Wife Loves Mafia/C5 Assassin organization
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Wife Loves Mafia/C5 Assassin organization
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C5 Assassin organization

An Tinh Tuyet's whole body trembled, her eyes opened wide in horror. The girl wanted to move further back, but found that her back had touched the wall of the trunk.

“Don't be afraid, come here baby, I'll make you happy. Just like…your-friend.”

The man growled fiercely and then pulled An Tinh Tuyet's head and slammed it onto the floor. An Tinh Tuyet was severely stunned by the impact, her forehead was bleeding, and she could barely move.


The sound of fabric being torn rang out again, the already patched dress was now even more miserable.

An Tinh Tuyet desperately closed her eyes, waiting for the man's intrusion. Maybe…it would be better to die. The girl was too tired, no matter how obedient or obedient she was, the end result was still being abandoned.

“Mom, dad, wait for me, I'm coming soon. Thi Thi, I won't let you go alone."

Tears continuously flowed from An Tinh Tuyet's eye sockets. The girl ignored the disgusting feeling from the violent man's touch, her whole body stiffened like a dead person.

Suddenly, An Tinh Tuyet's mind flashed through the happy days with her parents, the happy times laughing with Lam Thi Thi, and finally the scary bloody images.

Her parents were submerged in a pool of bright red blood, Lam Thi Thi's pretty face was also filled with that red, red, so much red.

"Tieu Tuyet, you have to be strong, don't cry just because you fell."

"Tieu Tuyet, don't cry, be good, smile, my daughter's smile is the most beautiful!"

“Tuyet Tuyet, in the future we will find a new family together and live happily.”

“Your smile is so beautiful, Tuyet Tuyet, you look just like an angel.”

Fuzzy voices quickly flashed through my memory. An Tinh Tuyet's eyes opened.

“No, I can't let my parents and Thi Thi die like that, I can't.”

An Tinh Tuyet's eyes flashed crazily red as she looked at the man who was still kissing her body. Her right hand began to grope around until she came across an open box.

“Mom, Dad, Thi Thi, Tuyet Tuyet will not die. Tuyet Tuyet will…take revenge!!!”

An Tinh Tuyet's arm tensed up, using all her strength to stab something towards that damn man's face.


A scream like a pig being irritated echoed, drowning out the sound of the rain outside. The man was in pain, holding his right face, which was bleeding, and squatted up. While he could not react, An Tinh Tuyet immediately got up and continued to stab him in the throat with the screwdriver.

As if afraid that her milk-sucking strength was not enough to kill a grown man in one blow, the little girl continued to stab him many more times. Blood splashed on An Tinh Tuyet's young face, splashed onto the side of the car trunk, and spread along the man's body to the floor. The whole space was dyed with a strange and evil red color.

“Knock knock, knock knock…”

Nanny Truong was sitting regretfully because she had sold two talented children, causing her future life to decrease, when she heard a knock on the door. The children in the room felt strange, not knowing who would come at this hour.


Nanny Truong was surprised to see An Tinh Tuyet with her head bowed, her long black hair stuck to her face because it was wet from the rain, making it impossible to see clearly. Because the light was too weak, she couldn't see the fresh blood all over the girl's body, so she only shouted in surprise:

“Tieu Tuyet…Ah!”

Nanny Truong's eyes widened in disbelief as she saw her stomach just pierced by a screwdriver and fell to the floor. The surrounding children had not yet had time to be surprised when they saw her suddenly fall when they discovered a familiar figure entering.

An Tinh Tuyet stepped on each of her muddy steps on nanny Truong, smiling at them. The angel's smile was now as bloodthirsty as a devil, his eyes were red like hellfire.


Ten years later, the headquarters of the assassin and intelligence organization M is in London, England.

"What's going on?!!"

More than three hundred assassins looked at the organization's annual assassin rankings in amazement, their expressions all filled with disbelief. The number 1 position naturally belongs to an extremely unfamiliar name.


“No way, there must be a mistake!”

Rich, an assassin who has been active for more than fifteen years, is always in the top 5 voices of discontent. It was clear that this year he had completed a hundred tasks, so he should have been ranked first, why was he in second place?

Moreover, this name Red is very new, as if it has only recently been active. In terms of experience and strength, it is impossible for a newcomer to be in the top 100, let alone number 1 like this.

“That's right, the higher ups must have made a mistake.”

Ellen, is also an assassin with real power to match. She's been an assassin for so long and barely managed to get into the top 10, but now she's being stepped on by a new person, how can she stand it?

The noise of complaints did not stop. Stephen looked at the chaotic scene from the screen and couldn't help but curl his lips arrogantly. He has been the leader of this organization for more than forty years to train such a talented person. After only one month of operation, he climbed straight to first place, which is truly hard to believe.

The trip to China at that time was certainly not in vain. Recalling the scene of a child standing in the middle of a room full of blood and a corpse still smiling like an angel in hell, he felt indescribably excited.

With just one look, he knew that little girl was born to be an assassin. Now, when he saw the results after ten years of special training, he confirmed this even more.


A girl about fifteen or sixteen years old walked in. The girl has a small face, black eyes that sparkle like stars and is extremely spirited, a high nose bridge, natural pink lips like sweet candy that tempt people to taste it, and silky black hair that reaches down to her back.

The bright red leather outfit and high heels of the same color further accentuate the girl's smooth white skin. It's hard for anyone to believe that this underage girl, as fragile as glass, is Red, the number 1 assassin of the M organization.

The more Stephen looked at the products of his intense training, the more satisfied he became. Perfect, absolutely perfect. With assassins like this, organization M will in the future crush all other assassin organizations and dominate the world. He spoke in a hoarse voice, radiating majesty:

“You did very well on the last mission. These are the next tasks you have to do.”

An Tinh Tuyet smiled brightly at the thick stack of documents that Stephen had just pointed to, and gently shook her head. Stephen frowned because the puppet did not follow his will, and spoke in a threatening voice:

“What's wrong, you want to be lazy just after reaching number 1? Red, you should remember that you are a member of organization M, you are my subordinate, I gave orders and you must follow them."

An Tinh Tuyet's eyes flashed but her face remained smiling without changing color. Gently caressing the silver ring on her right hand, she spoke:

“Leader, of course I know that I am an assassin of the M organization as well as your subordinate, but, if I remember correctly, the assassins ranked in the top 3 have the right to freely choose their missions as they please. must move.”

Stephen was shocked. He never expected that An Tinh Tuyet had learned about the organization's rules, so he was extremely upset. A puppet who has worked hard to train cannot fully exploit its labor power, so how can he be happy?

“You are an exception…”

Before Stephen could finish his sentence, he immediately shut his mouth. Not knowing when, special metal wires resembling spider webs filled his room, gently cutting all the objects into pieces. An Tinh Tuyet happily put the metal wire back into the silver ring in her hand and smiled.

“Sorry leader, I couldn't resist trying the new rope.”

Stephen of course knows An Tinh Tuyet's special weapon. This thing was created by her. It was extremely difficult and complicated to control. He tried it once but couldn't use it.

This weapon that looks so fragile and weak looks exactly like its owner, in fact it is an extremely bloodthirsty killing tool. With it, An Tinh Tuyet massacred more than three thousand people of a notoriously brutal gangster gang in London, climbing to the top 1 of the year, no need to say how scary it was. Although Stephen was very experienced, he was not sure of winning when fighting it, so in the end he had to give in.

“Okay, from now on you join the group to work freely.”

An Tinh Tuyet smiled again, making her beautiful face even more radiant, even making Stephen look dazed. She bowed slightly in thanks then turned and left. China, you're coming back soon.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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