Wolf Moon- Mr. Rams/C8 Chapter 8 – Final decision
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Wolf Moon- Mr. Rams/C8 Chapter 8 – Final decision
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C8 Chapter 8 – Final decision

Mara's eyes widened in disbelief and hurt. She had never intended to cause any harm, let alone snatch anyone's position. The accusations felt like daggers piercing her already wounded heart. She mustered the strength to respond, her voice quivering with emotion.

"Carla, please, you've got it all wrong," Mara pleaded, her voice choked with tears. "I never wanted any of this. I don't want to marry Andrew, and I certainly don't want to snatch your position as future Luna. It's not about power or status for me. Just let me leave. I want to talk to our Alpha."

Carla's friends sneered, their voices filled with skepticism. "Oh, really? You expect us to believe that? Why would you be talking to the Alpha if you didn't have ulterior motives? We know your kind, Mara. Always scheming, always trying to get ahead."

Mara's tears fell freely now, her voice trembling with sincerity. "I swear to you, I never had any intentions of harming you or stealing Andrew. I overheard your conversation earlier, and I share your sentiments. I don't want this arranged marriage either. I just wanted to talk to the Alpha, to explain my side."

Carla's gaze softened for a moment as confusion and doubt clouded her features. She hesitated, torn between her love for Andrew and the accusations thrown at Mara. Slowly, she spoke, her voice laced with uncertainty.

"Prove it, Mara. Prove that you're not after power or position. Convince us that you genuinely care about Andrew's happiness. We've been through so much together, and I won't let anyone hurt him."

Mara's heart ached, understanding Carla's protective nature. She nodded, her voice filled with determination. "I will prove it to you, Carla. I'll do everything in my power to make sure Andrew knows the truth that I don't want to be his fiancée. Our happiness matters, not just his position in the pack."

Carla's friends exchanged skeptical glances, but Carla held up her hand, signaling them to stop. She took a step closer to Mara, her voice softer now.

"Alright, Mara. I'll give you a chance to explain yourself to Andrew and the Alpha. But know this, if I find out that you've deceived us or that your intentions aren't pure, I won't hesitate to protect Andrew with everything I have."

Mara nodded, grateful for the sliver of trust Carla was extending. "Thank you, Carla. I understand. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right. Andrew deserves to know the truth, and I won't let him or anyone else be hurt in this process."

As Mara and Carla locked eyes, both with hearts burdened by their own personal struggles, they couldn't foresee the turbulent journey ahead.

Carla's friends, sensing her growing doubts, rallied around her, determined to reinforce their loyalty and protect her from potential threats. They couldn't fathom why anyone would refuse the opportunity to marry the future Alpha and become the esteemed Luna of the pack. Their words carried an air of disbelief and resentment.

"Carla, you can't seriously consider Mara's words," one of Carla's friends exclaimed. "I mean, who in their right mind wouldn't want to be in your position? It's an honor, a privilege. She must be hiding something."

Carla, her frustration building, responded with a mixture of annoyance and anger. "You're right. It doesn't make any sense! I've dedicated so much of myself to Andrew and our future together. How dare she come here, claiming she doesn't want this opportunity? It's ridiculous!"

Her friends nodded in agreement, their support unwavering. "Absolutely, Carla. We've seen how much you love Andrew and how perfect you two are together. Mara must have ulterior motives. She's trying to play innocent and manipulate the situation."

Carla's annoyance turned into a steely determination as she clenched her fists. "I won't let her get away with it. I won't allow anyone to jeopardize what we have. Andrew deserves someone who genuinely loves and appreciates him, not someone trying to take advantage of his position."

Carla's friends exchanged knowing glances, fueling her anger. "That's right, Carla. We're here for you. We won't let anyone harm you or Andrew. Let's show Mara what happens when she tries to come between us.”

Carla's anger intensified, and her voice dripped with defiance. "She'll regret crossing paths with me. I'll make sure Andrew sees her true colors. No one undermines our love and our future."

With resolute determination, Carla and her friends formed a united front against Mara, vowing to protect their relationship and expose any alleged deceit.


Mara, with a heavy heart and a desperate plea for understanding, approached the servants of Alpha Troy's residence. Tears welled up in her eyes as she mustered the courage to ask for a time with the Alpha himself. The servants, aware of Alpha Troy's preference for Mara as Andrew's future wife, recognized her and sympathized with her plight.

One of the servants, a kind-hearted soul, stepped forward and spoke gently to Mara. "I understand your situation, Mara. Alpha Troy has expressed his desire for you to marry Andrew. Please come with me. I will arrange for you to speak with him."

Mara nodded, grateful for the glimmer of hope in the midst of her turmoil. As she followed the servant through the grand halls of the Alpha's residence, her mind raced with a mix of trepidation and determination. She knew that this meeting with Alpha Troy would determine the course of her future and the destiny of her heart.

Finally, they reached the study where Alpha Troy often conducted important meetings. The servant gently knocked on the door and entered, with Mara trailing behind. Alpha Troy, a formidable figure with wise eyes, looked up from his desk and regarded them both with a measured gaze.

"Alpha Troy, I apologize for the intrusion," the servant began respectfully. "But Mara has come seeking an audience with you. She wishes to discuss the matter of her engagement to Sir Andrew."

Alpha Troy's eyes softened as he recognized the distress in Mara's face. "Thank you for bringing her to me. Please leave us."

The servant nodded and exited the room, leaving Mara alone with Alpha Troy. Mara took a deep breath, steadying herself as she prepared to present her case.

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