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C9 Chaos

An Tinh Tuyet was in a happy mood and started looking at the wardrobe. Looking at a pile of dresses that were all bright red, she couldn't help but frown slightly.

An Tinh Tuyet's favorite color is red, not to mention dresses, even shoes, accessories, and jewelry are no exception. However, there was no doubt that this time they had brought her a bit of trouble. If you dress too prominently for this mission, it will attract attention and make it difficult to escape silently. Looks like I need to go buy a new set.

An Tinh Tuyet took a taxi to XSX shopping center, famous for being the most expensive place in the country and having an extremely diverse number of goods. She slightly adjusted her sunglasses and headed straight towards the evening gown area, thinking to quickly choose a simple outfit and leave, after all, she would only wear it once.

"What do you want to buy?"

As soon as the female employee saw An Tinh Tuyet coming in, she immediately expressed a cold and disdainful attitude.

Hearing that, An Tinh Tuyet's eyes couldn't help but darken a bit. Glancing at the dress she was wearing again, she immediately understood.

This dress's design is extremely simple, with only a few stylized folds and lace edges on the skirt, making it easy for outsiders to think it's a cheap product.

However, the truth is that this dress costs fifty thousand dollars and was personally designed and tailor-made by An Tinh Tuyet at Versace. Because it's a custom product, it naturally doesn't appear in catalogs or magazines, so it's not surprising that the female employee doesn't know.

An Tinh Tuyet didn't want to say much to people with inferior eyes, so she completely ignored the female employee and made her own choices. The female employee saw that An Tinh Tuyet did not pay attention to her and was very angry. However, because she was a customer, she could not kick her out, so she sarcastically said:

"If you don't have money, you still dare to come here to buy things. Huh, be careful, if you damage anything, even if you sell it, you won't be able to pay it back!"

The female employee saw An Tinh Tuyet still silent and was extremely uncomfortable. She was about to say a few more words when another young lady entered. The female employee seemed to know her and quickly ran out to greet her:

“Miss Thinh!”

Thinh Diep Han glanced at the female employee with disdain, her whole person exuding an arrogant and arrogant aura. The tight red wine-colored bodycon dress accentuates her super-fit figure, plus a deep V-neck that reveals her large white breasts, causing many men outside to stare attentively, even even drooling.

"New products."

Thinh Diep Han hated the eyes of the males outside and impatiently yelled at the female staff. It's all toads and scabies that want to eat swan meat, disgusting. Thinking about the handsome figure of a certain man again, her face suddenly appeared a little shy.

Only such a perfect man is worthy of Thinh Diep Han.

The female employee knew her personality, obediently and obediently led the way to the new counter. Unexpectedly, she saw An Tinh Tuyet also in this place.

Seeing that she was holding two dresses worth more than a million yuan, the female employee immediately wanted to grab them and angrily scolded:

“Do you know how expensive they are, how dare you touch them!”

An Tinh Tuyet quickly avoided the female employee's arm, frowning slightly. She had already forgiven her once. Who would have thought that this person could not see ivory with a dog's eyes, and was becoming more and more outrageous.

“Why can't I touch it?” An Tinh Tuyet smiled slightly, her eyes were obscured by brown glasses, her expression could not be seen clearly.

The female employee saw An Tinh Tuyet refusing to return her dress and smiling provocatively, so her face turned red. She opened her mouth threateningly:

“Quickly put them down, otherwise I will call security to throw you out of here!!!”

An Tinh Tuyet pretended not to hear and did not move. Thinh Diep Han stood aside and looked at the painting for a long time, then he knew what was going on, what he thought, it turned out to be a lowly commoner studying for aristocrats.

She glanced at An Tinh Tuyet contemptuously and arrogantly ordered:

“Get your dirty hands off! Do you even deserve to touch these items?”

Only then did An Tinh Tuyet pay attention to Thinh Diep Han. As soon as she saw the familiar face, her eyes flashed. Just this morning, she saw this face on the prey list sent by Stephen.

Thinh Diep Han, 22 years old, youngest daughter of City Mayor H Thinh Kinh Tung. Ah, should we deal with her right here?

When Thinh Diep Han saw An Tinh Tuyet looking at her, she shivered for some reason, then quickly calmed down, thinking what could a brat do to her.

If Thinh Diep Han knew that tonight she would be dismembered at the hands of this "brat", I wonder if she would regret her current actions.

“What are you looking at, do you believe I'll gouge your eyes out?...Ah”

Thinh Diep Han pointed at An Tinh Tuyet's face and shouted. Unexpectedly, she grabbed her index finger and used a little force to break it. Thinh Diep Han was in so much pain that she collapsed on the floor, holding her hands and crying, looking extremely miserable.

The female employee didn't expect things to get to this point. She hurriedly wanted to help her. Unexpectedly, her ankle suddenly throbbed and she fell on top of Thinh Diep Han.

Thinh Diep Han was already in so much pain that she was still being weighed down, her head was dizzy to the point of fainting. The female employee couldn't even cry, she was done, she was done later.

If you offend the Mayor's daughter, not to mention losing your job, your life will be difficult. The more she thought about it, the angrier the female employee became, looking at An Tinh Tuyet with hatred. It's her, it's all her fault.

The aggressive female employee was about to stand up and grab An Tinh Tuyet to fight her when suddenly panicked screams and footsteps of people running away were heard outside.


When An Tinh Tuyet heard the gunshot, she immediately knew something was wrong and immediately walked out quickly, not caring about the frightened female employee and Thinh Diep Han writhing on the floor.

As soon as she reached the door of the evening gown area, she immediately saw a man with a bomb strap and a gun standing in the middle of the hall. The guy looked very dirty and crazy, constantly shooting at the fleeing people, shouting loudly:

“No running! Whoever dares to run will be shot to death! Quickly close the commercial area for me, otherwise I will detonate these bombs immediately! That guy, did you hear that?"

Finishing his sentence, he immediately shot a shot into the arm of a hesitant security guard. The trick of killing chickens to scare monkeys was indeed very effective, all the doors of the commercial area were completely closed, more than two hundred hostages held their heads and cried in the hall, others tried to hide in the rooms. row, only An Tinh Tuyet still stood there with her arms crossed, not moving at all. I didn't expect that just by going shopping, I could encounter such an interesting thing. You are truly very lucky.

Because An Tinh Tuyet stood on the third floor, facing the hall on the same side as the man, he did not see that there was such a bold hostage, so he continued to shout orders:

“Quickly call the CEO and come here, quickly!!!”

The panicked security guard immediately called the corporation. An Tinh Tuyet smiled, it seemed that this man had a grudge against the General Director of the XSX group, and it was not so small, to the point that he wanted to use his own life to drag the enemy and more than two hundred hostages here. Let's go down to the royal stream together.

An Tinh Tuyet silently exclaimed, why is this man so stupid? It's only eight or nine o'clock in the morning. People who have a need to go to the shopping center are not yet high. If they want to die gloriously, they should choose the evening. At that time, the number of mourners must be more than a thousand people.

Or, is this man still honest? Ha ha, that's so funny.

Not long after, An Tinh Tuyet saw that outside he was surrounded by many police and snipers. However, in her opinion, that is of no use, because the glass doors of this commercial area are all high-grade bulletproof glass, the appearance of the police now will only make the man down there even more crazy. .

At this time, suddenly a Roll-Royce Phantom Extended Wheelbase entered the middle of the police team. As soon as the man saw that luxury car, his eyes immediately lit up, filled with hatred and shouted loudly:

“Silver Demigod!!!”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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