Your Love, My Poison/C4 Don't Let Me See Your Disgusting Face
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Your Love, My Poison/C4 Don't Let Me See Your Disgusting Face
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C4 Don't Let Me See Your Disgusting Face

She was pleased. I tried my best not to rush forward and slap her.

Back then, in order to gather money to treat my mother, I worked in Entertainment Town. The video of me almost being humiliated was spread to the school and I was almost expelled. After my mother saw the video, she suddenly died of a heart attack. This incident has always been the biggest nightmare in my heart.

So she was the culprit!

"That unlucky mother of yours is really short-lived. I just lightly provoked her and she actually died!" As she spoke, she started to laugh coquettishly.

Finally, I can't take it! Looking at her smiling face, I suddenly stepped forward and pushed her!

"Jiaang Mengjie, go to hell!"

She staggered and shouted. "Help!" She fell backwards and I saw a strange smile on her face.

The moment she fell into the sea, I suddenly realized that I had been tricked.

The cameraman and Tang Yuchen hurried over.

Tang Yuchen raised his hand and slapped me, making me dizzy.

"If Mengjie is in trouble, I will never forgive you!" He glared at me coldly and coldly. After saying that, he jumped into the sea.

Looking at his cold and decisive figure, I fell to the ground and smiled sadly.

Not long after. Jiaang Mengjie was saved by Tang Yuchen. She hid in Tang Yuchen's arms. When she saw me, she immediately revealed a panicked and scared expression, "Even if you're jealous of my husband being young and handsome, you don't need to take my life!"

As she spoke, she threw herself into Tang Yuchen's arms and started crying. "Yuchen, I'm so scared..."

Tang Yuchen looked up at me, his eyes full of disgust and disdain.

I was so excited by his expression that my blood started to surge. He said sarcastically, "Tang Yuchen, you believe in such a childish and vicious trick. I'm afraid you don't know how vicious this woman in your arms is!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped me with his hand, causing my tears to run wild.

"Trick? Ann Xin, I saw you push Mengjie into the sea with my own eyes!"

His angry voice sounded in his ear and he coldly said those words. After that, he carried Jiaang Mengjie and left in large strides.

I was alone and sat on the ground, covering my face with my hands. I laughed until tears flowed down my face.

Yes, I am a greedy woman.

But other than that, the only thing I want is his heart.


After returning, the news that I had a conflict with Jiaang Mengjie on the island and pushed her into the sea spread throughout Tianhong Villa. All the servants in the villa secretly looked at me with strange eyes.

In order to avoid those strange gazes, I locked myself in the house and did not want to go downstairs at all.

Tang Jihong came to my side and held me in his arms. "Xin, I heard what happened on the island. Humph, Yuchen actually dared to hit you. He really doesn't want to live anymore!"

As he spoke, he smiled sinisterly. "Don't worry. It won't be long before I can help you vent your anger."

For some reason, Ever since Tang Jihong said that, I have been restless.

His confident tone made me feel that Tang Yuchen was going to be in danger.

At night, I woke up from my nightmares. Other than the nightmare I often had, I also dreamed of Tang Yuchen being shot and bleeding.

In my dreams, I cried my heart out. When I woke up, I found that my face was full of tears.

Taking advantage of Tang Jihong's absence, I secretly opened the floor and opened the safe next door.

Inside, there was a notebook and a recording pen. It recorded Tang Jihong's plan to expose Tang Yuchen's misappropriation of public funds and his plan to empty the Tang's!

I heard Tang Yuchen's voice in the recording pen. My heart shook, and my mind was in chaos.

Someone came upstairs. In my panic, I pressed the eraser button of the recorder pen, closed the safe, and ran back into the house.

Knowing that it was a servant cleaning, I heaved a sigh of relief. But very quickly, my heart started beating wildly again.

According to Tang Jihong's plan, he planned to let the spies in Tang Yuchen's bodyguard group create chaos on the day of Tang Yuchen's wedding and kill him!

After that, he would find someone to release Tang Yuchen's plan to empty the evidence of Tang's and cause chaos in the board of directors.

If his plan succeeded, Then wouldn't Tang Yuchen...

I didn't dare to think about it anymore, so I quickly sent Tang Jihong's plan to Tang Yuchen.

Although, when I chose to marry Tang Jihong, I knew that Tang Yuchen and I had no future.

But no matter what, I have to protect him thoroughly. It can be considered as a compensation for me failing to live up to my love and failing to live up to his...


The wedding soon arrived.

I am not sure if Tang Yuchen believes the contents of the anonymous letter, but I am still worried. It wasn't until I changed into my bridesmaid outfit and was about to walk out of the changing room that I woke up when I saw Tang Yuchen suddenly break into the room.

He approached me step by step, and I saw a flash of astonishment in his eyes.

"Tang Yuchen, why don't you go find Jiaang Mengjie and come here? She's not here."

I stepped back step by step, but he forced me into a corner. I had nowhere to retreat to.

He grabbed my wrist, and his strength was so great that I almost cried.

"That anonymous letter, was it you who sent it?"

"Letter? What letter?" I shook my head, pretending to be surprised. For that matter, I can't let him know that I care about him. If I involve him again, I really don't know what will happen.

His deep black eyes are staring at me. That deep and faint gaze of expectation makes me lower my eyes guiltily.

My chin was grabbed by him. "Why don't you dare to look at me? The letter was sent by you. Right? "Since you care about me, why did you leave me?!"

He clasped my shoulders and shook me hard. The eagerness in his tone made my nose ache. In order to prevent myself from speaking the truth, I suddenly raised my head and stared at him.

"Tang Yuchen, are you sick? How could I send you a letter?"

Tang Yuchen was stunned. Soon, his face was full of anger.

"Ann Xin, this is the last time I have expectations for you!"

He slammed the door abruptly and left in rage.

The door slammed shut and tears rolled in my eyes several times but did not fall. Because I know that I have more important things to do in a while.

Maybe Tang Yuchen will never know that other than that, he is the most important thing in my heart.

How can I ignore his safety for a moment of happiness?

When the wedding started, Tang Yuchen held Jiaang Mengjie's hand and doted on her.

According to the plan in Tang Jihong's book, he planned to let the killer take action when the bride and groom exchanged the wedding ring.

My heart has always been tense, constantly observing everything around me...

Tang Jihong's greasy fat hands suddenly wrapped around my shoulders and leaned over my ear, "Xin, you are so beautiful today..."

He held me tightly, as if he deliberately did not let me turn his head. I vaguely realized something and wanted to push him away, but I was hugged even tighter by him.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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