Wolf Moon- Mr. Rams/C4 Chapter 4 - A Fractured Family
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Wolf Moon- Mr. Rams/C4 Chapter 4 - A Fractured Family
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C4 Chapter 4 - A Fractured Family

Luis's voice trembled slightly as he tried to reason with his wife. "Elizabeth, Mara deserves our compassion. She has endured years of mistreatment and isolation. This union with Andrew is an opportunity for her to find happiness and acceptance within the pack."

Elizabeth's frustration reached its peak, her voice filled with venom. "I refuse to accept it! I will not stand by and watch Mara replace our own daughters. You need to choose, Luis. It's either Elvie and Jasmine or Mara. There's no room for all of them."

Luis's heart sank as he realized the gravity of Elizabeth's demand. The choice before him was agonizing, torn between his love for Mara and his duty to his wife and biological daughters. The once-united family now stood on the precipice of division, their future hanging in the balance.

"I never wanted it to come to this," Luis whispered, his voice heavy with sorrow. "But I can't turn my back on Mara. She is a part of our lives, and I won't abandon her."

Elvie and Jasmine, listening from the hallway, exchanged glances filled with bitterness and envy. Elizabeth's words had fueled their own resentment, deepening the divide between them and Mara. They vowed to protect their place within the family, no matter the cost.

Elizabeth's voice echoed through the house, filled with anger and frustration, as she confronted Luis in the living room. Elvie and Jasmine, sensing the escalating tension, cautiously made their way inside, their expressions a mix of concern and resentment.

Elvie's voice quivered with a hint of defiance as she stepped forward. "Dad, we can't stand by and let this happen. Mara marrying Andrew? It's absurd! Do you love her more than your own daughters?"

Luis looked at Elvie, his eyes filled with a blend of sadness and determination. "Elvie, you know I love you and Jasmine with all my heart. But Mara is a part of our family too. She deserves a chance at happiness, just like you both do."

Jasmine, her voice tinged with bitterness, joined the conversation. "Why don't you consider us, Dad? We're your daughters, your blood. We could be Andrew's wife instead. We deserve that chance, not Mara."

Luis sighed, his gaze shifting between his daughters. "Elvie, Jasmine, I understand your feelings. But this decision isn't about choosing between you and Mara. It's about doing what is right, what is fair."

Elvie crossed her arms, her eyes filled with frustration. "What's fair about giving everything to Mara? She's an outsider, and yet you treat her like she's the most important person in our lives."

Luis's voice softened, his love for his daughters evident in his words. "You're both important to me, Elvie and Jasmine. But Mara has suffered so much in her life. I want to give her a chance to find happiness and acceptance within our pack."

Jasmine's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt. "What about us? Are our dreams and happiness less important? It feels like we're being pushed aside for someone who doesn't even belong here."

Luis took a step closer to his daughters, his voice filled with sincerity. "You're not being pushed aside, Jasmine. But we have a responsibility as a pack to support one another. This marriage could bring unity and strengthen our bonds."

Elvie's eyes welled up with tears, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and resentment. "But at what cost, Dad? Are you willing to sacrifice our happiness for the sake of someone who isn't even your flesh and blood?"

Luis's expression reflected the turmoil within him, torn between his love for Mara and his desire to protect his own daughters. "I don't want any of you to be unhappy. But I believe in giving Mara a chance, a chance for her to have a family and find her place."

Elizabeth, who had been observing the exchange in silence, interjected with a sneer. "It seems you're willing to sacrifice everything for that girl. You're willing to tear this family apart."

Luis turned towards Elizabeth, his voice filled with a mix of resolve and pain. "I don't want to tear our family apart, but I can't turn my back on Mara. I won't abandon her when she needs us the most."

Elizabeth's voice cut through the tension-filled air, her tone laced with defiance and frustration. She locked eyes with Luis, her face hardened with resolve.

"If you insist on pushing this marriage between Mara and Andrew, then you should know that I won't stand for it," Elizabeth declared, her voice filled with determination. "And I won't be alone. Elvie and Jasmine, our own daughters, they will stand by me. We will leave you, Luis, if you choose to prioritize Mara over your own family."

Luis's heart sank at Elizabeth's words, his eyes widening in disbelief. He never anticipated that their differences would drive such a deep wedge between them. The thought of losing his wife and daughters tore at his soul.

"Elizabeth, please reconsider," Luis pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. "I never wanted it to come to this. I love you, and I love our daughters. But I can't turn my back on Mara. She deserves a chance at happiness, at finding her place in the pack."

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed, her voice filled with a mix of anger and hurt. "You talk about Mara's happiness, but what about ours? What about the happiness and stability of our own family? Are we simply cast aside for the sake of this girl?"

Luis took a step closer, reaching out for Elizabeth's hand. "Our family is important to me, Elizabeth. But Mara has suffered so much. She deserves love and acceptance. This marriage could be the answer for her, a chance for her to find a place where she truly belongs."

Elizabeth jerked her hand away, her voice tinged with bitterness. "You're so blinded by your affection for Mara that you can't see how this tears our family apart. I thought you loved us, Luis, but it seems that your love for Mara surpasses everything else."

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