Years Of Trading Haunted Houses/C14 A Complete Failure
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Years Of Trading Haunted Houses/C14 A Complete Failure
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C14 A Complete Failure

Although it wasn't entirely satisfactory, Third Uncle considered the house issue resolved. It felt as though we had shed a heavy burden from our shoulders, allowing both Third Uncle and me to instantly unwind from our previously taut nerves.

Exhausted, Third Uncle and I sprawled haphazardly on the basement floor and promptly fell asleep without any delay. We slept deeply, barely stirring except for the occasional bathroom break. The mental and physical toll of the past two days was unlike anything I had ever encountered. It wasn't until later that I realized this ordeal paled in comparison to future events.

On the third morning, I was jolted awake by the sound of Third Uncle relieving himself in a pail next to my head, mistaking it for rain in a dream. It was only when I felt the droplets on my face that I realized something was amiss.

Bleary-eyed, Third Uncle finished up and was about to snuggle back into his bedding when I grabbed him, and after some struggle, we both fully awoke.

Stretching, Third Uncle clapped me on the shoulder and suggested, "Let's go, nephew, how about breakfast?"

I replied irritably, "You go enjoy your dough sticks and tofu pudding."

With a sheepish grin, Third Uncle responded, "We'll just make do for now. Afterward, we'll proceed with the Room Cleansing. If all goes well, we'll have the money in seven days, and then we can dine at the finest restaurant in Shenshi."

I gave him a skeptical look. "You make it sound so easy. Even if we've dealt with the house, can you really guarantee a buyer within seven days?"

Third Uncle gestured dismissively, "Relax. Who do you think your Third Uncle is? I've already lined up a buyer. We just need to break the perilous setup, and then signing the contract and getting paid will be quick work."

Seeing Third Uncle brimming with confidence, I remained dubious. Could it be that this time, Third Uncle had actually managed something dependable?

Taking advantage of the morning hours, Third Uncle led me to shop in the nearby counties for items required for the Room Cleansing.

He explained that after neutralizing the perilous setup, an essential step remained: the Room Cleansing. This process, also referred to as purification or enhancing the house's energy, involves various practices known in some regions as fortifying the four or eight corners. The primary goal is to expel the residual negative energy from the house through the Room Cleansing, ensuring that it no longer attracts any unwelcome entities.

Discussing this matter, Third Uncle mentioned that dispelling Yin Qi was essentially a euphemism for removing the lingering spirits from a house. However, speaking openly about such things could easily incite fear, since not everyone believes in the existence of ghosts.

In real life, many people either overlook or fail to grasp the importance of Room Cleansing, which is why there are so many perilous setups. Yet, those versed in Fengshui Arts and the Taoist way are well aware of the Room Cleansing process. Without this knowledge, one simply cannot be considered a competent Fengshui Master or a disciple of Taoism.

Third Uncle gave me a thorough explanation, then chuckled, "But it's fortunate that most people are clueless about Room Cleansing; otherwise, how would we make a living?"

I glanced at Third Uncle, finding his viewpoint somewhat inhumane. After all, the existence of a dangerous house often leads to tragic deaths. But on the flip side, by resolving these perilous setups, we're not only earning money but also aiding the restless spirits to find peace. Perhaps it's not entirely wrong to view it as a charitable act. This thought brought me some comfort.

Third Uncle had prepared an array of items, including the usual rice and grains he needed, along with several bottles of strong liquor, high-proof spirits to be exact. He also gathered red and yellow paper, red cloth, steamed buns, sandalwood incense, brooms, and various other articles.

We spent the morning shopping and finally, with a large bag of supplies in tow, we made it to the desolate tower by noon.

Standing at the entrance of the tower, Third Uncle donned his tattered Taoist robe once more. The grease-stained garment looked like the one he wore when he first pursued the Taoist path, which had since been ripped during a beating from the Liang family. Now, it sported numerous patches, evidence of Third Uncle's repairs.

I couldn't resist commenting, "Third Uncle, is that robe a relic? Couldn't you give it a wash? It smells, don't you think?"

Third Uncle shot me a look, "You're clueless. This robe was handed down to me by my master, imbued with celestial energy. Washing it would strip away that energy. I don't wear it casually. As we proceed with the Room Cleansing, pay attention and learn. Soon enough, you'll be the one taking over this work."

It was the first time I'd heard Third Uncle speak of his master, who seemed quite remarkable. I was eager to ask more questions, but Third Uncle had already opened the door and stepped inside.

I lingered at the doorway, hesitant. The events of that night were still crystal clear in my memory.

Third Uncle looked back and reassured me, "Don't worry. At this time of day, not even ghosts can stir up trouble."

Feeling more at ease, I followed Third Uncle into the house. He instructed me to open all the doors and windows, starting from the first floor and working our way up to the second. We swept the floors clean of debris, including the irreparably damaged puppet, which Third Uncle insisted we had to burn. He also took care of a Bodhisattva statue found in a cabinet, wrapping it in red cloth to be dealt with later.

