Wolf Moon- Mr. Rams/C7 Chapter 7 – The Perfect Luna
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Wolf Moon- Mr. Rams/C7 Chapter 7 – The Perfect Luna
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C7 Chapter 7 – The Perfect Luna

Carla retreated to her room, tears streaming down her face as the weight of her emotions overwhelmed her. She collapsed onto her bed, her mind racing with thoughts of Andrew and their uncertain future. Meanwhile, in the living room, Gabriel and Jacky remained deep in conversation, their expressions grave.

Gabriel sighed heavily, his voice filled with determination. "Jacky, I cannot agree to Alpha Troy's decision. It goes against everything we've worked for. Carla deserves to be with Andrew and become the future Luna of our pack."

Jacky nodded, her eyes filled with empathy for their daughter's plight. "I couldn't agree more, Gabriel. We cannot let this alliance crumble before our eyes. We need to act swiftly and talk to Alpha Troy, make him understand the significance of this union."

Gabriel's jaw tightened as he pondered their next move. "We must arrange a meeting with Alpha Troy as soon as possible. We need to make him see the value of Carla as Andrew's mate and the strength it brings to our pack."

Jacky stood up, her determination mirrored in her gaze. "Yes, Gabriel. We must present a compelling case, one that highlights the benefits of this alliance for both packs. We need to remind Alpha Troy of our longstanding loyalty and the power we can wield together."

Gabriel nodded, his voice firm. "We must also appeal to his sense of reason and fairness. Carla's happiness is at stake, and we must make it clear that forcing Andrew into a loveless marriage will only lead to unrest within our pack."

Jacky paced back and forth, contemplating their strategy. "We should gather all the evidence of Carla and Andrew's connection—photographs, testimonials, anything that proves the strength of their bond. We need to show Alpha Troy the depth of their love and how it can benefit both packs in the long run."

Gabriel's gaze softened as he looked at his wife. "Jacky, our daughter's happiness is paramount. If we can convince Alpha Troy that this union is not only politically advantageous but also fueled by genuine love, he may reconsider his decision."

Jacky nodded, her voice filled with determination. "We will fight for Carla's happiness, Gabriel. Our family's legacy and position in the pack are important, but not at the cost of our daughter's heartache. We must find a way to navigate this delicate situation."

As they exchanged a resolute glance, Gabriel and Jacky understood the gravity of the task ahead. Their loyalty to the pack and their love for Carla intersected in a delicate dance, requiring finesse and persuasion to sway Alpha Troy's decision. Together, they would embark on a mission to secure their daughter's future and protect the alliances they had built, all while treading the fine line between power and love.

The next day, inside the Wilson household, Elizabeth, along with her daughters Jasmine and Elvie, engaged in a heated conversation. Frustration and anger hung heavy in the air as they discussed the plan to make Mara the new fiancé of Andrew. The three women gathered in the living room, their faces filled with determination.

Elizabeth, her voice laced with determination, spoke up first. "Girls, we cannot let your father go through with this plan. It's unfair and unjust. We have to stand up for ourselves and make it clear that we will not accept Mara as Andrew's fiancé."

Jasmine, her brows furrowed in anger, nodded in agreement. "Mom, you're right. We've worked hard to build our family's reputation and position within the pack. It's unthinkable that Dad would choose someone like Mara over us."

Elvie, her voice tinged with disappointment, chimed in. "I can't believe Dad would even consider this. We've always been there for him, supported him through thick and thin. How could he betray us like this?"

Elizabeth clasped her hands together, her eyes filled with determination. "Girls, we have to make our voices heard. If your father insists on this plan, we need to show him that we won't tolerate it. We deserve better, and we deserve to have a say in our own futures."

Jasmine crossed her arms, a determined glint in her eyes. "You're absolutely right, Mom. If Dad chooses Mara, then we have to make a difficult decision ourselves. We'll have to leave him and find our own path."

Elvie's eyes welled up with tears as she nodded in agreement. "As much as it hurts, we can't stay in a family that doesn't value us. We deserve love and respect, and if Dad can't see that, then we'll have to find it elsewhere."

Elizabeth reached out and squeezed her daughters' hands, her voice filled with love and support. "I know this is a tough decision, but we have to prioritize our own happiness. We've always been a strong unit, and we will continue to be, even if it means leaving behind someone who doesn't appreciate us."

Jasmine wiped away a tear, her voice filled with resolve. "We'll find a way to start fresh, Mom. We'll build our own lives, surrounded by people who value us for who we are. We won't let this setback define us."

Elvie nodded, a newfound strength emanating from her. "We're Wilsons, and we won't let anyone diminish our worth. We'll forge our own paths, and one day, we'll look back and be grateful that we had the courage to stand up for ourselves."

Unbeknownst to Elizabeth, Jasmine, and Elvie, Mara had been silently listening to their conversation. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that they, too, were unhappy with the plan to make her Andrew's fiancée. Feeling a mix of relief and sadness, she decided to gather her courage and seek a conversation with Alpha Troy himself.

As Mara ventured out of the Wilson house, her heart heavy with the weight of her own struggles, fate intervened in an unexpected encounter. In the middle of the road, she stumbled upon Carla, Andrew's current girlfriend, accompanied by her friends. Their gazes locked, and the tension in the air became palpable.

Carla, her voice filled with accusation, wasted no time in expressing her anger. "What do you think you're doing, Mara? Trying to steal Andrew away from me? You're nothing but a gold digger, hoping to snatch the position of future Luna for yourself!"

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