Wolf Moon- Mr. Rams/C6 Chapter 6 - The Girlfriend
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Wolf Moon- Mr. Rams/C6 Chapter 6 - The Girlfriend
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C6 Chapter 6 - The Girlfriend

Carla Smith paced back and forth in her luxurious living room, her mind racing with a mixture of anger and confusion. The news of Alpha Troy and Andrew visiting the Wilson house had reached her ears, and she couldn't fathom why they would have any business with Mara.

Frustrated and curious, Carla turned to her servant, Emma, who stood nearby. "Emma, what in the world are Alpha Troy and Andrew doing at the Wilson house? And why is Mara involved? I need to know!"

Emma, her eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and loyalty, hesitated before responding. "I... I overheard some rumors, Miss Carla. It seems that there's a marriage proposal being discussed between Andrew and Mara."

Carla's eyes widened with disbelief and fury. "A marriage proposal? How dare they! I am Andrew's girlfriend, and they have the audacity to consider marrying him off to someone else? This is unacceptable!"

Emma, her voice gentle yet cautious, tried to calm Carla's escalating emotions. "Miss Carla, perhaps there's more to the situation than we know. It's best not to jump to conclusions."

Carla's frustration got the better of her, and she snapped, her voice tinged with anger. "No, Emma! I won't stand for this. I won't let Andrew be taken away from me by some unknown girl. We've been together for so long, and our love should be the priority."

Emma, her loyalty unwavering, nodded sympathetically. "I understand your feelings, Miss Carla. But we should remember that the decisions made by Alpha Troy and Andrew are not solely based on emotions. They have the responsibility to their pack and its future."

Carla's eyes narrowed with determination. "Well, if they think they can just discard our relationship and force this marriage upon Andrew, they have another thing coming. I won't sit idly by and let them tear us apart."

As Carla plotted her next move, a storm of emotions raged within her. She couldn't bear the thought of losing Andrew to someone else, especially to Mara, a stranger who seemed to have entered their lives unexpectedly.

The coming days would test Carla's resilience, as she grappled with her love for Andrew, her desire to protect their relationship, and the tangled web of alliances and expectations surrounding the Blue Moon pack. With determination in her heart, she vowed to fight for her love, even if it meant challenging the very foundations of tradition and duty.

Carla stood outside her childhood home, feeling anxious. The grand gates loomed before her, a symbol of her parents' hunger for power. She knew that what she was about to tell them would challenge their ambitions, but she hoped they would understand her love for Andrew and support her in her pursuit of happiness.

Taking a deep breath, Carla pushed open the heavy double doors and entered the lavish foyer. Her parents, Jacky and Gabriel, turned their piercing gazes toward her, the atmosphere tense with anticipation.

"Carla, what a surprise. We didn't expect you to visit. What brings you here?" Jacky greeted, her voice laced with curiosity.

Carla gathered her courage, determined to share her feelings with her parents. "Mother, Father, I need to talk to you about something important," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing as he studied Carla. "Go on, Carla. What is it that has you so worked up?"

Summoning her strength, Carla revealed the truth. "I came to tell you that Alpha Troy has made a decision. He wants his son, Andrew, to marry someone else. He no longer sees me as the suitable match for him."

Jacky's face contorted with surprise, and a flicker of concern crossed her features. "What? But we've been working towards this alliance for years. How can he suddenly change his mind?"

Carla's eyes filled with tears as she continued, pouring her heart out. "I know it's hard to accept, but I've realized that my feelings for Andrew go beyond the political alliance. I love him, Mother, Father. And I want your help to convince Alpha Troy to reconsider."

Gabriel's stern expression softened slightly, a hint of understanding in his eyes. "Carla, love is a complicated matter in our world. Our ambitions for power have guided our decisions, but if you truly love Andrew, then we must consider what is best for you."

Carla nodded, her voice filled with hope. "Yes, Father. I believe that our happiness should not be sacrificed for power. I want to fight for my love, for a future where I can be with Andrew."

Jacky sighed, her voice tinged with worry. "Carla, you know how important this alliance is for our standing in the pack. If we support you in this, we risk losing everything we've worked for."

Tears streamed down Carla's face, her voice quivering with sincerity. "I understand, Mother. But my happiness matters too. I'm willing to face the consequences and fight for love rather than be a pawn in a game of power."

Gabriel exchanged a glance with Jacky, a mix of conflicting emotions playing on his face. "Carla, we have always wanted what is best for you. While we can't promise to change Alpha Troy's mind, we will consider your plea and see if we can find a way to support your love for Andrew."

Carla's heart swelled with gratitude, and she reached out to her parents, her voice filled with sincerity. "Thank you, Mother, Father. Your support means the world to me. Together, we can find a way to navigate this challenge and protect our family's interests while also honoring my love for Andrew."

Jacky and Gabriel exchanged a knowing look, their expressions hinting at a newfound understanding. "Carla, we may not fully comprehend your choice, but your happiness matters to us. We will do what we can to help you, but remember, there may be sacrifices along the way."

Carla nodded, a mixture of determination and love shining in her eyes. "I am prepared to face the challenges, Mother, Father. With your guidance and support, I believe we can find a solution that brings happiness to all parties involved."

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