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“Hey, wake up, wake up!”

“Get up quickly, you little devil!”

An Tinh Tuyet felt pain all over her body as if she had been run over by a car. Her eyes squinted open because she had not yet adapted to the outside light. She could only vaguely see that she was surrounded by three or four children.

Where is this?

Seeing An Tinh Tuyet move, one of them shouted:

“Wake up!”

An Tinh Tuyet wanted to sit up with her hands, but as soon as she moved a little, she collapsed. What a pain. The pain awakened her memory of the terrible things that happened yesterday: the abandoned aunt and uncle, the scary orphanage, the cruel and cruel nanny...

Everything was like a fast-forward tape running through An Tinh Tuyet's head, causing her to almost fall into despair. It's not a dream, it's not all a dream.

“Hey hey, you're lazy or something, don't hurry up and get to work.”

A girl about ten years old, wearing a patchwork T-shirt, kicked An Tinh Tuyet.

An Tinh Tuyet had not yet regained her composure when another little girl rushed in front of her and loudly warned her:

“Hien Hien, stop pedaling. Yesterday she was beaten a lot by that evil woman, you didn't see it?"

The child named Hien laughed mockingly, reached out to push the girl who had just spoken, and curled his mouth threateningly:

“Don't you dare use that ladylike tone to talk to me. I don't know what to do, as long as I'm alive, I have to work for me! If you talk too much, I'll beat you to death!"

The little girl was worried and didn't know what to do. An Tinh Tuyet stubbornly used all her strength to get up and said weakly:

“Don't hit her. I'm awake.”

Seeing this, the little girl was immediately overjoyed. She quickly came to help An Tinh Tuyet sit up straight, and did not forget to beg the child named Hien:

“Let her rest for a bit, then I'll immediately tell her to work, okay?”

The child named Hien snorted coldly and then along with the rest of the children began sewing bows and eyes for stuffed animals. Such a big bag, I don't know how long it will take to complete.

"Are you okay?"

An Tinh Tuyet took the glass of water from the little girl's hand and took a sip. The girl hasn't been able to move since last night, she's been brutally beaten, and she's both hungry and thirsty.

For a young lady who is used to living under the protection and pampering of her parents, this is truly extremely bad. However, it also invisibly created An Tinh Tuyet's tenacious personality, making her a precocious six-year-old child with a great desire to survive.

"Thank. What is your name?"

The little girl saw An Tinh Tuyet's pure smile and immediately lost her mind for a moment. Her small, powdery face, her jet black hair, looked a bit weak like a fragile angel. It's such a pity for such a beautiful child to end up in this place.

"I'm Lam Thi Thi, you can just call me Thi Thi." Lam Thi Thi smiled in response.

In the following days, An Tinh Tuyet gradually adapted to the miserable life in the orphanage. She was able to accept the tattered clothes, the meager meals that were extremely difficult to swallow, and the beatings of nanny Truong.

In the first few days, An Tinh Tuyet was very clumsy at sewing, her ten fingers were always full of needle punctures, but later she became more and more skillful, so much so that nanny Truong also praised her, and her attitude became more gentle.

An Tinh Tuyet was assigned tasks that required greater diligence, such as jewelry chains and curtains. Every dish she makes is very good, so the rice also has a little meat added instead of just a few green vegetables like before.

Lam Thi Thi became increasingly close to An Tinh Tuyet, often helping her escape fights from other children. Although she was occasionally beaten, she still did not back down.

The two of them eat together, sleep together, bathe together, and are even more affectionate than siblings. An Tinh Tuyet and Lam Thi Thi both think that as long as they continue to try to please nanny Truong, life will get better, and one day, they will be adopted and live a happy life. .

However, reality is always cruel, completely contrary to those innocent wishes.

That day was a day of heavy rain, lightning alternately streaked across the dark cloudy sky, a day full of a sense of danger.

An Tinh Tuyet and Lam Thi Thi were completing the last series of rounds when suddenly nanny Truong brought a middle-aged man here.

He had a fat figure, his face had a long scar that looked extremely scary, and his eyes were full of lust, staring at the two of us.

An Tinh Tuyet and Lam Thi Thi were so scared that they huddled together, trying to distance themselves from him. Most of the surrounding children have been at this orphanage for a long time, especially the child named Hien Hien. They knew what was about to happen but did not warn them, just stayed aside to watch the fun show.

An Tinh Tuyet and Lam Thi Thi, because of their lovely appearance, skillfulness, and intelligence, are always favored, making them extremely disgusted.

They still wished they could kill An Tinh Tuyet and Lam Thi Thi, so how could they help?

“I want these two!” The lustful man spoke hoarsely.

Nanny Truong was a little confused. An Tinh Tuyet and Lam Thi Thi were both very obedient and very skillful. She didn't know how much benefit they had brought her from those items. Now she had to sell them alone. Disgusting old man is truly a pity.

“They are only six years old, too young to…”

“Hmm, I just like you like that, do you have any opinions?”

Nanny Truong was interrupted and threatened by him, so she shut her mouth. Well, it's just their fate, she has no choice.

The man was no longer stopped by nanny Truong and immediately went to arrest An Tinh Tuyet and Lam Thi Thi.

The two children were startled and quickly wanted to run away, but they couldn't, and were finally caught by the man. The man laughed lewdly and dragged the two children out to the car. An Tinh Tuyet cried loudly, tried to hold on to the door, her hands were cut until they bled.

“Miss Truong, Miss Truong, save us, we promise to be good, Miss Truong!”

“Miss Truong, we will work harder, harder, please save us, please, huh huh…” Lam Thi Thi also cried non-stop.

Nanny Truong seemed unable to bear to look anymore and immediately closed the door. An Tinh Tuyet looked at the door gradually closing with the gloating smiles of the children inside, her eyes became empty.

“What are you two crying about? If you make any more noise, I will kill you. Being able to serve me makes you blessed for three generations, this man will show you what happiness is!

The man threw An Tinh Tuyet and Lam Thi Thi onto the truck's cargo box, then impatiently began to take off his clothes. The two children did not know what he wanted to do, but instinctively immediately crawled back.

“Uncle, please spare us, we will definitely be obedient, hu hu…” Lam Thi Thi innocently knelt down and begged.

"Exam!" An Tinh Tuyet shouted in panic.

I saw that the man did not listen to the plea, his fat body pressed against Lam Thi Thi's body, constantly tearing her dress and groping her not yet fully developed body.

An Tinh Tuyet was so scared that her eyes widened and her whole body trembled, wanting to get up to save her friend but couldn't.

“Ah ah ah!”

Lam Thi Thi screamed loudly, her lower body bled a lot, but the lustful man still kept pushing. The man was excited in sensuality, extremely rough, and finally fucked Lam Thi Thi to death

Because of the pain, the girl bit her tongue off, blood kept pouring out of her mouth, and her eyes went white.

Even though he killed a person, the man was still not satisfied. He threw Lam Thi Thi's body aside and reached out towards An Tinh Tuyet.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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