Wolf Moon- Mr. Rams/C2 Chapter 2 - Meant to be
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Wolf Moon- Mr. Rams/C2 Chapter 2 - Meant to be
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C2 Chapter 2 - Meant to be

As Elizabeth stormed out of the room, leaving Mara with a heavy heart, the young woman made a silent vow to herself. She would defy the odds stacked against her, unravel the secrets of her forgotten origins, and forge her own destiny. The journey ahead would be arduous, but Mara was determined to prove that she was more than the scapegoat of a fractured family. She would rise above their cruelty and find her true place in a world that had forsaken her.

Elizabeth stormed out of Mara's attic room, her anger raging within her. She descended the creaking stairs, her steps filled with purpose, until she reached the living room where Elvie and Jasmine lounged lazily, their indifference evident. The room crackled with tension, the air heavy with unspoken animosity towards Mara.

Elvie glanced up from her phone, a mixture of annoyance and curiosity crossing her face as she noticed the fury etched on her mother's features. "What's gotten into you, Mom? What did Mara do this time to set you off?"

Elizabeth sank into a worn-out armchair, her voice dripping with resentment. "That useless omega continues to be a thorn in our side, always causing trouble and disrupting our lives. She's a constant reminder of everything that's wrong in this family."

Jasmine rolled her eyes, a cruel smirk playing on her lips. "Why don't we just get rid of her? She's nothing but a burden. We don't need her dragging us down."

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed, her patience wearing thin. "It's not that simple, Jasmine. Your father would never allow it. He's grown foolishly attached to her, treating her like she's one of us."

Elvie's frustration grew, her voice tinged with anger. "But she's not one of us, Mom. She's an omega. Why does Dad care so much about her? It doesn't make any sense."

Elizabeth's face twisted into a scowl, her voice filled with bitter resentment. "I don't understand it either, Elvie. It infuriates me to see how he dotes on her, how he treats her as if she's his own flesh and blood. She doesn't deserve it."

Elvie's patience snapped, her anger consuming her. "Well, she's not his blood. She's not our family. Why should we have to tolerate her presence and endure the humiliation she brings?"

Jasmine's eyes gleamed with malice, reveling in the mounting tension. "Maybe it's time we put her in her place. Make her realize she's nothing more than a servant. That might knock some sense into her."

Elizabeth's anger flared, her voice dripping with venom. "Yes, perhaps it's time we remind her of her worthlessness. I won't let Luis's foolishness blind us to the truth. Mara is a stain on this family, and she will never be anything more."

Elvie, her anger now consuming her, rose from her seat. "You're right, Mom. She doesn't deserve our kindness or our consideration. She's caused us nothing but pain and humiliation. I won't stand by and watch her ruin our lives any longer."

Elizabeth's twisted smile reflected her satisfaction. "That's my girl. We will make sure Mara knows her place, once and for all. She will regret ever setting foot in this house."

With those chilling words hanging in the air, Elizabeth left the room, her footsteps echoing down the hallway, leaving Elvie and Jasmine to stew in their shared resentment. Elvie's heart burned with anger, and her loyalty to her mother overshadowed any sympathy she might have once felt for Mara.

In the darkness that shrouded their family, Elvie succumbed to the shadows of resentment, her resolve hardening. She would join her mother in making Mara's life a living hell, convinced that it was the only way to restore order and protect their own interests.

Jasmine, her cruel nature unyielding, grinned in agreement. "We'll show her just how insignificant she truly is. She'll regret ever crossing us."


Meanwhile, outside the confines of their troubled home, Luis sought solace in the presence of his lifelong friend, Troy Shelton, the esteemed Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. The two men had been inseparable since birth, their friendship forged by shared experiences and unwavering loyalty.

Luis anxiously awaited Troy's arrival, knowing that he could trust his friend with his deepest secrets and desires. As Troy's familiar figure emerged in the distance, Luis greeted him with a mixture of relief and apprehension.

"Luis, my old friend, it's good to see you," Troy greeted warmly, his voice carrying a sense of familiarity and genuine care. "You sounded urgent on the phone. What's troubling you?"

Luis sighed, the weight of his concerns evident in his furrowed brow. "Troy, I've been meaning to talk to you about something important. It's about Mara."

Troy's eyes narrowed with curiosity, his gaze locked on Luis. "Mara? Your stepdaughter? What about her?"

Luis took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "I've been thinking, Troy. I believe Mara is meant for something greater, something beyond the confines of our pack. I want her to be married to Andrew, your son."

Troy's brows shot up in surprise, his voice tinged with a mixture of intrigue and skepticism. "Luis, why would you want that? Mara is not your real daughter. You have Elvie and Jasmine, your flesh and blood. Why this sudden interest in Mara?"

Luis's eyes softened, his voice filled with a mix of affection and longing. "Troy, it's hard to explain. Ever since we found Mara all those years ago, there's been something special about her. A connection that I can't quite put into words. I believe she has a greater purpose, and marrying into the Blue Moon pack would give her the opportunity to flourish."

Troy's gaze softened, his curiosity piqued. "But where did Mara come from, Luis? Who are her parents? We've never discussed her origins."

Luis hesitated, his voice laced with a hint of sadness. "I wish I had all the answers, my friend. Mara was abandoned as a baby, left on our pack's doorstep. We never discovered her true lineage or the circumstances that led to her arrival. All we knew was that she deserved a chance, a family."

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