Next, Third Uncle mixed various grains together in a basin for me to carry, while he filled another basin with water and carried it himself. He plucked a sorghum stalk from the broom to use as a tool.

Starting from the furthest window on the second floor, Third Uncle dipped the sorghum stalk into the water and flicked it outward, chanting, "This house has an owner, I notify all directions. Those who should leave, leave; those who should come, come. The five grains are the sustenance of mortals. The house deity takes its rightful place, and all else must yield..."

At each window, following Third Uncle's water flicking, I was to scatter half of the grains from the basin inside the room and the other half out the window, continuing until we reached the house's entrance.

Finally, Third Uncle placed a compass at the house's heart and set up a modest altar draped in red cloth. He arranged three large bowls lined with red paper and filled them with the grains. Lighting three sticks of Worship Incense and offering food and drink, Third Uncle held the incense aloft, bowed thrice, and proclaimed, "The house deity is present, the incense is respectfully positioned."

Once the incense had burned down, we were ready to leave. As we exited, Third Uncle hung a red cloth on the door frame, signaling the completion of the Room Cleansing. The scattered grains were to remain on the ground for no less than seven days.

After completing the final step, Third Uncle breathed a sigh of relief and mentioned it was time to reach out to the buyer.

Seizing the moment, I inquired, "In the incantation you recited, it mentioned the house god. What exactly is this house god? I've never heard of it before."

With a hint of mystery, Third Uncle whispered, "The house god is actually a ghost. Our Room Cleansing essentially involves expelling external ghosts and settling the domestic ones. These domestic ghosts are what we refer to as the house god. Through Room Cleansing, the house god declares its dominion and warns other spirits that the homeowner is under protection. It's the house ghost's safeguarding presence that ensures the homeowner's peace, free from external hauntings. Hence the saying, 'A house without a ghost leaves its residents restless.'"

Understanding dawned on me. "So, when we resolve the perilous setup, we're essentially banishing the malevolent spirits or eliminating them, then inviting the house ghost back, right?"

"Exactly," Third Uncle commended. "You're quite teachable..."

Mid-conversation, Third Uncle made a call to someone. After a brief chat, he turned to me, beaming with joy, "It's settled. In seven days, once we've removed the grains from the house and signed the contract with the buyer, we'll receive our payment. After deducting Chen Dafa's share, we stand to make a clean profit of five hundred thousand yuan. Just in time for the half-month deadline, we'll have squared things with Boss Wu."

Third Uncle's vision of a bright future was contagious, and I found myself dreaming of our impending windfall. The burden of my debts weighed heavily on me, and the prospect of a debt-free life was tantalizing. "Without debts, one feels light," as the saying goes.

For the first time, the span of seven days felt excruciatingly long, almost as if each day dragged on for a year. During that week, we exhausted the last of Third Uncle's hundred-odd yuan and racked up quite a tab at Guo's snack stand.

Seven days had passed, and Third Uncle quickly pulled out his phone, ready to get in touch with the buyer.

But before he could make the call, an incoming call interrupted him.

Recognizing the number, Third Uncle answered it immediately.

Mid-conversation, I watched as Third Uncle shot up from his chair, his tone shifting dramatically as he became visibly upset.

Sensing trouble, I observed Third Uncle heatedly arguing with the caller, pacing back and forth in the cramped room.

Finally, Third Uncle yelled into the phone, "To hell with you..."

After that outburst, Third Uncle angrily ended the call, nearly throwing the phone in frustration but managing to restrain himself at the last moment.

His face was a picture of fury, dark and stormy.

I tentatively inquired, "Third Uncle, what's wrong?"

Still seething, Third Uncle spat out, "Damn them, those backstabbers, all of them. I've been dealing with scoundrels all my life, and now I've been bitten by one..."

I gently corrected him, "Third Uncle, it's 'beat the geese all year, only to have them peck out your eyes.'"

"It's a dog, he's less than a dog. Do you know who was on the phone? Chen Dafa. That scoundrel heard I'd cleansed the house and now refuses to honor our deal. The price he promised me? Out the window. Can you blame me for being upset? I already had a buyer lined up."

"Third Uncle, didn't you sign a contract with him?"

Third Uncle stamped his foot in frustration. "This was urgent! I didn't overthink it. Who could've guessed he'd renege?"

I offered a wry smile. "Well, we can hardly say we've been wronged by this turn of events."

Our grand plans had burst like soap bubbles, leaving us deflated. We had anticipated many challenges, especially concerning the cleansing of the house, but never this kind of setback.

All our plans hinged on the successful transaction of the house. With this twist, it all evaporated into thin air.

Just then, the door was violently kicked open.

Boss Wu, his face twisted in anger, stormed in with his henchmen. He glanced at us and sneered, "Taoist Lee, the seven days are up. Where's my money?"

Libre Baskerville
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