man was overstimulated so he didn't aim properly, but An Tinh Tuyet was a top assassin, how could he not see it. Each projectile shot was predicted by Bo Ya Than, then used an extremely fast speed to gently dodge.

Sometimes with just a lift of his leg, a turn of his neck, a small movement, he successfully escaped the bullet. This person is truly dangerous!

You don't know how exciting it would be to play 1vs1 with him. An Tinh Tuyet gave a pale smile containing infinite bloodlust, continuing to observe the situation below.

At this time, Bac Á Than no longer stood still and dodged, but walked step by step towards the man, looking like he was walking in a normal park, unaware of the bullets whizzing around him.

The man continuously fired his gun but didn't hit a single shot, so he was extremely angry. Seeing Bo A Than getting closer and closer, he immediately became scared and shouted threateningly:

“Stop, you stop for me! Otherwise I will…”


When he was only a few meters away from the man, Bo Demigod suddenly accelerated and released a powerful kick. The man's eyes only became dizzy, then his whole body was thrown away, his body hit the cold floor heavily, and even his gun was dropped. As soon as the man regained consciousness, he wanted to reach out and pick up the gun, but unexpectedly a pair of crocodile leather shoes stomped on his arm.


“Ah ah ah!!!”

The sound of broken bones and a scream like being teased by a pig rang out at the same time, and the whole hall looked in surprise at the situation that had just happened. Unexpectedly, the general director of XSX Group could single-handedly subdue a terrorist with a gun and a bomb so easily. Immediately, praise and praise spread everywhere.

Seeing that the police were rushing in outside, the man looked at Bo Ya Than's noble and noble face with hatred and then desperately used his other hand to detonate the bomb. Bo Demigod was about to stomp on his remaining arm when a silver light flashed, and the bomb controller on the man's side was immediately cut into many pieces. The man screamed in despair, then was quickly caught by the police.

“Bac Demigod, Bo Demigod, I absolutely will not forgive you! Even if you become a ghost, I will still curse you!!!”

The screams were getting farther and farther away. Bo Ya Than completely ignored those words and bent down slightly to pick up the broken pieces to look. Who is it in the end?

His eyes glanced around the hall for a while, then discovered that the red figure on the third floor had disappeared, and an inexplicable loss suddenly arose in his heart.

“General manager, are you okay?”

Secretary Lam ran in in panic, luckily the boss was okay, otherwise he would have regretted it to death. He shouldn't have announced that the mall security was calling, otherwise he wouldn't have put the general manager in such danger.

“General manager, general manager?”

Seeing that Bo A Than was still stunned, Secretary Lam immediately called out a few more times.

"Go." Silver Demigod spoke up.

An Tinh Tuyet stood in the crowd watching Bac Á Than leave, her eyes flashing with anticipation. She had a feeling she would meet this interesting man again soon, maybe as both hunter and prey. At that time, it must have been very interesting.

“See you later, Bo Demigod~”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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